• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Search results

  1. G

    [BtS] Rise of Mankind 2

    Has anyone got a mirrow to download the latset version other then the the torrent version please?
  2. G

    Problem running rise of man civ4 mod

    Can anyone help me out plz?
  3. G

    Can't install Civ IV Complete on XP/Vista

    x2. Sounds like civ4 can't run right on windows 7/vista?
  4. G

    Problem running rise of man civ4 mod

    Hi all. Really looking forward to civ5, better be good lol :D I downloaded A recommended mod for civ4 called rise of man. I downloaded it and put it in the mod file in the beyond the sword mod folder. The game starts up fine and i go to advanced the use mod option. Once i select it, the...
  5. G

    Best civ4 mod to download?

    Thanks for the suggestions all :) But I'm after a mod that is historically accurate? Like the original but with more stuff if that's possible?
  6. G

    Best civ4 mod to download?

    Hi all :) I really enjoy playing the civ games, always have done. But what is the best mod to download and install for civ 4? I have all the expansions :) Thanks :)
  7. G

    civ4 running really slow???

    hi all great site cant wait for the expansions;) ive recently reinstalled civ4 for me pc and when im playing the game everything runs really fast normal at the begining but when the whole world map is shown i get amsingly slow performance i thought my computer would be able to run this game...
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