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  1. K

    Founding Religions

    One possibility is that the message log that pops up saying "founded in a distant land" was actually from the turn before. If you have several announcements from a turn (for example, barbarians spotted near a town, privateers, ), they default list one-at-a-time fairly slowly (about a 1 second...
  2. K

    Khmer Unique Building - What is the point?

    Although the +1 food looks great in principle, I tried playing Khmer several times and found that the baray is too expensive to build during the time when the bonus would be most useful (early on in cities size 12 or less). The amount of hammer investment required to build this thing delays...
  3. K

    So When will Murtha Apologize?

    This is preposterous. How many innocent Iraqi civilians were killed by US warplanes, cruise missiles, firefights, collateral damage, raids and "surges" before and during the civil war broke out? How many innocent Iraqi civilians died in the overall conflict as a result of the US presence there...
  4. K

    Nationality & Culture Drive Me Nuts

    The dominance of enemy culture in a captured city will depend a lot on how long that city was producing culture. If you are warring late-game and capturing very culturally old cities, it will take forever to convert to your own, and even popping several great artists will barely even make a...
  5. K

    Bombing/Pillaging in Modern Age

    Yes, it's usually better to bomb the resource improvement tile itself, if you can. Generally speaking these take longer to rebuild than a road; also, the AI tends to build a lot of redundant interconnecting roads, making it hard to cut off a route. And resources adjacent to rivers (with the...
  6. K

    No Wonders?

    If you're training yourself, then sure. But the point of not building wonders at higher levels is so that you aren't tying up a city and wasting turns and hammers building them the hard way. Therefore, popping a GE to finish a "free" wonder should still be a valid tactic because it doesnt'...
  7. K

    What % of bad/good Random Events are you getting?

    OK, one RE that I'm trying to figure out is the slave revolt; for some reason, it happened ALOT the greater score lead I had over opponents (about once every 10-20 turns) but only occasionally the closer together the scores are (this may only be a coincidence). It seems to only ever happen in...
  8. K

    Fake Wars..

    One thing I noticed: often times if I bribe an AI to go to war, they will make peace almost immediately (after 2-4 turns). To me this shouldn't be possible, I was always under the assumption that a war has a minimum duration greater than that... as the AI will "refuse to talk" for a minimum of...
  9. K

    Game misinforms about turns left for chopping

    Incidentally, if a worker finishes chopping, the production is "queued up" but will not be applied until you end the turn. So you can still change production after the forest has been chopped (and the notification appears, "clearing a forest has added 20 hammers...") but before the hammers are...
  10. K

    Fractal Maps

    I usually go for fractal. The majority of the time I get one large irregular shaped continent, less commonly I see a smaller continent usually with one or two others on it. For some reason I always find that fractal has larger patches of unworkable areas such as deserts and peaks (may be...
  11. K

    Best use for Great General?

    Personally I like attaching them to experienced gunships (or cavalry that will later become gunships for free) and distributing enough XP to get combat 3 + blitz. Gunships that can attack 4 times per turn really speed up the capture of cities weakened by bombers, especially cities with big...
  12. K

    Starting a city...

    At the beginning of the game for non-capital expansion cities I like to start building a warrior, scout or archer (depending on need) until the city grows to size 2. Then switch to worker and when worker gets past half way, slave-whip to complete. Once you get your worker, start making food...
  13. K

    Research in middle ages

    Some obvious notes: - Switch to bureaucracy + mature cottages in capital - Get education and build universities in your highest science cities (e eventually all cities later), and later on, observatories. These cities should also have a lot of maturing cottages. - Build oxford in your...
  14. K

    Problems with barbs at monarch

    Barbs are certainly a challenge on Monarch. If you cannot get copper immediately adjacent to your second city (or within the fat cross of your second city if creative) or earlier, you definitely need a contingency plan. Archers are sufficient even dealing with axemen - properly promoted...
  15. K

    Boycott Civ 4

    Okay. For anyone who wants to complain that cIV doesn't give Christianity any special treatment, two words: Baba Yetu. Not to mention about the entire medieval age.
  16. K

    Preventing ai from requesting open borders...

    Yup, the exception is if you agree to "stop trading" altogether at the request of a third party. Since open borders is considered to be a trade, this does carry a penalty.
  17. K

    Most used civics

    Free speech gives commerce not gold, and only in towns. What I am saying is that in my games my capital is very well developed and bureaucracy almost always gives more commerce (that is, research + gold) than free speech for a certain period even though free speech is available. To check...
  18. K

    Most used civics

    I would question the blind switching to free speech as soon as it is available. In my games, there is a large period of overlap between when bureaucracy is better than free speech, even though free speech is available. Usually this period lasts at least until emancipation (so between...
  19. K

    Trading World Maps

    The main reason why this is usually true is because the AI does world map-for-world map trading amongst each other all the time behind your back, meaning they already have the maximum coverage before talking to you and therefore it is actually worth more. However, if you are able to make first...
  20. K

    Do you really need specialization?

    I've play monarch and prince, and you can win both fairly easily with a minimum of specialization. I find a minimum of 3 - 4 specialized cities is sufficient: Oxford university + Academy + university + library + observatory + great library + Cottage spam + (Bureaucracy if capital city.)...
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