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  1. C


    So, I seem to have an issue with the latest version of this mod. Build VI I think it is now? Anyway, Many of the civilizations do not have their diplomacy music enabled. Their cities do not play it when you zoom into them, nor do they play for them when in diplomacy with their leader heads.
  2. C

    DOWNLOAD & INSTALLATION (latest patch: 07. Feb. 2024)

    The XXXL Eurasia map by Brettschmit. Phoenicia, Egypt, and Israel do not have city or diplomatic screen music. Those are the only ones I have confirmed so far, the other Civs/cities have their leader themes.
  3. C

    DOWNLOAD & INSTALLATION (latest patch: 07. Feb. 2024)

    Hello! I recently downloaded this mod and all the patches for it, however I'm running into an issue with certain scenario maps. On some maps the local civilization's cultural themes do not play when zooming in on their cities or opening up diplomacy screens. On other maps they do. Would much...
  4. C

    [WIP][BNW]Into the Renaissance Deluxe

    But will this mod accept those? and work with them, or is it defunct too?
  5. C

    [WIP][BNW]Into the Renaissance Deluxe

    Anyone know where to get JFD's Piety and Prestige? I can't find it in the Steam Workshop.
  6. C

    Cannot play any DoC scenarios

    Its great so far! But I wish there was some mechanic for the AI so they'd better use stability, hate seeing civs that endured for hundreds of years disappearing in a decade due to poor AI. (will write a more thorough review when i have more time)
  7. C

    Cannot play any DoC scenarios

    Welp. This is thoroughly hilarious! Turns out i had it placed in the wrong "mods" folder! (Also known as: thank God I'm moderately computer literate.) P.S. will delete if mods say so.
  8. C

    Cannot play any DoC scenarios

    So, I can't play DoC. At all. Yet the mod loads up perfectly fine. Except for one glaring Issue. There are NO scenarios to play. Unlike in RfC where you have 600AD and 3000BC scenarios, I have nothing. The Scenario button is grayed out. I am on the Steam version.
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