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  1. Proteus

    Trade Routes too short?

    I think yes. At least for large maps. I had 2 large continents in my game and ruled over one half of one of those continents. Yet I only was able to only do (sea) trade routes to the chinese (on my own continent) and a few city states (which were also on my own continent or on islands directly...
  2. Proteus

    Options in Aid Brothers in Faith-Event not working?

    To be more specific, it is the event (probably caused by AP) to aid my brothers in faith in their war with certain strategic resources. In the event screen I get the option to either aid them with a military resource (all resources from copper to Uranium are listed) or to do nothing at all...
  3. Proteus

    Advanced start - No buying possible

    When I start the game in advanced start my (custom) game obviously starts in worldbuilder mode, meaning I have the window that allows me to place terrain improvements, ressouerces and the like on the upper left corner where it hides the window with begin and the amount of gold I can use. The...
  4. Proteus

    How to alter the Hitpoints of the Units

    Some people asked for a Step by Step Instruction for modifying the HP-Values via the Civ3Editor. So, for all those interested, here it is :) 1. After starting Civ3Edit goto "Extras" and deactivate "Use Standard Rules" 2. Goto Rules and choose "Edit Rules". Now a Window should pop up...
  5. Proteus

    Coastal Fortresses

    In the Civilopedia it says that they shoot at passing enemy ships (not just at those ships that attack). I´m wondering of anyone has observed a coastal Fortress do this. In my War with the Iroquoise I had a lot of enemy Ships (Frigates and Ironclads mostly) which passed certain Cities with...
  6. Proteus

    Specialists buggy???

    Today I thought, that it would be nice to get a little bit more Science out of one City and assigned a scientist. But hey, nothing happened. After I took the worker out of the Land-Tile (Grassland) the Science-Output fell from 40 to 38. And there it stayed as I went through the...
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