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  1. Krajzen

    Speed of Civ IV, V, VI, VII... A descending trend?

    As always it is worth noting that Humankind, which has more beautiful graphics than civ6 and a comparable scale, has infinitely shorter turn loading times as it doesn't have 1UPT and every AI doesn't have to move dozens of units every turn and resolve their individual traffic jams :) (for...
  2. Krajzen

    When will they announce Civilization 7?

    Even if they said the game is a year away (which would be extremely long for Firaxis standards) and gave bare minimum information, I'd still be happy - I think it says a lot that even these forums have completely lost willingness to speculate about civ7 while having nothing tangible at all :p...
  3. Krajzen

    Nato vs Russia Mod

    Idk where are you from, but here in Eastern Europe we don't find this topic of "a ton of people dying right now" very entertaining, hence nobody sane from the region really wants to make a fun hobby game about "oh god for real hundreds of thousands of people are killed and wounded and millions...
  4. Krajzen

    PCGamer: A new physics paper suggests that we may all be living in the ultimate 4X strategy game after all

    Admittedly I am not a physicist, but I have never liked simulation theory for the same reason I don't like multiverse/alternate universe theory and its traction in popculture: an enormously gigantic claim, which would require a lot to even make it viable hypothesis, and doesn't actually explain...
  5. Krajzen

    Where is everyone?

    Feelings are an anchor for storytelling. Make me emotionally attached to something in a video game, and I shall tell myself a story, if there is nothing else to work with; and for many people video games are richer this way. Apparently it works even for 4X strategy games, since the main...
  6. Krajzen

    Where is everyone?

    I thought the inability to clear forests until the information age is baffling, but then the reviewer described how Knowledge, Education and Specialists are three entirely different things. So you can have the most educated city in the world but lack engineers, or be scientifically advanced but...
  7. Krajzen

    Little things you'd like to see in Civilization VII

    Separate war and peace themes. It's so jarring to have a joyful dancing tune in the middle of ww2. The endgame civs being divided between three ideologies like in civ5 (capitalism, communism and fascism), and said ideological divide naturally generating interesting endgame by breaking old...
  8. Krajzen

    Is Civilization VII coming or not?

    Nobody knows anything, though I assume progress must be significant ;) I really hope for the announcement this spring and release this autumn - another year of delay would be miserable
  9. Krajzen

    What should the Civ VII political system be like?

    Civ5 had super awesome idea with stark divide between three ideologies of Freedom, Order and Autocracy (which imo should be named Liberty, Egality, Fraternity instead - just look how based that sounds), which were obligatory choice and generated a lot of interesting endgame friction, activating...
  10. Krajzen

    Replace Future Era with Apocalypse Era

    I am partial to the "Social Media" technology which, when you look at its effects in the tech tree, it says it offers bonuses to happiness, stability, science and culture, and has an inspiring optimistic tech quote about global village, but actually after researching it introduces exponentially...
  11. Krajzen

    Next Civilization game and it's competition

    Sid Meier's Civilization has really nailed one thing which no other 4X competitor did, namely the Soul. It is damn easy to create a 4X game which feels to play like an Excel spreadsheet, or a board game, or "just" an OK game for a few evenings. It is much harder with this genre to evoke the...
  12. Krajzen

    Team Victories, or Why does history have to be a solo sport?

    I agree with everything you said. Every "end of history" is utterly arbitraly and for me kinda immersion breaking. I play those games to simulate an interesting alternate history, and build a powerful empire in them, not to race to the finish of some imaginary line. All notions of economic, or...
  13. Krajzen

    Features that Civ 7 Could Do Without

    The only espionage system I have ever truly enjoyed in any strategy game I've ever played was in Civ5 - not in spite of but because the espionage here is abstracted and minimalised. Here spies are managed through a separate screen, they are not physical entities on the map - and that's great...
  14. Krajzen

    Terrible Ideas

    I kinda want to hear this now, eslecially accordion - based Civ soundtrack
  15. Krajzen

    IGN: 2K Reveals Civilization Mobile Game, Moves to Calm Concern It May Impact Civilization 7

    Btw does anyone else think that "Eras & Allies" is amazingly lame title even for (almost certainly low quality) mobile game? It's just such bland, generic sack of wet noodles, not invoking any emotions whatsoever. It sounds lame even next to ten thousand derivative "Age of Something" video...
  16. Krajzen

    Age of Abundance Discussion Thread

    I honestly thought this is the announcement of yet another historical 4X game, called the 'Age of Abundance' :p
  17. Krajzen

    Little things you'd like to see in Civilization VII

    I'd just want to see proper 'statistics' panel with a lot of fun rankings and graphs... Civs ranked by area, income, production, all yields, yields to citizen ratio (so you can see their 'productivity'), citizens to land area ratio ('pop density'), yields to land area ratio... Size of military...
  18. Krajzen

    Civ Ideas & Suggestions Not-Worth-Their-Own-Thread

    I'd love to regularly see Austria in Civ series as a civ, somehow. Yeah I know I know, it's basically German civ 2.0 (with the country just barely not ending up united with Germany, as Austrians are essentially Germans) and we have too many Western civs etc. Still - Vienna, Habsburg dynasty and...
  19. Krajzen

    Terrible Ideas

    On a sidenote, it's hard for me to imagine more underwhelming national monument :p
  20. Krajzen

    Terrible Ideas

    This sounds weirdly amazing, I could enjoy playing some hardcore strategy game where the UI itself is part of the puzzle, you have to struggle to have the clear line of communication and control over your empire and what's actually happening in the field. The player exists as a physical entity...
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