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  1. Oblivionyx

    Prussian UHV, 1700 AD

    I've been trying to figure how to conquer most of Europe in such a short time, and here's what I've observed so far: Russia is willing to be bribed into several wars at once. For a short period of time, Stockholm is only defended by 4 Bombards. (!!!) Sweden likes to conquer Norway around the...
  2. Oblivionyx

    RFC Dawn of Civilization: Empire of Islam

    Hello, and welcome to my first Civ story! As you can tell from the title, I am playing the RFC Dawn of Civilization mod by Leoreth, which is a modmod of Rhye's and Fall of Civilization. In this story, I will be attempting to achieve Arabia's Historical Victory. The Historical Victory is a...
  3. Oblivionyx

    Help with Japan UHV

    More specifically, the conquest goal. Now the culture goal is no problem; I settle only Kyoto and culture bomb it to 6000, then send settlers to Manchuria and the rest of Japan. Afterwards, I beeline Firearms, make a SoD, and conquer Korea and China. But I start collapsing around the time I...
  4. Oblivionyx

    Increasing Civ Limit

    Is there a way to increase the civ limit in a game from 18? I've seen some patches that do it, but when I download them, the game just stops working...
  5. Oblivionyx

    Change City Bar Color

    When the player plays with a civ, the city bar's color is white... But when the AI plays, it's the same as the civilization's color... I want to change the player color from the boring white to the civ's theme color, just like the AI. I know it's possible, I just don't know how. :( Can...
  6. Oblivionyx

    Custom Colors for Dotmap

    Is there a way to add custom colors to the dotmap in BUG? I changed the colors of some civs with custom colors, and I wanted to do the same to the dotmap. I found the "Strategy Overlay" file that defines opacity/brightness of the dotmaps, but not where it defines the colors...
  7. Oblivionyx

    [Vanilla] Roman UHV is wrong

    I recently downloaded Rhye's and Fall of Civilization for Vanilla, and I noticed Rome's UHV is different in my game than the ones specified in the forums. The requirements are still the same, but the dates are different. It says I have to: Build 5 Barracks, 5 Aqueducts, and 5 Amphitheaters by...
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