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  1. P

    What is advantage of spying ?

    I usually use spys to create wars. I am usually in a democracy so I much prefer to have my oppenent declare war on me. At least on Emperor and Diety a failed spy has a good chance of triggering a war (unless you are much stronger or on really good terms.) The flipside to this, is on higher...
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    Capitols & Forbidden Palaces

    I build it as quickly as I can in a city that should have good production. (quick as I can still often means building a temple and marketplace inthe city first so the city will have the productivity to actually complete the silly thing as it grows.) I then move my palace later in the game with...
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    beign a democracy SUCKS

    widdowmaker, your point about not supporting the military doesn't make much sense given that you admit that when you are making 57 gpt in comuinism you are making 406 gpt. So who cares if each piece is deducted sperately if after the fact you have close to 8 times more money. As for...
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    War Help.

    Karlisna, What was the goal of the war? Was it to get iron? Did the city you attacked have iron? Were you out of territory to expand? Were you trying to rob the French of some other luxury or resource? My point is, don't war for the hell of it. Create a goal and then figure out what...
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    What to do about Infantry...

    I don't understand how people conduct warfare without artillery in the industrial age. I can't watch my troops commit mass suicide bouncing off of fortified infantry in a city. These are my people... I do agree with the emperor that artillery become more cumbersome when you get MA (or if...
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    Technology Trading Strategies

    I second Scyphax,Gothmog & Amask. For Amask's list I would add polythesims, mathamatics & currency to the ancient age list. In industrial sanitation is easy to get first. In modern, the AI seems to go downt he middle, leaving you the top & bottom trees. Even if you really want...
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    think musketeers suck? roflol silly llamas, think again!

    anarres, they work well for me on emperor. I've played 2 emperor games, both have gone smoothly with my musketeers triggering the GA that put me in a position where all I had to do was not fall on my face to win. My next will be diety. I'll let you know how it goes. They haven't failed me...
  8. P

    Do your civ games follow this pattern?

    Hecose, My pattern is pretty similar. I play as the French and their traits are especially suited for later stages of the game. My philosophy is it I survive the ancient ages, then I'm set. I play emperor and surviving really isn't that hard. You just can't get depressed because you are...
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    think musketeers suck? roflol silly llamas, think again!

    Yeah, I have to defend the muskateers as well. They are great defenders because they have enough offensive power to wipe up the units that bounce off of them when attacking. They can withstand the attack of a knight, longbowman or swordsmen and then clear out the wounded ones when your turn...
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    Tips to win the space race

    I second the tech give away strategy with a few modifications. Like a few have mentioned you do want tech parity so that the AI will actually research some things that you don't know yet so that you can trade another tech for it. This will accelerate the tech race. The only modification I...
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    Agreed Renata. It can bite you in the ass. But at least you can decide if you want to lose the monopoly or not. I've had cities go into disorder because I lost a luxury in between turns. Before I could renogotiate the trade happiness was calculated and half my production zapped out on me...
  12. P

    Do you build your Capital City at 4000 BC?

    I'd agree with cracked crystals breakdown: "I will never move more than two spaces before settling. my breakdown is about 60% at starting, 35% one space away, and 5% two spaces away." I'll move my worker to the square it will most likely work first. I will then move my capital to get it on...
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    warlord help (again)

    I've got to second Tassadar on techs. On Warlord, the AI sucks on tech. Research your own and get rich selling it to everybody else. As for expanding, until you have every last inch of space claimed, just breed. Pump out the settlers and workers. forget everything else. OK, maybe a...
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    Yeah, I'm glad I found the automatically renogotiate after 20 feature. It has helped me improve a lot of deals and end ones that needed to be ended.
  15. P

    Army or Adam Smith's?

    Dave, your calculation assumes the only reason to use the leader to make the army is to get the heroic epic. It does not assign any value to the army you create or the ability to make more. Personally I fall in the middle of the road on armies but I think they need to be assinged some sort of...
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    Gracious Bastage

    Beamup. Your scenario makes absolutely no sense. I've never seen anyone vote for somebody they are at war with. In the game did you conduct RoP rape & sneak attacks and broken deals? Also, did you try reloading and seeing if bribes or anything else affected it? Before anybody flames me...
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    Emperor Loss

    I would recommend trying an easier level and practising your trading. In my opinion you can't survive on empreor without at least basic trading skills and your questions about luxuries suggests that this is not an area you have explored much. Those 6 extra luxuries that you aren't using should...
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    Army or Adam Smith's?

    Personally, I consider Smith's a valuable wonder but not a must have so I would make the army and switch to shakespear's if I were going for a conquest victory. It isn't because that army will be so valuable in itself, but it gives you the ability to make more without a leader. As I am not a...
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    Gracious Bastage

    Nurimax, I am loath to sign MPPs, they ruin your rep in the long run. If it fails for you, getting the UN vote the next time will be twice as hard because you have probably been draggged into a war and broken trade deals. Cromagnon, I released I screwed up with Germany. Didn't think they...
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    Gracious Bastage

    I'm playing my first game on Emperor and decided to angle for a diplomatic victory and hit a minor snafu that really surprised me. I was wondering if anybody else has had this happen to them. Let me give you some back ground. I was able to get the ToE, which slingshot me into the tech lead...
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