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  1. K

    What's happening with search option?

    Hello. i will like to know, if possible, why is the "search" option for the forum not working during the last days?.
  2. K

    Statics Leaderheads : Rabin and Bolivar

    Hello. This are leaderheads that i made it. They're statics photos. They are : Simon Bolivar, "El Libertador". Prime Minister Yitzkah Rabin of Israel While Rabin is Israel's prime minister that best aproach to peace talks did, Bolivar was the leader of the independist movement that gave...
  3. K

    Historical events Wonders : exclusive or for everybody?

    Hello. I'm doing this research to find out what will most of you civfans around would prefer. I'm working on a alterned version of terkturhan mod....on wich, besides changes on the tec tree, civs, etc...i'm thinking about including at least one wonder that reflects an historical event of each...
  4. K

    How do i create icons for the tec tree?

    Hello. i've been trying to create an icon for a new tech, but i cant make it appear. I know how to do the pediaicon stuff and the civeditor stuffs for new technology. What i need to know is how to make both image (large and small) to look correctly on the game, because äll i get is a black box...
  5. K

    Please. Leaderhead Request : Yitzkah Rabin

    Hello. I have been playing Civ3 for a while, and i started to visit this forum for like a month. I really like civ3, and i prefer to play on real-world maps. Recently, i started to work on modifications to see if i could improve a map. I wold like to have some civilizations on it that i...
  6. K

    Some ideas for Civilizations and leaders

    Hello. I been using Civ3 for a while, and have been thinking about some ideas for new nations and leaders. I wan to post them to see if someone likes it, since i'm not good using paint programs, therefore is dificult to make the leadreheads. anyway, some of the nations or civilizations that i...
  7. K

    Please some help.

    Hello. I need some help on this : I replaced French leaderhead (Joan) for the Napoleon one, but i also want to change the dialogues so when i make contact with the french, Napoleon speak on a more Napoleonic way. But i'm not sure how to do it. Coul somebody please help me? Also, i want to...
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