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  1. Lockesdonkey

    Bottom part of Civilopedia is cut off.

    Which is one problem. Also, the close button doesn't seem to be there. Is there something I'm missing? For the record: I have a brand-new 13.3' MacBook Pro.
  2. Lockesdonkey

    City-State Leagues?

    In my head, I've been dreaming up a contemporary-world scenario, and one thing has started to bug me: Canada. It's a Middle Power. If the world were a game, Canada would not be "in it to win it". In other words, classic City-State. But it's also the world's second-largest country by...
  3. Lockesdonkey

    [Request] The Map of Planet?

    I always rather enjoyed playing on the Map of in Civ 4 (adapted of course from SMAC). Has anyone made one? NOTE: First post in years... EDIT: By "map", I literally just mean a map. No modding--I understand that there are several reasons a new Planetfall isn't happening soon...
  4. Lockesdonkey

    -phile thread

    What foreign cultures do you particularly like? (1) Don't pick your own--that's cheating! (2) The list is in no particular order. (3) I'll admit that besides the 25-option limit, part of the reason for choosing some of these names is the existence of a nice word for it. EDIT: Poll's up. Sorry...
  5. Lockesdonkey

    The Great Modern Revolutions: An overview and occasional series

    I have, of late, become quite fascinated with the history of revolution in the modern world. It's always rather odd to think of these moments when the order of things gets turned on its head. My particular interest is their status as influences on and effects of the political thought of their...
  6. Lockesdonkey

    A couple of simple issues and gripes

    All right, here are my pet peeves about Civ that could be solved tomorrow. First, why are the Ottomans not the Turks? Their city names are all in modern Turkey, their units speak Turkish, and there is no indication whatever that they are not supposed to represent the civilization of the...
  7. Lockesdonkey

    Water is black

    Oceans and lakes still have the "flowing" effects, but instead of being blue, they're black, making the planet look rather like it's covered in oil. Not game-threatening, but rather bizarre and uncomfortable (the oceans really brighten up the screen). EDIT: Rivers are still blue.
  8. Lockesdonkey

    Lists of Alpha Centauri things

    Model UN (or more precisely, Model Assorted Deliberative Bodies) is one of my other pastimes, and this summer my friends and I are planning to set up various informal conferences, partly as an excuse to keep in touch, partly to keep in shape (the first conference is in October), partly to...
  9. Lockesdonkey

    A Question of Jurisdiction, or, When is it history?

    Were the hour not so late, I'd turn this into a mini-essay. As things stand, I'll present this bit of musing: At what point is an event "history" for the purposes of this forum? For instance, the July War (i.e. the Israel-Hezbollah business in '06): Is that history? Or is it too recent...
  10. Lockesdonkey

    Well, THEY would have been odd bedfellows: Interesting but failed alliances

    So reading about the history of the Revisionist Zionist movement for my international-relations class (long story), I run into the most peculiar story of Lehi (Lohamei Herut Israel, "Freedom Fighters of Israel,"). This bunch was so extreme, they thought Menachem Begin (whose Irgun would later...
  11. Lockesdonkey

    What sort of music do you listen to?

    I've been looking at the "What Song Are You Listening To" thread, and I'd like to know: What kind of music do y'all listen to you? EDIT: Added poll. If I could list all the varieties, I could, but that would be impossible. It's rather Americentric, I know, but this is an English-speaking forum...
  12. Lockesdonkey

    Civ and Nuclear Strategy

    [NOTE: I'm actually interested in a thorough critique of foreign policy and security strategy in Civ in general. Nuclear strategy was simply the easiest thing to critique.] Among the many things that bother me about Civ is the rather cavalier attitude towards nuclear weaponry. I see this all...
  13. Lockesdonkey

    Social Engineering/Civics: Now with an organizing principle!

    So I've thought about this and now inspiration has struck on how to wrangle Social Engineering/Civics (from now on SE/C) in the game. It'll require some balancing, but it can be done. I've realized that in many cases, we can divide the SE/C according to their philosophical bases. In original...
  14. Lockesdonkey

    The fallacy thread #3: This is not a fallacy and other logico-linguistic nitpicking

    Call it a conspiracy theory or a lie or whatever, but it IS NOT a fallacy. You might disagree with the food pyramid or the official line on Litvinenko's death, but neither disagreement qualifies as a fallacy. A fallacy is a fundamental fault in reasoning that renders a whole argument invalid...
  15. Lockesdonkey

    About all these discussions about console vs. PC

    Which, fundamentally, is what most of the CivRev Bad/Good discussions come down to. Could you kindly stop it? Seriously, I've never understood how anyone could get half as riled up about console/PC as they have here. After nearly six months without substantial gaming ('tis the fate of a...
  16. Lockesdonkey

    The Hives Are Law, You Are Crime

    I've had Your New Favourite Band on my iPod for a year now, and only realized how awesome these guys are. So I have some things to say: 1. Who else knows the awesomeness of The Hives? 2. What else have they done? 3. A friend of mine says that they're the best live band on Earth now. Is this...
  17. Lockesdonkey

    Foreign policy: Organization membership package

    I will write this as a bill later, but the following is a list of organizations we ought to join right away if possible: + The United Nations + The World Trade Organization + The International Monetary Fund + The World Bank...
  18. Lockesdonkey

    Suggestions for Rules of the House

    I know it seems a bit premature, but no Parliament is a Parliament without Rules of the House. Now, we don't need as many rules as real Parliaments, since they have to deal with being in an actual physical Parliament with people standing and talking, but there still should be something. This...
  19. Lockesdonkey

    I am officially literate in Arabic

    The going was a bit slow (maybe taking three times as much as a similar-length article in English), but I managed to read the entire article on Edward Said on the Arabic Wikipedia. It's the first article of anything that I've read that's not in my textbook. So, this brings me up to two...
  20. Lockesdonkey

    ANNOUNCEMENT: One seat open in Al-Hakimah

    I've been looking at my map of Al-Hakimah, and it occurred to me that the New City District probably wouldn't be allowed in RL. So I'm begging anyone--ANYONE --to take a seat there. I would prefer a non-CSP member; PLP, LRP, or Conservative would be ideal. A caveat, though: Any...
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