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  1. T

    Great Library Query

    I tried that, it doesn't work. I get a message that says, "This is not a valid scenario file". I've also noticed a few things missing in the editor that is present in the game. I was rebuilding that island, on a new random map yesterday a bit, and when I went to add tobacco to the spot where...
  2. T

    Which conquest is your favorite?

    My new favorite is tie between sword of the something or aother with the shogun, and mesoamerica. I like the music is the japan setting best of any other music, and in mesoamerica, I like the prety birds and Jade.
  3. T

    Great Library Query

    I've been toying with the editor a bit but haven't quite figured it all out yet. Especially, I can generate a new random map with a button, but what I really want to do is use the map from my savegame file. That map is terrific, I got to see it when I retired once by mistake instead of...
  4. T


    Well, I'm a religious civ, so there is only turn of anarchy. But basically yeah. In civ 2, I would relocate my capital, build a courthouse in city one, than put my capital back, or use the copy another citys improvemnt cheat to put a courthouse in. I like for every single improvement possable...
  5. T


    --- My Island has all the cities adjascent to my capital, they all have couthouses, they all celebrate "we love the Sir day", yet even after I switch from despotism to monarchy (Which supposedly has a loyalty factor, there is still corroption in my realm of net -8 at times. I thought corruption...
  6. T

    Why Are you still playing Civ III?

    My computer is too old and I don't want to pay $50 bucks for a game. Especially one still in its infancy. I expect they'll come out with the civ IV combo packs and remakes with titles like ultimate. I only just bought civ3 complete, and already there is a thread here about a new civ 3 title...
  7. T

    I can't believe I'm going to ask this . . .

    --- It's odd, but I've been turned down and called rude, and threatened with the vengence og the jaguar god-king etc. for offering up 3gpt as a sign of good will. Why would they turn town an offer of gold for free, and call it a lousy deal?
  8. T

    Which conquest is your favorite?

    My favorite at the moment is fall of rome. I play the anglo-saxxons. (I think they are englishman?) You start with just the one city, but seven or so migrants, and I really like getting to have the Barbarian branch on my tech tree. I hate the franks though. There all smiley, polite, nice...
  9. T

    Great Library Query

    --- I would if I could, but I'm playing in civ3 complete, and none of the cheats work for it yet. Everything is still tailored to the prvious releases at this point. It wouldn't be so bad excapt that I'm always compelled to play in sid mode, which leaves me far behind the AI in tech and...
  10. T


    It's too bad rebublic is so overwhelingly wonderful in civ III. i always tend to avoid it. I go from despotism to monarchy, to fascism. No democracy, and no communism (except maybe to get a secret police station built even if it has no benifits afterword [I just like to have it.]). I like...
  11. T

    What if you could design a new civ game, choosing from things in Civ1,2,3, and 4?

    I only played 2 and 3. Id' use 3 ans my core, but add the panel of advisors that speak and have personalities, in aroom etc. I'd add the wonder movies, and the cheat bar. Also that civ scoreboard thing that tracked lifespan, literacy, family size etc. What I'd actually suggest for civ5 would...
  12. T

    Moving Your Palace

    The only time I ever move my capital is if and when my first city gers captured by an enemy, then recaptured by me. I move my capital back to the first city.
  13. T

    Great Library Query

    --- Well, i like it any way. Civ3 is shy the panel of advisors that speak and smile and stuff, but even so, and I'm not quite sure how their palace improvement system works yet, In civ II I'd save a man each time I finished one style of palace so I can look at all four pictures, Civ III I've...
  14. T

    Dismayed - then I will hush...

    --- How does this work exactly? I don't want to have to create an entire world map from scratch, but if there is a way to load an already made map, (such as from a save game file) then edid the terrain in it a bit, add/delete some tiles, plop in lux's, etc. That would be perfect.
  15. T

    Great Library Query

    --- No, civ3 complete, just like it comes out of the box, (with those two darn latest patches too). I tried adding all the trainers available on this site, but none of them work with complete. As to why I am trying to cheat, was that a rhetorical question?:lol: I'm not in it for the...
  16. T

    Great Library Query

    --- Mine has five bars each of which seem to hold 140 shields before they fill.
  17. T

    What Aspects of Civ2 Do You Wish Civ3 Had?

    I miss the wonder movies with their music; the bar of advisers wit hvoice personality and outfits and facial expressions and emotional enthusiasm; The more sci-fi looking spaceship; I also really miss the ability to trade food between your citis and other civs. In civ 2, you could send via...
  18. T

    Great Library Query

    --- I also notet that the gl should cost 400 shields as per the civilopedia entry, but actually costs 700 (in SID mode anyway), also, an in game cheat I tried didn't work. I loaded a bunch of settlers/workers into my capital, put all my citizens into the most shield productive squares (which...
  19. T

    Civ3 Complete question

    --- I don't know why they don't work either, but they don't. Multi and leemur don't work either, and neither does that file change to give you max gold. It's all not aplicable. I think part of it is that complete merges the conquest system with the standard one. That file described...
  20. T

    Great Library Query

    Right, so the SID AI is preventing me from getting GL on purpose. I proved it too. I saved a man at 1350BC. another at 950BC. each then having learned literature. I ran those men with GL being built, and each time another civ reached it 3 turns before me. I ran the men a second time...
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