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  1. Dr Alimentado

    British troops arrested in Basra!

    reported on both bbc and channel4 news, this is from the bbc news website On the TV reports it was suggested they had shot an iraqi policeman, and that when arrested they refused to disclose their mission saying 'you have to ask our commanders'... hmm, quite a scew-up I would say. I hope...
  2. Dr Alimentado

    question on C3C scenario paths

    Can anyone here give me any info on what order C3C searches the scenario paths in the bix? In PTW if you put "MyMod" then the game would look in PTW\Scenarios\MyMod\ for the artwork etc. Similarly "..\Extras\Medieval Japan" would step back and look in the PTW directory for the folder(s)...
  3. Dr Alimentado

    MapTweaker Utility (beta) - Copy/Paste/Resize Bix Files!

    [Edit 18/01/04: version 0.9b added] This is an early beta of my MapTweaking Utility. It currently does copy/paste (within a map or between maps), map resizing, map 'nudging', and has an analyser tool (plus tile properties dialog etc.) It's pretty rough round the edges at the moment, it only...
  4. Dr Alimentado

    Scoop on next patch!

    Hey Civ fans, guess what? I got a PM from Jeff Foley of Atari (sr. brand manager) regarding the policy for the next patch release :) This was in response to my message to Firaxis posted in the expansion thread. Jeff states that patch's are sometimes held up by 'various scheduling issues'...
  5. Dr Alimentado

    "High-Visibility Low-Clutter" resources.pcx

    This is a small mod I have made for the resources.pcx. [ok, mistakes fixed, only outlined version posted as it's better than the orig version I did] Outlines Preview: grab it here: Please note, only the 'bonus indicators' icons are mine, and I got the...
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