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  1. J

    Quick Answers (formerly Newbie Questions)

    Does this mean that I can't add additional shields to wonders or to small wonders to hurry them? (Which is what I have been trying to do most of the time). Disband can then only be used to produce 'normal' stuctures, as understand you. Thank you.
  2. J

    Quick Answers (formerly Newbie Questions)

    Hi, I can't figure out, how disband of units work. When I do a disband of a unit in a city, sometimes shield are returned and sometimes not. What rules define when I get something back and when I get nothing? And if I do get shields back, what defines how many I get? Thanks in advance.
  3. J

    Mediterranean Resources Tips & Discussion

    I am wondering, if the new ressources are most likely to be placed in groups would it then be best to place a city right in the middle to have access to all of the group from one city OR to place 2 (or maybe 3) cities close around the group af ressources to give each of the cities a bit og the...
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