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  1. Vladesch

    Diplomacy screen with no options

    Was discussing deals with japanese guy, and after I hit nevermind all the text and buttons disappeared from the screen, but his portrait was still there. There was nothing to clock on and I couldnt esc out, so I had to kill civ6 in the task manager. Only unusual things was I offered him oranges...
  2. Vladesch

    Why can't my artillery attack (screenshot)

    In the screenshot, my artillery is on the hill NE of Delhi. My understanding was that a hill could shoot over (grassland)forest. Delhi is on grassland, so I can't see what the problem is. I seem to be constantly running into these problems with blocked shooting. Anyone able to shed any...
  3. Vladesch

    Can someone explain where my food is going (screenshot)

    I have 2 citizens in this city and and harvesting 8 food, yet the city is stagnant. I just don't get it. Can someone explain to me what's going on?
  4. Vladesch

    Why cant my archer attack (screenshot)

    I am trying to attack the orange bird head unit with my archer 2 squares to its right. I'm currently at war with russia. When I select my archer and hover the mouse over the orange unit it shows me the combat odds and I get the red target dot (as is shown in the screenshot), but it just doesnt...
  5. Vladesch

    SOD? yeah right....

    So I thought I was doing pretty well as the calabim. I had a stack of about 7 vampired highly promoted, 3 mages, a confessor and some catapaults, and I was slowly taking the Amurite cities. The khazad now declare war on me, but I figure my vampires should be able to deal with what they throw at...
  6. Vladesch

    Enemy air defense vs my air attack on ships

    Was playing a game last night with a lot of naval attack coming from a nearby continent, and I was trying to use bombers and fighters to weaken the enemy ships before I attack them with my own ships. I was continually unable to attack the target I was going for, and got mesages that either Id...
  7. Vladesch

    Blight... you've got to be kidding?

    Been playing a game with the order, and bumping the AC up a little myself as I figure it will hurt my evil/neutral opponents more than me. Anyway, the AC just hit 40, and now all my cities have got this "blight" which is hitting me with so much unhelthiness, my cities will all soon starve down...
  8. Vladesch

    Not upgrading to mithril, cant see why not

    I have mithril working and mithril weapons. I have a mithril mine that has a route, and units that can use mithril weapons, yet they remain on iron. What more do I need to do? I have included a savegame.
  9. Vladesch

    FFH Succession games

    I quite enjoyed reading through the normal cxiv3 xuccesion games, and it was a good way to learn strategy, but now I'm getting into FFH I can't find any FFH succession games on this site. Am I looking in the wrong place, or do people just not bother?
  10. Vladesch

    Attacking with stacks glitches

    2 situations where stacks of units dont work as they should when attacking. If you have a stack of siege weapons selected and attempt to attack multiple times, on the second attack it still has the first siege selected that you just attacked with, and because that is now out of movement, it...
  11. Vladesch

    Desert tile should be floodplain

    I thought any desert tile next to a river should be floodplain. The selected worker in this picture is standing on desert, but shouldnt it be a floodplain? Here is the savegame... desert.CivBeyondSwordSave
  12. Vladesch

    Wonder movies crashing

    It open the wonder movie window, pauses for a while, then the entire screen goes blank, then I get an error window. This happened twice, mot recently with the kremlin. If I got back to the autosave, the movie plays correctly. Never had any problem with the wonder movies in Vanilla or...
  13. Vladesch

    Wierd bug, nice cheat for computer

    Playing on prince level, and chewing through the aztecs. I leave 1 defending swordsman in a city Ive conquered, and the rest of the swordsman/catapaults move on. Some turns later, an axeman literally walks across the water about 5 squares (in one move), attacks my fortified swordsman on a hill...
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