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  1. M

    Your Favorite unit and why?

    For me I think its got to be the Redcoat because of the strength bonus at such an important part of the game. They are key to my conquest games and wars wouldn’t be the same without them.
  2. M

    New civ4 fan please help

    The map terrain is unexplored at the beginning of the game and therefore, is not visible until it is explored by moving units. Alternatively, it could be a graphics problem. Download the patch 1.52 and see if that helps (you should be able to some of the terrain at the very start of a new...
  3. M

    I dont think they like very much

    Ha nice! Finishing them off was the only viable option! :lol: It's great annoying the AI by demanding tribute, etc. before I kill 'em; especially when they betray me then they'll pay! :goodjob: Marste!
  4. M

    I am gonna get Civ IV soon!!!!!!!!!!

    Woah, excitement :) ! Yep indeed its a great game and I wish you the best of luck in all of your campaigns! Have fun!
  5. M

    Whats the biggest city you ever had?

    I suppose it depends on what skill level you play at. I usually prefer to build a lot of cottages right from the start to avoid getting left behind in technologies to early on. You can never have enough commerce! :goodjob:
  6. M

    Most enjoyable map type?

    Yeah I would agree with Efexeye, terra is a great layout. As the game progresses it gets interesting but there may be alot of ground combat initially. It largely depends on what type of victory you are aiming for; i like military conquest most of the time and terra is a great map for that.
  7. M

    To kill or not to kill?

    Ha, the French, they would always get in the way in Civ II ... :mad: An option to finnish off the leader would be good. It could be linked to what Government civic you've chosen perhaps or 'what the people truely demand'!
  8. M


    Can anyone offer any help? I've never managed to research all the available technology despite completing the game. I've completed the game in the 1900's many times with more technology to research. Is it possible to research everything? If so, how?
  9. M

    Game Stance

    Are you naturally an aggressive or defensive player?
  10. M


    I have only ever seen uranium supplied once before which made me 2K! Oil is generally a better trading strategy though.
  11. M

    Good alies

    Alliances are generally useful in later games I find, especially if your not one of the superpowers. Very useful for sharing technologies and getting money, etc.
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