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  1. C

    [Idea] Policy Shakeup

    A previous thread talked about the Ancient trees, Id like to see how this is recieved first and if well recieved ask for guidance ( previous proposals immediatly veto'd due to proper format) on how this could be posted in congress Discuss: Moving Authority to a Middle ages tree, i dont know if...
  2. C

    (3-VT) Barbarian Spawn Tweaks

    - Reduce Barbarian Spawn frequency on raging to about 0.75 - 0.8 Reasoning - going authority is OP AI cannot cope with Barbarian hoards frequent city states on 1 health, frequent CIV AI cities on low health. Makes end game trivial. AI must be able to handle Barbarians at all difficulty levels
  3. C

    2.7.2 - Feedback from casual player - including github - Raised a issue with frequent CTD with this version Having crazy unhappiness issues its very unstable it can change over 10 turns from 40%-100% as detailed on Stalker0 Post, of course it could be my playstyle im open to feedback...
  4. C

    Refinement of a Proposal: Diplomatic Penalties for player for gifting units to City states with the AI is at War with

    Currently the AI has no idea if the human player is sending military units to city states or gets annoyed doing so. If this is possible to program the human player should recieve diplomatic penalties to sending troops and equipment to a city state at war with the AI and the human player should...
  5. C

    (1-VT) Allow AI to be aware that miltary gifts to city States have diplomatic penalties if said AI is at war with them and/or share a border

    Currently the AI has no idea if the human player is sending military units to city states or gets annoyed doing so. If this is possible to program the human player should recieve diplomatic penalties to sending troops and equipment to a city state at war with the AI and the human player should...
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