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  1. Promethian

    Civ's unique district now "count"?

    I wonder if there are any that still don't count considering the wording of the patch note but that is more than likely just incompetence on the part of whoever wrote the note. It seems to me not taking up a district slot would be an excellent bonus to give to a unique district and would help...
  2. Promethian

    Monty and his Eagle-Warriors...

    With the patch Monty is indirectly buffed. With industrial overlap gone but district costs the same his ability to burn worker charges on district set up is more valuable.
  3. Promethian

    Food, how much do you need?

    I'm not sure anybody has actually done the math because growth is almost never bottlenecked by food. Housing remains the primary growth bottleneck and remains that way until your tech is so high that you have super farms and thus food is no longer an issue as well.
  4. Promethian

    Not allowed to establish trade route?

    If you send a trade route to Nikados when the route finishes you'll have a trading post there. Then a trade route will be able to pass through and refresh its range to reach Lisbon.
  5. Promethian

    Purpose of Air Units

    Air attacks are effectively free attacks if your opponent doesnt also invest to counter you. Air also allows you to project more force in a smaller area in the 1upt environment.
  6. Promethian

    Are these units really useless?

    Close. That promotion increases the bonus which is unfortunately far weaker than the wording of the promotion implies.
  7. Promethian

    Are these units really useless?

    Did you mod out 1upt? I can think of a great deal of situations where a medic, which moves on a different layer than military units, is worth more to me than another unit.
  8. Promethian

    Monty and his Eagle-Warriors...

    They need to let melee and anti-cav units move according to the old rules. Cav with their 3 moves would still be better but not by such a large margin that melee are near useless.
  9. Promethian

    Monty and his Eagle-Warriors...

    Eagle Warriors aren't meant to be a long term bonus. The ability to put worker charges into districts, more amenities from luxuries and combat power from luxuries are excellent bonuses that you can rely on for the entire game.
  10. Promethian

    Great wall explained - better than crap after all.

    It seems to me to be great for tiles that can't normally be improved, like tundra or desert and merely ok otherwise. The problem is if I can put farms there, I want that food and housing so I can grow the city bigger and get a higher district cap. China can make one of the absolute best Petra...
  11. Promethian


    Privateer isn't a melee ship. Its the early tech version of a submarine and upgrades into subs.
  12. Promethian

    District citizen slits need a boost

    Instead of buffing specialists directly I think it would be more interesting to give us policies that make them really strong. I made a thread about it in the suggestion forum.
  13. Promethian

    Favorite City States?

    It is one Eureka. If you keep Suzerain is at most what 5 over the course of an entire game? And the likelihood that its lands on a tech that you were get the Eureka for anyways? Pretty darn high. The only suzerain bonus weaker than 1 Eureka per era is Jerusalem. You will have better places to...
  14. Promethian

    Wonder Tourism

    Already figured out. Wonders increase in tourism output for each age beyond the one they are built in. So with your Oracle example you probably advanced 3 ages since the time you built it.
  15. Promethian

    Specialist Policies

    Currently each building we make in a specialist district allows a pop to work the district, up to a total of 3 per district. This mechanic is currently unfortunately weak. I bet most people don't even notice this is possible and the rest really only do it in edge cases to maximize production or...
  16. Promethian

    Is tall vs wide even still a thing...?

    Don't forget each district can be worked by up to 3 pops as specialists.
  17. Promethian

    Is tall vs wide even still a thing...?

    The concepts of Tall and Wide do not apply to the game titled Civilization 6.
  18. Promethian

    City Spacing

    All the overlap. The big factor is industrial districts. The factory and power plant buildings give their production to every city within 6 tiles of the district and it stacks. This adds up a lot. If you don't have at least one cluster of cities 4 or more strong in which all their industrial...
  19. Promethian

    Favorite City States?

    Favorite type of city state is commercial. Commercial district is the most built district for me and no matter what strategy I am going for I will have a commercial district in every city. The bonus coin thus really adds up and you can use it to get almost everything. Favorite suzerain bonus is...
  20. Promethian

    Kongo is OP!

    Not the key but they definitely do good work. You get the same culture and tourism from themed Great Works of Art but its much harder to theme them. Also religious relics in your holy cities can contribute quite a bit however its iffy if pursuing them is worthwhile unless you have discounted...
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