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  1. M

    [BNW] How to stop AI spying?

    The only way to prevent tech steals is to place a spy in your capital to kill the other spies. Even that is not 100% effective. There are also buildings like the constabulary and police station to reduce the AI chances of stealing techs.
  2. M

    TSG 147 After Actions Report

    Wow, this one was frustrating. I felt like I really got my science and economy booming, but with 3 turns to go on my last spaceship part Dido won a Diplomatic Victory. She only needed 10 votes! I think the biggest mistake I made was settling an unnecessary fifth city. Second to that was going...
  3. M

    Terrain Texture Enhancement 2k

    I also can't find the links. Maybe they got lost in switching servers?
  4. M

    [BNW] Research Agreements (BNW)

    Two questions... First: To sum up, in BNW if you are equal or behind in tech, an RA gives you 5 extra turns worth of science in exchange for gold. Second, Is this typical? In a recent Prince BNW game I was tech leader, but other civs would offer an RA that wanted me to kick in extra gold or...
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