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  1. O

    Things you expect to see in DLCs

    a fourth affinity!
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    Patch date?

    Agreed. I think the Aegis and Carvr are a little under powered. Also think the rocktopus could do more damage since its so slow and becomes a stationary orbital unit.
  3. O

    Patch date?

    what unit strength you guys and girls think should be changed?
  4. O

    Patch date?

    November 23rd, 2018
  5. O

    Games end too soon?

    Raising the affinity requirement to build planetary wonders Under XML\GameInfo\CivBEProjects.xml Code: <Project_AffinityPrereqs> <Row> <ProjectType>PROJECT_MIND_FLOWER</ProjectType> <AffinityType>AFFINITY_TYPE_HARMONY</AffinityType> <Level>13</Level> </Row> <Row>...
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    Starting Locations

    Spam military units and keep the pressure on him/her until you get missile rovers then start taking cities.:king:
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    Mods more taxing on your comp?

    Seems like my comp is using more power and is more taxing when I use mods. Maybe because they are not optimized? :crazyeye:
  8. O

    Let me just say I love planet carvers

    Agreed. I don't believe it is a glitch. If you have a weaker Military they see no reason to make peace until they have taken a significant amount of your territory. I like it; It makes it more realistic and forces you to build defenses and military or risk being crushed. :cry:
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    Tacnet Implementation Problems

    On Apollo I've seen numerous planet carvers defending the AI. One of the more impressive actions the AI takes. But yes it's annoying having to shoot down 100 solar collectors.
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    How to make games last longer?

    The game ends way to early for me (usually around 250t Apollo). I barely get a chance to use my late game techs/units. I think the longest victory would be total domination however I like playing with peaceful victories sometimes. Any idea how to make victories last longer such as game speed...
  11. O

    Games end too soon?

    Does the game speed make a difference on how long it takes the AI to achieve peaceful victory? I never get to use my late game units/techs :(
  12. O

    Rant: Who won and why?

    After the game you can look at past games and see who won.
  13. O

    How does the game choose expansion tiles? Desert Hills, dammit!

    One does not simply choose which tile he wants to expand.
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    Multiplayer Info

    I haven't been able to play one game. Crashed after 1 turn. I have a good comp, fast internet.
  15. O

    An update from Firaxis Games regarding Beyond Earth feedback

    DIPLOMACY plzz. - Global politics/relationships so we can see who's at war with who. - Yell at AI for spreading miasma or attacking stations or launching sats. - Might be just me but when I get them to declare war on others they just move their troops around and never attack.
  16. O

    Let's talk about how bad multiplayer is right now...

    I tried to find a match on multiplayer and there were 5-7 games available. The game is brand new and I feel like more people are playing (like 10-20k) then what I see in the lobby. Am i missing something?
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