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  1. P

    Exodus Gate Bug!!!

    oh wow, thanks... I didn't see the little 'spawn colonist' button... dang, i just lost to someone else who built emancipation gate. Oh well... thanks for the clue on that and yes, I wish they would make it more evident what you have to do.
  2. P

    Exodus Gate Bug!!!

    I went to war with Kavitha because she had started building exodus gate, and i didn't want her to win. I captured her city and the territory surrounding the gate but it still completed somehow, and it started popping out earthlings. By this point I had already started building my own exodus...
  3. P

    How to stop other factions from attack stations I trade with

    This is one of the biggest shortcomings in the game so far in my opinion (although overall, I love the game... just need to fix a few things). I was allied with KAvithan Protectorate (KP) and they attacked the station I had a trade route with... there was no way to ask them to not do that...
  4. P

    Change the city screen UI

    Agree completely with you Magma... if it aint broke, dont fix it.
  5. P

    My top three wishes

    I made a similar list of top 3 recommended changes: - 1) Have some sort of advisor menu or demographics page as in civ 5. Sure, the military advisor in Civ 5 gave dumb advice, but at least he gave you a clue as to how you stack up numbers wise against a rival (I.E., "the french military is...
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