• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

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  1. G

    [BNW] Super Power: Clash of Civilizations - A fully upgraded version of SuperPower

    I want a Civ 6 version, because I think the concepts would translate over very well and make Civ 6 a very good game.
  2. G


    This was something I did to make Civ 5 load very large maps on turn 1200+ where every single tile had been developed and most farms were no longer visible. I can totally see it being a solution in Civ 6 too.
  3. G

    Super Power Modpack - Total Conversion

    A new mod, taking it to the next level was developed: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/super-power-clash-of-civilizations-a-fully-upgraded-version-of-superpower.600101/
  4. G

    [BNW] Super Power: Clash of Civilizations - A fully upgraded version of SuperPower

    Bug report: Monarchy policy in Tradition doesn't appear to work. I had 87 unhappiness from population before choosing it, the next turn, after it should have come into effect, I still had 87 unhappiness from population and my happiness did not go up.
  5. G

    [BNW] Super Power: Clash of Civilizations - A fully upgraded version of SuperPower

    I'm loving this mod, Carries are a lot of fun to play with. I can't seem to build Apollo Program though. Do I need a science victory enabled for Apollo Program and satellites?
  6. G

    Can't clear select city production prompt

    If anyone is reading this thread at this point, you can fix this problem with IGE. If you know what city it is causing the problem, go into IGE, select the city and use the Capture function and choose production for the city. You can then either switch to the other leader and capture it for...
  7. G

    City Planning Mode

    After clearing the cache, it briefly showed the highlights, then crashed, instead of crashing when pressing 'x'. However, it was very late game on a huge map, and I think it crashed from the VRAM problems Civ5 has in those scenarios. And indeed, after starting a new game, it works perfectly...
  8. G

    City Planning Mode

    This instantly crashes when you press 'x' with Super Power mod without any modifications to it. Super Power uses a city radius of 5, which should be what GameDefines.CITY_PLOTS_RADIUS is. Should I try manually setting it to 5?
  9. G

    DLL - Various Mod Components

    Is it possible to fix via dll the technology cost integer overflow? When the cost of a tech goes over 2^31/1000, it costs a negative amount and is researched instantly.
  10. G

    What Mods would you most WANT to have?

    -RAS -IGE -Reseed -RED -Emigration -PerfectWorld3 -A complete overhaul mod like Super Powers after a while to change the game experience
  11. G

    Your greatest fears

    My greatest fear is modability. I enjoy Super Powers mod far more than base Civ5, and the new features added in Civ6 would only made it even better. Especially with unpacked cities, having 5 radius cities with a minimum distance of 4 on huge maps with an incredibly slow research pace so I can...
  12. G

    Planet Simulator

    There is no Terra. If you're choosing Terra from the map dropdown, you're not playing with this map script, you're playing on the official Terra. You have to choose Planet Simulator from the map dropdown.
  13. G

    Game speed - I want to enjoy every era!

    I did a similar thing, though ran into science overflow problems in the atomic era (or earlier sometimes!) when the AI owned 30+ cities and the science cost per tech went to a negative number, causing the game to be unfun when they instantly hit full tech. Hopefully no more 32-bit ints for...
  14. G

    Super Power Modpack - Total Conversion

    The problem was caused by unusual monitor resolutions. Try setting your monitor to a standard resolution or playing in windowed mode.
  15. G

    Really Advanced Setup

    Would it be possible to have RAS edit and save your Leader Name, Civilization Name, etc...?
  16. G

    Super Power Modpack - Total Conversion

    Get it from the Steam Workshop and make sure it gets updated in game, and you should be good to go. If you can't do it that way, change your monitor resolution to a standard resolution, as apparently the scrolling issue is caused by non-standard monitor resolutions.
  17. G

    Super Power Modpack - Total Conversion

    Could the research speed on Marathon be slowed down even more? As a metric, I and the A.I are usually finishing the tech tree in the early 1600s. This is on large maps, so that will contribute to it, but the important part is the early game experience; to have huge epic battles throughout the...
  18. G

    Super Power Modpack - Total Conversion

    This is a fix [read: prevention] to the save error: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=13760951&postcount=515 It's not caused by mods directly, it's something with the game's way of loading and unloading mods.
  19. G

    Super Power Modpack - Total Conversion

    This is a case of your video card not having enough RAM. The occasional cities won't load, then later in the game, farm graphics won't load. I believe this is from inefficient texture loading and mapping, as there's no reason modern video cards couldn't load and map every tile, but it seems...
  20. G

    Super Power Modpack - Total Conversion

    On Marathon speed, Future Tech requires -211,875 science to complete, causing you to get 2 future techs per turn.
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