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  1. f1rpo


    (The download button should be on the upper right.) I've named the mod "Taurus", a synonym of "bull," because it's essentially an update of the BULL mod – but one that the original BUG-BULL team has no responsibility for and that isn't bound to follow all the same conventions. Contents Taurus...
  2. f1rpo

    Shrinking resource bubbles by modifying the EXE

    I've found the four places in the code section of the EXE where the size of the plot indicators ("bubbles") is hardcoded. Those values aren't unreasonable, the real problem is that the EXE increases them based on the screen height. I've located some code in that vein in the debugger, but I'm not...
  3. f1rpo

    True Starts option (work in progress for v1.05)

    I've been working on a game option that chooses civs based on the starting tiles and their surroundings for all players whose civ was set to "Random" during game setup. Screenshots attached (9 in one big jpeg), and the current state of AdvCiv 1.05 with this option included can be downloaded from...
  4. f1rpo

    Replacing the Custom Game screen (proof of concept)

    Since the potential for modifying the Custom Game screen is very limited, I've written a mod component that overlays the Custom Game screen with this (so far) mostly blank replacement: The code, along with a compiled DLL, is available on GitHub. A playable version can be extracted from the ZIP...
  5. f1rpo

    Code changes by (un-)official patches, expansions on GitHub

    To document the C++, Python and XML changes made by Firaxis between the release of the Civ 4 base game in 2005 and the final BtS patch in 2009 – and the contributions of modders through unofficial patches and the Better AI mod –, I've committed the relevant files in a chronological order to a...
  6. f1rpo

    Rescaling resource bubbles through shader?

    I've come to realize that modders have access to the source files of the Direct3D shaders used by BtS, in particular a shader named PlotIndicator.fx. Now I'm wondering if this shader could be modified in a way that shrinks the plot indicators. The scaling of the plot indicators, especially...
  7. f1rpo

    New algorithm for starting positions (upcoming in v0.98)

    I was going to post this as a reply to @crullerdonut's game report Isle of Isabella. Then this idea about having multiple threads sunk in a bit further and ... here we are. The balance of starting positions is the main thing I've been working on (mostly finished now) for the next version. As an...
  8. f1rpo

    Download & Info

    The download button should be on the upper right. :c5faith: Please see the Overview tab for installation instructions and screenshots and the AdvCiv thread in the Modpacks forum for some other basic info. That thread can also be used for feedback and discussion, but there's also this whole...
  9. f1rpo

    Class for fixed-point arithmetic

    I've written a small class for fixed-point arithmetic that I wanted to share. At least as a basis for discussion – maybe we can collaboratively come up with something better. Edit (20 May): latest version -- pretty much(?) ready for inclusion in other mods...
  10. f1rpo

    Advanced Civ

    There's a download link on the database page, about 10 MB. The archive does not include the manual and source code, which are hosted on GitHub. For feeback and discussion, please feel free to use either the (more recently) created subforum or this thread. AdvCiv is primarily an AI mod building...
  11. f1rpo

    createBarbarianCities - bugs

    I came across two issues with the placement of barbarian cities that I'd like to point out to fellow modders. Also: Does any mod fix these already (perhaps in a smarter way)? K-Mod essentially doesn't change CvGame::createBarbarianCities. 1) When evaluating city plots, the function starts...
  12. f1rpo

    Advanced Rivals (BtS 3.19)

    I've now integrated Advanced Rivals into my Advanced Civ modpack; Advanced Rivals is no longer updated. The Advanced Rivals mod * handicaps the (single) human player by giving the AI civs Advanced Starts; * turns off most of the other player handicaps through a custom difficulty setting; *...
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