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  1. E

    Mod won't update database

    I finally got it to work! Trawled around on the forums until I found a suggestion to delete my civ5suo file, and it finally built! All Icons work and display correctly!
  2. E

    Mod won't update database

    I think I found which format I need to save the .dds in, but each time I try to 'Build' with them in the files, I get the SevenzipSharp error and it doesn't compile. I saved the .dds files in the RGBA8 format this time around. It's damn late, and I'll try for a solution tomorrow.
  3. E

    Mod won't update database

    Since reworked it a lot, barely recognizable from the original. I moved all of the Game text to where it's relevant and it's now displaying the proper names, description, etc. All I'm having problems with now is with the Atlases. Whenever trying to load the Civilization in the Game Setup, or...
  4. E

    Mod won't update database

    I'm having an issue with my mod, I have everything in place correctly, referring to other mods that work just fine. I have the .xml files set to update OnModActivated, yet everytime I can load up the mod fine without crashes, yet whenever I try to select my custom civilization it says that it...
  5. E

    Custom Trait help?

    I might roll it in as the special effect of their Unique Building, in which case! And perhaps come up with something else as their trait. I've already got ideas brewing that will be much easier to put in. Thanks for the advice.
  6. E

    Custom Trait help?

    I'm currently working on adding a custom civilization. I've gotten pretty far, I have all the descriptions, Icons and such in place. I just need to get the Civ's trait working but I've no idea where to start on getting it to work. What I'm looking for is for the empire to benefit from having...
  7. E

    WorldBuilder Scenario. Permanent War help.

    That works for keeping them at war with me and the other two Civ's, but the other two civ's who arn't on Team 2 are stuck as peaceful. The way I'd like it to be is that Team 2 is stuck as being at war with everyone, but the player and other two Civ's will be able to negotiate war and peace...
  8. E

    WorldBuilder Scenario. Permanent War help.

    Up until recently I've really wanted to play around with the Worldbuilder tools, I managed to get them working on steam. I'm currently using a few Custom Civilization mods for a map I'd like to play. The problem I am having is that I cannot find a way to keep Team 2 permanently at war with me...
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