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  1. H


    pictures mean a thousand words...what does this look like?
  2. H


    rate some of the movies you seen and debate over them with other people. Matrix Reloaded my rating: 7/10 the ending of the matrix reloaded killed the whole movie, just when it was picking up again, it ended with a to be continued.:(
  3. H

    Joke Game

    In order to play thing game please follow this one simple rule. *someone must relpy to the posted joke, and if that person wants to, they can post a joke. I will go first: Three guys, a French men, German Men, and an American men, were getting waisted in Saudi Arabia. Three men were...
  4. H

    Homer Simpson Song

    I found this song (you have to sing to the tune of the do, re, mi song to get the full pleasure) "DO, the thing, that buys me beer" "RE, the guy that sells me beer" "MI, the guy, that drink the beer" "FA, the distance to my beer" "SO, i think i'll have a beer" "LA, la la la la la...
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