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  1. R

    BATTLE ENGINE - The most unrealistic aspect of the game.

    The origional poster is just some old grog who's used to playing OLD wargames with OLD game engines and can't accept the NEW CHANGE to the way combat systems can and do work. I like the combat system and I'm an old grog from the 60's. But, some just can't conform and so they gripe, hence why...
  2. R

    Nobody ever wages war!!

    Ummm there is an option also called "Always WAR", try turning that one on if you want a wargame. Too many people want civilization to be a wargame and it's called CIVILIZATION for that reason to get CIVILIZED, you don't see major wars razing all over the world anymore, it's about PEACE and...
  3. R

    Do any systems play on Huge map with no slowdown?

    I believe what I am seeing in manys complaints is they are using higher resolution settings as well. I tend to stick with 1024x768 and all my games run great. Try bumping back down to 1024x768. That's prehaps why my game runs as smooth as any other game because I don't push my system to the...
  4. R

    Do any systems play on Huge map with no slowdown?

    My game runs flawlessly. On a mere 2.4ghz 1gig ram 5900 ultra GeForce Video card. Smooth as a babies behind. But, I keep my system clean and a hard-drive specifically for the OS and Virtual Memory only. This two hard-drive setup I made is the kits meow. 7200 rpm hard-drives Seagates. Between...
  5. R

    War... good for... absolutly nothing...ugh!

    You guys do know you can modify (change) war weariness down to practically nothing in the XML files. So, quit whinning and start changing the game to what you want it to be, it's so flippin easy. Cause no single one game design can be the beall game for everyone. I have no complaints because...
  6. R

    OK whats going on is thios a bug???

    He might have found a late game goody hut that gave him a spy. ;) Or he might have put himself into a golden age. You can't see everything the AI is doing so don't automatically assume it's cheating just because you can't do it. ;)
  7. R

    War... good for... absolutly nothing...ugh!

    The WORLDINFO XML file is where you can setup the "default" number of civs for each type map you plan on playing. Up to 18. The other way to do it is like someone else suggested if you scoll down to the bottom of the player selection lists you will see a blank box that you can open and set it...
  8. R

    My 2 cents to counter the storm of critics

    Even though it's a modification to the files, it's not really a MOD as much as it's a "scenario". Reason being for it to work properly you must play on a Huge Epic Pangea Map with 14 Civs at least and the map size 100x60 or 80x60. If you played with less civs or tried to play it on another speed...
  9. R

    My 2 cents to counter the storm of critics

    If you look closely at the "options" CIV IV can be played like any previous Civ before it I think. From the warmongering CIV I, right on into CIV III and then CIV IV with it's new addition of religion and how it plays into another strategy of the game. Every game I've played "Huge Epic...
  10. R

    The AI doesn't play to WIN

    Those that complain that the AI doesn't play enough conquest or warmonger obviously aren't playing with the options: Aggressive AI, Raging Barbarians and Always War. I started a game with these settings and got pulverized. But, then they will complain the AI doesn't give them enough time to...
  11. R

    Crowds, cottages and farms. Advice for a new guy.

    The key to success and building a large city of success is "zoning" your city when you first get it. Analyze what size it can grow to or you want it to grow to vs the amount of production and commerce you want it to generate also. 1) A city cannot grow without excess food (farms) 2)...
  12. R

    The AI doesn't play to WIN

    Hrmmm, let's see the AI shoots to get a higher population per city than you. The AI shoots to build wonders before you do (and does in a lot of cases). The AI shoots to build more military units than you. The AI shoots to be the first in space. The AI shoots to make deals that...
  13. R

    Is this working as intended?

    One reason is you are thinking of this GAME in REAL LIFE terms and it's not a real life simulation, wasn't meant to be, never was stated it was. It brings merely the "illusion" of our own civilized trek through time, but, it stops there when it turns into a GAME. Therefore, your tank isn't...
  14. R

    I'm having a hard time playing all the way through a game.

    I think you people who enjoy the early game especially the ancients period are going to really love "Slitherines Legion II" when it comes out next year. It's going to focus on a civilization type game of that period only and real time battles, though not an rts clickfest. More of a command...
  15. R

    Burned by 2K and Firaxis

    Now, I didn't say that, I just said there should be a forum for that, so all the negative people can all have their own place and all the positive people can have theirs. ;) Thing is most people tend to lean and flow toward the good instead of the bad/negative, so there would probably be a...
  16. R

    the domination of space race victories...

    I wonder how many people play/setup games in the beginning "they know" they are going to win? I mean if you've played a small map to victory even several times, why keep always stacking the element of victory in your favor? Are you that weak as a person if you lost a game to the AI you would be...
  17. R

    Burned by 2K and Firaxis

    I suggested a rants forum before, I still suggest it. If you will notice there's yet another locked thread and it's always the threads ranting and complaining about their issues with the game (because of their hardware). If they'd make a rants forum, then there wouldn't be any closed threads...
  18. R

    the domination of space race victories...

    That's exactly the way I play. Applaudes John. Most fun and challenging game of all. ;) I do go the Huge Epic games though with bigger maps custom created with a few XML changes. ;) [Take the juvenile trash talk some other place.] Actually that sounds more like you are the juvenile since...
  19. R

    the domination of space race victories...

    The Space Race Victory is the easiest victory condition to aquire. It's also highly doubtful the AI will win a Domination or Conquest Victory either. But, it can win a Cultural or Timed or Diplomatic Victory (using max civs, I realize some people play the kiddie sized games with 7 civs or less...
  20. R

    Convincing AI to change Civics and Religion

    I think no religion should be changed to agnostic or athiest and you get a religious penalty for that as well. ;) Double in fact. hehe But, you should be able to try to spread it also. Would be interesting to see a world of agnostics and athiests where you get PENALTIES if you BUILD Temples and...
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