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  1. Cacaso

    Community Patch - How To Install

    Could someone please help me. I'm trying to install VoxPopulis on my notebook, but it's not working. I used the automatic installer but it didn't work, First I followed the steps in this link,, and installed VP+EUI...
  2. Cacaso

    1.18 Civilizations - Brainstorming

    Wow, I really liked it. It was very good, really similar to the type of diplomacy background music in CIV4. Especially the song "Street of Bombay". It could even be used in some other CIV/age on the Indian subcontinent. It's very cool. and the good thing is that because it is original there...
  3. Cacaso

    Bug Reports and Technical Issues

    New update: - disabled removing items during advanced start Hi Leoreth, Seeing this new update that the removal of items in Advanced Start is not allowed. I would like to ask that it only affect the removal of population from cities to be able to generate more gold during Advanced Start...
  4. Cacaso

    Bug Reports and Technical Issues

    Looking at a game of mine recently, I think there is a Bug in Civic "Secularism": as it says: "+1 happiness per Non-State religion in a city." But looking at my cities, I only received a bonus of +1 culture for each religion. But I wasn't getting +1 happiness for each religion, since when you...
  5. Cacaso

    The "OMG! Look what happened in DoC!" Thread

    Look people. This graphic glitch generated a very funny image of the Ottomans' Ataturk. He resembled King Baldwin of Jerusalem.
  6. Cacaso

    Alternative Map during 1.18

    With the large size of the map, I think that the "age of navigation" for the colonization of the Americas and then Asia+Africa should take a little longer to be executed, so it may need more turns, or higher ship speeds. And I also always had the impression that in the industrial era, the game...
  7. Cacaso

    [WTP] Quick questions

    In the relationship with King, I'm gaining a Malus called "The potential for rebellion is growing in the colonies". This malus has grown a lot and even very quickly. I would like to know what factors impact this, and how I could look at this in more detail. Does the total number of "liberty...
  8. Cacaso

    Leoreth Appreciation Thread

    Thank you Leo, for another year working on this fantastic MOD that is DoC. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and everyone here in this community. Thanks, and have a happy 2024 guys:grouphug::hug::)
  9. Cacaso

    [WTP] Quick questions

    I tried and it worked. it's at CIV4GameText_WTP_New_Experts_utf8 , CIV4GameText_WTP_New_Professions_utf8 thanks
  10. Cacaso

    [WTP] Quick questions

    Hello, I would like to ask you for help because, as I am Catholic, the presence of some terms in the game causes me some discomfort. So I would like some help making a small edit to the game. I would like the terms "Seductive Harlot" and "Prostitute" to be replaced by other, milder terms. To...
  11. Cacaso

    New and Changed Civilizations in 1.18

    Hi Leo, great news, I'm very happy and even impressed by how much the MOD with the new Bigmap is advancing very quickly. that is great. I would like to discuss some points in relation to South American civs. Firstly, UB's change from supermarket to abattoir is perfect, very fitting. In my...
  12. Cacaso

    Suggestions and Requests

    I think using the "Civil Liberties" tech would be more appropriate, because if we look at Techtree, the "Academia", "Scientific Method" and "Economics" techs already have a first to reach bonus. So AIciv/player usually tends to focus more on this northern part of the techtree, to try to collect...
  13. Cacaso

    DoC 1.17.1 released

    I downloaded the installer, this latest version DOC1.17.1, and installed it in the "Mods" folder, inside the "MyGames" folder. in a similar way to what I did when I installed the DOC1.16 version. But now this error is appearing before initializing the MOD. What could be wrong? EDIT: Perfect...
  14. Cacaso

    [Feature] Additional Wonders

    As a way to make Wonder Þingvellir, more exclusive/directed to CIVviking, and it to be built in the correct location, it could be required as a requirement of this Wonder that the city be coastal and have a cityrange ICE tile. besides having the pagan religion. This way, you could make this...
  15. Cacaso

    Resources and Resource Spawns

    In this link below, I found a list with locations that produce Amber, as this new resource has only 11 copies in the Bigmap, and it was very spread out across the map, so I think it will be relatively rare for any CIV to have more of a copy of the resource and can offer it for trade (currently I...
  16. Cacaso

    Why isn't this game more popular?

    i5-3317U (1.70Ghz) Intel HD graphics 4000 HD - 1 Tb + Ssd - 248 mb RAM memory - 8 GB
  17. Cacaso

    Why isn't this game more popular?

    I really liked this game. OW is fantastic, the order system was a gamechanger, it was a very smart move. Overall I thought it was pretty good. However I would like to ask the developers to improve the graphics performance required to play if possible. Because I use an older notebook that is...
  18. Cacaso

    Exact mechanics of technology cost and number of cities

    In that part I was referring to the priority points that each CIV gives to certain techs. If I remember correctly, there was a time I saw here on the forum, where I saw information/list of these scores. They were like a score that made CIV more inclined to research a certain tech first. not...
  19. Cacaso

    Exact mechanics of technology cost and number of cities

    How does the increase in technology cost occur in this latest version? I remember that when a tech is researched by another CIV, even if she doesn't want to trade with me, just because she has already researched it, the cost reduces a little for my CIV as well. - Another doubt, Leo, where to...
  20. Cacaso

    [WTP] Quick questions

    This is fantastic, thank you.
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