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  1. W

    Civ VII Press Release?

    Certainly true! A big "who knows?" Wishing there was more in the title like LPJ (Leader pass Julius) LPGN (Leader pass Great Negotiators) and LPGC (Leader pass Great Commanders)
  2. W

    Civ VII Press Release?

    Oh, that is true. Hmmmmm. I mean Caesar was a surprise DLC. Wouldnt be completely unheard of to have a final surprise leader at the end of the Leader Pass.
  3. W

    Civ VII Press Release?

    I imagine that Pinky and Bart are the last 2 DLCs and that the final pack is a final patch pre-scheduled to fix any last remaining bugs, especially if the final pack introduces any (like Nader Shah having 2 bugs in his ability on release).
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