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  1. M

    Sid Meier's Civilization VI announced!

    I hope you are right about this and you might very well be. I am just speculating and saying that from a commercial perspective it isn't really feasible anymore to make games too complex. If you do, you loose the biggest market of gamers: the casuals. They do not have to patience to deal with...
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    Initial Reactions

    I am not excited AT ALL about what I see and read. The new 'features' seem gimicky and just minor changes to what we have in Civ 5. And, what almost everybody agrees upon, the graphics are horrible! But, this all doesn't surprise me in the slightest. The graphics DO say a lot about how this...
  3. M

    Sid Meier's Civilization VI announced!

    I'm pretty sure this will NOT be the type of Civ game most of us are hoping to see. Please be aware that I base this soly on the screenshots and the little information I read about this. And I also base this on my gut feeling and what I have learned to expect from games and triple A companies...
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    What should I expect on King

    I'm currently playing my first game on King and I find it quite easy. Not much different than Prince imho. Starting out was a little tougher and I had to catch up with the AI. But once I settled 3 cities I came up to speed and it's all good. I'm going for a Science victory but I'm already way...
  5. M

    Who is your least favourite AI opponent?

    So the leader that you hate to play against and rather just kill off as soon as possible not matter what your victory plan? For me it has to be Elizabeth. She's such a snobby b!tch! I seriously hate her.
  6. M

    How to tell what victory to expect from the AI

    Thank you. This is helpful :)
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    How to tell what victory to expect from the AI

    I'm pretty sure I will win my current game. I'm not building many wonders, just some select ones for Science I have and I'm comfortably in the lead with science. I just hope I will not be beaten by some other Civ with, specifically, a cultural or diplomatic victory. And I don't want to go to war...
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    How to tell what victory to expect from the AI

    No? I thought that at one point the one who has the most votes for this will automatically become world leader and thus, win. So if I'm not the host or not allied with the majority of the city states, then someone else will have the most votes and win. Isn't it not so?
  9. M

    How to tell what victory to expect from the AI

    Thank you for your reply. I have seen this overview before and it is helpful to know the leader traits in general. But my question was more about one particular game. How can I gauge what Caesar, for example, exactly is aiming for?
  10. M

    How to tell what victory to expect from the AI

    Hi there, I have only recently started learning this game in all seriousness. But I have yet to win a game on King so I guess I'm still a newbie. My question is how to get a feel for what victory type the AI is pursuing. I know some civs are best for science like Babylon and some for...
  11. M

    Getting ahead on prince

    Thanks again for all the tips. I will try them out in my next game.
  12. M

    Getting ahead on prince

    Thanks for the tips guys. I really appreciate it. I will try out the 'no wonders' tip. But what about The Great Library? That seemed to be a good idea as an early wonders as it will boost science early on.
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    Getting ahead on prince

    Hi all, After playing my first few games on easy difficulty (<4) I am now trying to play on prince. I am on a standard pangea map and playing as the Japanese. But I am having a hard time getting ahead of the AI. The AI always gets ahead very quickly on the score and thus - most everything...
  14. M

    Domination victory (but not so fast)

    Thanks for the reply. Appreciate it.
  15. M

    Domination victory (but not so fast)

    Hi everyone! So yes I'm new. New to the forum and quite new to the game. I've played a few games (vanilla) at easy difficulty level to get the hang of it. Now I'm playing at prince and I want to go for a domination victory. However, I don't want to go quite so fast. Now my question is...
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