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  1. sirati97

    C3X: EXE Mod including Bug Fixes, Stack Bombard, and Much More

    i guess it might just make sense for force this behaviour. not allow for freely setting the railroad setting but instead only multiples of rail movement. we have this engine limitation and mod users should not be enticed to acidentally select engine breaking settings.
  2. sirati97

    C3X: EXE Mod including Bug Fixes, Stack Bombard, and Much More

    is this bug also on the list?
  3. sirati97

    C3X: EXE Mod including Bug Fixes, Stack Bombard, and Much More

    yes, i have also already starred the c3x repo
  4. sirati97

    C3X: EXE Mod including Bug Fixes, Stack Bombard, and Much More

    Where do we want to communicate? if you have telegram feel to add me there
  5. sirati97

    Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

    does anyone have a backup of this they can upload? the original and well as Node60's mirror link are broken
  6. sirati97

    C3X: EXE Mod including Bug Fixes, Stack Bombard, and Much More

    i really like that if you could make it happened. regarding the ai. the only problem i see here is that it would usually destroy roads if it does not attack with a unit I have also being playing with the artillery fix on and i can say that the AI can be frighteningly effective if it approaches...
  7. sirati97

    C3X: EXE Mod including Bug Fixes, Stack Bombard, and Much More

    I have two requests: 1. allow road/railroad usage if hostile territory if there is a fortified unit on that tile. 2. make the stacked buttons work in multiplayer. i nearly only play civ3 in MP with friends
  8. sirati97

    C3MT - Civ3MultiTool (Second CFC Thread)

    Hello everyone, i have used Process Monitor to analyse why C3MT is crashing on my device: It turns out the updating mechanism tried to read the following registry keys: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Gramphos\C3MT#CheckExpire...
  9. sirati97

    C3X: EXE Mod including Bug Fixes, Stack Bombard, and Much More

    Just a couple things I have been playing around with that currently do not work: 1. You cannot combine only foot units and only aircraft tags -> i added drones (weak multi attack aircraft without rebase capabilities) and set them as food units. i then added a land based carrier unit with both...
  10. sirati97

    [C3C] Conquests of Might and Magic III (CoMM3 Epic)

    when i try to download this MEGA says the files were removed
  11. sirati97

    C3MT - Civ3MultiTool (Second CFC Thread)

    Anyone knows the exact steps for running it on Windows 10 v909? I installed it and just get the following in the log [start omitted] STARTUP: Running on Windows 6.2 STARTUP: FAIL: (0) i already tried all different compatibility settings.
  12. sirati97

    Need testers for new editor

    The is no reason why it would not work. also try this editor:
  13. sirati97

    Need testers for new editor

    I think eras are hard coded into civ, so its impossible
  14. sirati97

    City limits

    oh sure. I smehow assumed it has something to do with the main menu which is also broken for me
  15. sirati97

    YnAMP - Development thread

    Haha sure. How silly of me to assume. I have played amap of the second biggest setting with this mod and others. After the last update of civilisation the save does not load anymore, but crashed civ. It does not work with the old versions of the mod or the new ones
  16. sirati97

    Cracked Civ3ConquestsEdit - v1.22

    If anyone still had this please send me a copy.
  17. sirati97

    Need testers for new editor

    Hey! I really hope you are still maintaining this. My dad and I are huge civ fans and I made him a really hard scenario. It went through different third party editors, so it my be that contains some hacks stuff. Also i am to lazy to add new ped. entries so I just link existing once. When I try...
  18. sirati97

    YnAMP - Development thread

    I played a big map on the decomber update. it does crash now. what can i do?
  19. sirati97

    50 Turn Counterspy

    I have used it for a while now and it works perfectly!
  20. sirati97

    Civilization 6: Republic of Turkey

    That might be, but I am a very competitive multiplayer player and we use mods to make civ6 even more balanced as it already is. Your civs bonies are too good for being able to use it in one of our games.
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