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  1. A

    What's that song?

    It's surf, no vocals, cool guitar, sounds like Dick Dale but it isn't, though everyone thinks it is. What's it called? I want it!
  2. A is isolationist - who wants to send PtW to Europe?

    They say my address is not eligible because I don't live in a "US protectorate". Damn them, that sounds like the "Imperial protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia". Anyway, I play the original Civ3 version (US one), therefore can't play or even wait for the German build of the expansion set. So who...
  3. A

    Where can I get a decent version of the editor?

    Just downloaded one of those "updates" but it made everything crash. Where can I get a decent one? The former version I had was dog slow, the latter was quicker on scrolling the map but didn't function properly. Is ther an amalgam of all that? Thanks.
  4. A

    Civ1 Music in MIDI? maybe MP3?

    did anyone make files of the tracks yet? I would, but I never found out how to record sound events in DOS mode
  5. A

    Original Intro Lines...

    my copy of civ contains a messed but somewhat funny version of the intro narration... can someone give me the original text though? thanks.. (you know, that "In the beginning..." stuff!
  6. A

    The Civilization Gaming Network

    at you can find another great Civ-related website. their forums at cover a wide field of civ-related games, civ itself included enter this site, fellows, it's worth the time you spend on it! you're of course...
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