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  1. M

    Master of Mana Xtended 4.0

    What is "roster"? Basic units or heroes? For Aristarkh, I got two generic adventurers very early (turn 22), and they could then be promoted to two other classes each, seemingly at random. I don't remember what other options were, but now they are Bison Rider and Pegasus Rider. Which is weird...
  2. M

    Bug Thread - Master of Mana Xtended 3.0

    Awesome. Where we can or will be able to find fixed versions?
  3. M

    Master of Mana Xtended 4.0

    What's use case for Charged Weapon being useful? You usually bump attack with intent to kill, not to lose a unit and maybe weaken and stall one enemy for one turn.
  4. M

    Master of Mana Xtended 4.0

    Maybe some late game researches could increase affinity multiplier?
  5. M

    Master of Mana Xtended 4.0

    Considering that this mod has multiplied everyone's power by at least 2, affinity should be at least doubled too. Also, a question: now that fireballs don't siege, what' siege option for siegeless?
  6. M

    Bug Thread - Master of Mana Xtended 3.0

    Farm can't be build on Never Never terrain.
  7. M

    Master of Mana Xtended 4.0

    Thank God. X4.1 is awesome, but so full of small disabalances and bugs. As it was said before, barbarians grow fast, and often too fast. I have seen 17 strength fort and 20 strength attack team of them on turn ~70. Probably it happens when some AI civ feed them. I also agree that magic is...
  8. M

    Master of Mana Xtended 4.0

    What is triggering new guild unlock?
  9. M

    Master of Mana Xtended 4.0

    Elohim's Devout can navigate wilderness very fast and kill things very effectively with some levels and upgrades. With right leader perks, that is. Also you can get cavalry from religion.
  10. M

    Final Fixes Reborn

    Is your locale using comma as a decimal dot? Civ's XML parser is silly like that.
  11. M

    3D Models

    But why not post source 3d models of made units?
  12. M

    fall of rome

    Yes, they will.
  13. M

    Industrial age: Factory or Hospital?

    I agree that Factories are more useful. Extra pop may be converted to workers (wich you'll need to build railroads) or settlers (if you have 30+ production and don't want to waste turns). 12 citizens working on best 12 city tiles are not much worse than 20, especially because of unhappiness...
  14. M

    Final Fantasy 7 World Map

    Yea. There were no wars in FF VII. FF 6, 8 and 9 were much more militaristic and therefore better for scenario. Btw there may be a good Victory Point scenario with victory point obelisk in crater with immobile Sephiroth king unit on it and Weapons with great shield cost (meaning great victory...
  15. M

    fall of rome

    Total elimination? Cool! How did you managed it?
  16. M

    I feel an idiot for asking

    And play on easier levels, Regent or Below. Civ III Emperor is harder then CivII Deity.
  17. M

    New Units: More Pandas 4/8/04

  18. M

    I just finished all 9 conquest!

    By Carthage you mean Vandals? I played as them first time (clicked Random in fact) and lose. I survived dogpile, but just couldn't kill Theodora in time. Fun thing, in my current game Vandals were also dogpiled and also survived, but they lost 5 cities. P.S. Did anyone won FoR by Conquest...
  19. M

    I just finished all 9 conquest!

    I now playing Fall of Rome as Visigoths and it's fun:) Romans, Byzantynes, Ostrogoths, Saxons, Franks where eliminated and now there are huge dents on the map:) Vandals is near elimination too.
  20. M

    The Official Civ4 Ideas Thread

    And please, add option to let "Wicked RNG mode" off.
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