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Search results

  1. Giotto

    Historical Accuracy of the New Testament

  2. Giotto

    Why Christianity?

  3. Giotto

    How is Denver and Colorado in general?

    Colorado is mother fooking great
  4. Giotto

    Disturbing news story

    Here If you are squeemish... don't read that news story. Probably the most dispicable murder I've ever heard of.
  5. Giotto

    Lyrics Interpretation

    as opposed to all the "genius" metal songs about hating everything/drugs/hating everything but drugs u2 rocks! If everything they wrote was about something no-one cares about then they wouldn't be so incredibly successful, and bono is music's greatest humanitarian! I'm not sure what...
  6. Giotto

    Car Collisions!!!

    16... although the first 6 months of having your license you aren't allowed to drive with anyone else in the car except immediate family.
  7. Giotto

    Car Collisions!!!

    My friends sister just got her license about a month ago. On the 2nd day after getting her license, she crashed bad totalling the other person's car and severely damaging her own. On the 2nd night after getting her car back from the shop, she totalled it again. Her parents now make...
  8. Giotto

    have you ever been in a fight?

    I've been at parties before where people get thrown through windows, pistol whipped, bottles broken over faces, etc. One in particular stands out where 40 people or so were fighting and it ended with one guy with a guy in the others mouth.... crazy. I've never participated in a weapon fight...
  9. Giotto

    Lyrics Interpretation

    Mescalhead, very good analysis of that song! I think your analysis was accurate, but just from a quick skimover without reading it too indepth I think the song presents quite a few hypocracies. I wonder if those were intentional or not. It's hard at times to seperate honestly great lyrics that...
  10. Giotto

    have you ever been in a fight?

    The thing I love about fight training is the people who think boxing has anything to do with fighting. Granted it is better then nothing, but not by much! The only thing you would need to know to win virtually every fight with a non-trained person would be one good takedown and one good...
  11. Giotto

    have you ever been in a fight?

    @LLXerxes, Out of curiosity, what martial art do you do? I do BJJ and Freestyle/Greco-Roman Wrestling. I just thought of a fun fight story: A couple years ago at my school this little wanna be gangster kid who thought he was the greatest fighter on earth (and had that reputation for...
  12. Giotto

    have you ever been in a fight?

    I've been in two "anger fights" with people who hate me. They both consisted of me pulling a double leg takedown and then guillotine choking them until they either passed out or said they'd quit. I went to this thing at this guy I know's house once. He has a mat room in his house so we had a...
  13. Giotto

    Your Favorite Subject

    I think history depends a lot on the teacher. Probably all subjects do to a certain degree, but I think math depends the least on the teacher. This trimester, my history teacher is a boring idiot who is literally counting the days until he can retire (on the chalkboard). All we do is fill in...
  14. Giotto

    Speech is Free - Unless it's Critical!

    Well, now that the national spotlight has been cast upon this situation you can bet that apologies will be made to the poets/artists and the principle will be the one who is fired. Hopefully things like this are relatively isolated incidents.
  15. Giotto

    Your Favorite Subject

    Yeah now that I think about it, it was pretty dumb to think history wouldn't dominate. My choice was business/politics because I think economics/finance is very interesting and I intend to become an investment banker.
  16. Giotto

    Your Favorite Subject

    What of these is your favorite subject, either in school or just to read about on your own if you aren't in school, and WHY? The why is very important because otherwise this thread will be very boring because of lots of one word replies! Prediction: It will be a race between science and math.
  17. Giotto

    Why Christianity?

    @fearless Maybe Christianity isn't hte right word then... Whatever the word is for whatever religions follow Christ as the savior and son of god and all that... that's what I'm talking about. I dunno much about the history of religions as u can tell!
  18. Giotto

    Why Christianity?

    Why do you guys suppose Christianity became sortof the "dominate religion" in the western world? If you are a christian I suppose you could just say "because it's the correct one", but I'm more interested in the viewpoints of non-christians or atheists. They say that there were several religions...
  19. Giotto

    Favorite Work of Literature!

    I didn't really think about LOTR and Ender's Game enough... I now consider them literature after considering the themes and whatnot. Still, I don't think either has to do with the theme most people associate them with (war).
  20. Giotto

    Bergs execution was faked by the CIA

    Of course it is fake! you guys are forgetting the golden rule of figuring out what is true or not: If it's from a big company it is autmomatically fake propoganda no questions asked. If it's from an internet news site it is automatically true no matter what. I can't believe some of...
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