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  1. R

    We are getting close to a deal...

    A "Best Deal" would be nice. The "What do you want..." option usually comes up with outrageous request. Has anyone written a deal calculator utilitity? I have seen them for Cultural Flips which are even more of a BLack Box item in the game.
  2. R

    Why is Coal required to build Railroads in the modern Era?

    I think this is a case where the game follows history. Coal and iron = railroads. I can relate to your problem of not having coal. I have had games where I pushed to get Horses as a technology only to find there were none in my territory.
  3. R

    Where does one find the patience

    I have wondered how does the computer's speed impact on CIV III times. With an old Celeron - 466 I send alot of time waitng. On worker automation there are a couple of threads out in the forum. The best one I feel is ctrl-A. It automaes the workers but they do'nt change anything you have...
  4. R

    20K Culture Calculator (in Excel)

    AlanH I just dowladed your calculator. I can now try for a 20K victory. I have heard about them but never understood the details. Thanks
  5. R

    Civ 3 City Placement Utility

    Looks cool from the screen shot. I would like to be able to see the city footprint will be when deciding where a new city goes. What is the release date.
  6. R

    PT2: Offensive Assaults

    On the question of Infantry in battle, they are only as good as their artillery support. Calvary can scout, but do not have the staying power. I have been fighting like this for many turns. It is slow but effective. Until tanks get on the scene, infantry and artillery are a fine...
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    That's would work but I found during Mobilization you are not allowed to start wonders. You can only build military units and improvements of military nature. Barracks harbors ect.. So far I am not happy with Mobilization.
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    I am working with Infantry Calvary and Artillery. I am several techs away from Tanks. I just want to build a few wonders, like Hoover Dam.
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    I feel like a novice, I have only knocked out two. I have a questions for you experts. I went to mobilization for my war against France. Rome and Japan have joined with France. None of them will meet with my envoy. How do I get out of mobilization?
  10. R

    Cultural victory strategy/tips?

    In addition to building lots of cities build temples and libraries early. They gain value over time. The older an improveemnt the more value it gains. I belive the value doubles after a thousand years. I don't have the rules with me to quote chapter and verse.
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    Automated Workers?

    Thanks for the info on how-to automate. To bad you can't get these options on screen. With this new knowledge I can now automate more often, and spend less time playng drone manager.
  12. R

    Manually control ALL worker??? Really?

    For Peter Harris or Sinapus How do you set workers to "automate no changes to improvements". I don't mind automation, but I do not like the mines I need for production getting turned into rice patties.
  13. R

    How Soon Before Starting New Game

    I like the SOLAR factor. It usually takes a day or two to find a good map. Based on the poll results, I think I have found like minded addicts. YEAAAA!!!
  14. R

    A small trick to keep AI happy

    Geat idea. Any other tricks to help us novices get above Reagent Level.
  15. R

    do u feel bad about conquered civs??

    After taking over most of Greece I left them a city. Later on they tried a trade embargo abainst me. That ticked me off so I wiped out their rifleman with modern armour. I tried once, so now I don't see a point to leaving a city untaken. I do feel odd each time attack India though.
  16. R

    Scoring for Barbarians & Pollution?

    Another good use for Barb is easy money. I found that leaving the ocean frontier open attracts them like flies. With two horsemen I can track them down and take them out before they attack my cities. With the 25 gold I can finance tech research.
  17. R

    New Science System For Civ 4?

    I like tech as it is, but that doesn't stop game design. I think Bartholomaï has a good idea in "Suprise Techs" When researching refining maybe you discover plastics. Many of the dicoveries were more serendipity thatn planned.
  18. R

    RNG - Civ's Detractor?

    In the long list of stupid game outcomes, calvary defeated several of my tanks. If this worked in the REAL WORLD, Germany would have never survived in Poland and WWII would have been a dust up. RNG is OK, but unit to unit combat should compare unit capabilities. Knights in shining armour, men...
  19. R

    the rookie

    If it helps, this is how it works in the PC version of Civ 3. Citizens start out working the squares of the city. Click on the resources being created and a citizen will show up as an entertainer. Click on them again and they change to tax collectors. Click again and their a scientist...
  20. R

    Size of army - when do you attack

    In using artillary is there any way to the improve accuracy? Mine seems to miss, destory improvements and only occasionally hit actual units.
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