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  1. Ja Mes

    "Paradise Found" Deluxe

    I was recently replaying some Civ5 and have gotten really hooked on the scenarios. I had a lot of fun with Scramble for Africa and Conquest of the New World Deluxe, not to mention some modded scenarios like the Revolutionary War and the Rise and Fall of Andean Civilization (both by...
  2. Ja Mes

    Owned Tiles and Bordering Plots Manager

    Introduction An oft-thought about problem in Civilization 5 modding is determining which owned tiles border another Civilization's tiles. To my knowledge, until now, the only way to determine this is with a ludicrous amount of Plot Iteration. While the plot iterator is an incredible tool, when...
  3. Ja Mes

    Adventures in Border Plots

    I've been working on a tool to keep track of hex ownership and adjacency (borders). Suffice to say, I am in need of dire assistance. local tPlotBorders = {} local tIndices = {} local NumOfIndices = 0 local iNumDirections = DirectionTypes.NUM_DIRECTION_TYPES - 1 function PlotsDoBeLikeThat()...
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