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  1. H

    Base or rise and fall ?

    I also think you should go straight to R&F. The new features make it a lot better. (It's my favourite version of all the Civs now...)
  2. H

    My take on why Civ 6 will be a bad game, a 3 pt. podcast

    And yet you can comment on a game that you haven't played?
  3. H

    Realism vs symbolism - or why Civilization isn't a Paradox game

    The dimmer switch in my sitting room seems to do just fine. :)
  4. H

    Civilization gameplay: degrees of simulation

    Well since Civ the computer game took a number of ideas from the 1980 board game of the same name, I'm not surprised. And as a big player of Eurogames ("designer" board games) I have no problem with this. Civ is an abstract game; it's never going to be anything like realistic - it's not...
  5. H

    Realism vs symbolism - or why Civilization isn't a Paradox game

    "Realism" and "Civ" are not even remotely connected - and of course, nor should they be. Civ is all about abstraction. How could it possibly be otherwise?
  6. H

    "Builders" as the new Workers... now with charges.

    I guess that the builders represent construction resources that you have to firstly acquire, then move into position before finally exploiting. So it's more like a combination of logistics and resources - seems like a reasonable game mechanic to me.
  7. H

    Old timer's, what are your thoughts so far?

    I started with Civ I. I actually very much enjoyed Civ V after its expansion, and play it instead of any previous versions. From what I've seen so far of Civ VI, I'm going to like that even better!
  8. H

    Is Sean Bean Confirmed as the narrator?

    I'd like Diane Morgan as the narrator. :)
  9. H

    Is the promise of no go to-tactic just a PR stunt?

    A PR Stunt is a "planned event designed to attract the public's attention to the event's organizers or their cause". So no, this is manifestly not a PR stunt. However, perhaps the OP just misused the phrase, and really meant something else, such as "marketing spin".
  10. H

    Pyramids can be built only on desert tiles

    The smaller blue stones were transported from Wales. The much larger sarsens came from within 25 miles.
  11. H

    God damn this game is good

    At first, I wasn't very sure about it. But now I've played it for many hours, I love it. :)
  12. H

    Worst version of Civ EVER?

    You really can't expect polls on forums like these to mean anything. All it does is to prove that people are idiots. :)
  13. H

    A warning from a 'fanboi'

    Over-defensive responses like that devalue the points you are trying to make you know. I fear the damage has already been done.
  14. H

    The AI is ok? Really?! Then watch this.

    The first (small) patch is out, and one of the things it claims to fix is: "AI valuation of cities in trades and peace deals improved."
  15. H

    Wait for the patch before you buy.

    How is that job behind the counter in Game going?
  16. H

    An Evaluation: Why CIV 5 is an absolute atrocity.

    Yep, this is called "devaluing the English language". Journos do it all the time; perhaps he is one. ;)
  17. H

    Why I can't install any mod in Civ5?

    This is quite a bad bug, especially with the rise of SSDs (like on my system). I hope they fix this bug!
  18. H

    This game is... (First impressions)

    You seem unable to understand that other people might like something that you don't... How could you possibly go through life without encountering such a situation? Very strange. Perhaps you are quite young?
  19. H

    Where's my Cottage!?

    Know the feeling. :)
  20. H

    I miss you, Soren... so much

    Your witty rejoinder has stunned me! Such eloquence! How could we possibly disagree? For the record, I really like Civ 5 so far (the demo). I'm 49 years old and I don't own a console. You are, well, I'm not sure what you are. Not impressive, for starters.
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