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  1. OldManBrian

    MapGen 1 Civ per Continent / Island?

    Anybody figure out a way to do this? I want to make the continent and island maps spawn civs by themselves.
  2. OldManBrian

    GAME SEEDS - How do we find it once we create the map.

    I figured out how to get it, but you have to know how to hex edit:
  3. OldManBrian

    Found Map Seed For Existing Saves! [HEX EDITING]

    You have to break out a Hex Editor to convert it. I figured out the MAP seed is always EXACTLY 197 bytes after 'StandardMaps', which is around 2bc0 It's 4 bytes for the map seed, then another 4 bytes for something else, then the 9th byte is always '03' for some reason. Look for this: Map...
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