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  1. R

    Pulled my first Civ V all-nighter: My biggest gripe with the game.

    Ok so, longtime Civ fans have probably sacrificed a few days off the end of their life by pulling an all too unhealthy 12 hours+ session or two. It's worth it, we know. Anyway so. This is probably my first real splash with Civ V. I only picked it up during the last Steam sale or so, mostly...
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    Liberated city

    Wow great analysis Dan. Very interesting to know. It's certainly a lot harder to culturally dominate other players in Civ 4 than it was in Civ 3 and certain builds of FreeCiv (spies were pretty much the best unit in the game)
  3. R

    Establishing far flung settlements

    I cannot believe I've played this game for as long as I have and only started doing this on my last game, where I was playing on chieftain difficulty and just pissing about. Airports are the greatest building you could possibly build. Ok so. Normally, when we setup our far flung colonies, our...
  4. R

    New DLC: Polynesia,_Vanuatu Get rid of the Moai statues, this is the true unique building :p (When I lived in Vanuatu, and visited Mele pretty much all the time, they didn't have this back then :() I also have no idea how it can be considered a polynesian outlier, the whole...
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    popular uprisng facing firaxis

    I'd take you seriously OP if you didn't make it sucha personal thing. "Oh that Jon Shafer!" Do you seriously think every design decision wasn't agreed upon by a team of thinkers? I still prefer CivIV BtS but that game has years of extra work done to it to reach that state, CivIVanilla, out...
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    New DLC: Polynesia

    To Solo: Yes, it will always be an interesting debate. Polynesia was never a huge unified empire, although Tui' Tonga had it's day. Essentially Polynesian culture is comparable to uh, European, Western Christian civilisation or Islamic/Arab civilization. And look that that, I just compared...
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    New DLC: Polynesia

    LOL, yeah I was just detailing my outrage to a friend about the 'evil' side of the Civ community. You know, the ones who tug one off to Napoleon everyday.
  8. R

    New DLC: Polynesia

    So many erections right now. And "fail civ" not important to history? Polynesian territory. That makes Russia look small.
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    PolyCast Christmas Special 2010: "Here Comes Civ Clause"

    There actually was some crazy racist, ultra nationalist group in Australia that wanted to shift the capital to Alice Springs, near Uluru (called Ayers Rock in teh podcast)
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    Jon Shafer Leaves Firaxis

    Jacyp it sounds like you believe Glenn Beck when he thinks America is a socialist company. Firaxis can't stop him changing jobs? Get the eff out. and there I was telling everyone to stop attacking each other. So now to reiterate: if you cannot post without attacking another user, please don't post.
  11. R

    Civs that MUST be added

    Polynesia is a lot more culturally congruent than you might expect for a western imposed ethnic group spread over half the Pacific ocean. THe best example is that of language. All of Polynesia has about 40 different languages catagorised into just a few subgroups. As a point of comparison...
  12. R

    Civs that MUST be added

    Guy studying Australian Indigenous Politics barging in. For political correctness, the name Aboriginal Australian is preferred but I wont be too picky. Aboriginals did not found cities or make permanent dwellings, they were a nomadic civilisation. However they had extensively named...
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    Loading Civ 4 sans Steam

    No. . .
  14. R

    Hoping for a Mac version right out of the box!

    Somebody is missing. You mean EA right? Ubisoft? id? THQ?
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    Where'd My Zulu Go?

    I guess you can create a government agency dedicated to finding, torturing and killing perceived heretics all over Europe and not be a religious nut these days. "Nobody expects the spanish inquisition"
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    City - states roster!

    ... I don't think I've ever encountered Jericho in any game of Civ I've ever played.
  17. R

    Which Civ do you want in Civ V?

    This is the first I've heard the Dutch colonising Australia... (You're thinking South Africa)
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    Hoping for a Mac version right out of the box!

    I used to buy games released on hybrid discs (Quake 3, Riven) out of principle to support parallel Mac development. Now EA do it with every game which would be good if they weren't EA games :) Love Spore though.
  19. R

    Leaders we don't want.

    You can argue that the Zulu kingdom doesn't fit the classical civilisation template as presented in Civilization. Certainly it would be one of the smallest by territory ever represented in the game. However this attitude you've presented in just one sentence is one of the most disgusting and...
  20. R

    City - states roster!

    I think many people just have a very euro centric view of history and you can't blame them because it's taught like that in schools. I mean look at this thread, we're 30 posts deep and no one has mentioned Great Zimbabwe. Other oft-overlooked locations that could constitute 'city-states' include...
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