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Food Economy - Tradable Bonus Resources

I love this idea Deep_Blue, it solves a major problem with useless resources and provides a great new mechanism for future mods to build off of. Personally I wouldn't think a policy penalty is needed though.

Do you think you could extend your mod to allow resources to give bonuses other than food? (e.g. to allow future mods to make changes such as: Temple + culture from connected Incense, Research Lab + science from connected Uranium, Theatre + gold from connected Dye, Ironworks + hammer from connected Coal, etc)
Do you think you could extend your mod to allow resources to give bonuses other than food? (e.g. to allow future mods to make changes such as: Temple + culture from connected Incense, Research Lab + science from connected Uranium, Theatre + gold from connected Dye, Ironworks + hammer from connected Coal, etc)

That can be done for sure, the problem is with balancing issues for example while I was doing this mod I had an idea to add +1 gold per luxury in market but then I thought it is too powerful so I didn't do that.
Hi Deep_Blue

Let me just start of by saying that your mod looks really interesting and could possibly help with one of the major flaws of the game so far: the lack of flavour that was given to ressources. Good work :goodjob:

That being said I also like to play with a lot of other mods like Atilla's mod and Thallassicus' balance mods. Unfortunately a lot of your files conflict with those:
  • TradeLogic.lua - also in Atillas mod (v13)
  • TopPanel.lua - also in Atillas mod (v13)
  • Also in Unofficial Patch (v31)
  • DiploTrade.xml - also in InfoAddict (v10)

As I am no experienced modder I ask if you have any idea about how I can solve these conflicts. For example I can see that you're very good at commenting your changes (great work!!), so could I for example copy your modded lines into the corresponding files from the other mods (given that there are no changes to identical parameters/calls,...), delete the files from your mod library and make it work that way?

Hope you can help - My Civ V modding experience is not that great yet and its a bit different than Civ IV modding.

That being said I also like to play with a lot of other mods like Atilla's mod and Thallassicus' balance mods. Unfortunately a lot of your files conflict with those:
  • TradeLogic.lua - also in Atillas mod (v13)
  • TopPanel.lua - also in Atillas mod (v13)
  • Also in Unofficial Patch (v31)
  • DiploTrade.xml - also in InfoAddict (v10)

I dont want to go and merge my mod with other mods and then republish other Modders mods without their permission to do that. However you can merge my mod by copy-paste modified lines in other mods and it will work with no problem.

could I for example copy your modded lines into the corresponding files from the other mods (given that there are no changes to identical parameters/calls,...), delete the files from your mod library and make it work that way?

yes.. merge duplicated lua files by copying my commented lines and keep other files.
This seems ... large.

Is it per type of resource, or per resource?

Is there any chance to make it more closely duplicate the happiness effect -- a global food pool that is boosted by 5 for having a type of resource, plus 1 per duplicate, that is then shared over your cities?
This seems ... large.

Is it per type of resource, or per resource?

Is there any chance to make it more closely duplicate the happiness effect -- a global food pool that is boosted by 5 for having a type of resource, plus 1 per duplicate, that is then shared over your cities?

The bonus food is 1 Food per resource type in each city with granary. Global +5 food? where to distribute them and in which cities? you cant divide 5 food on 10 cities.
The bonus food is 1 Food per resource type in each city with granary. Global +5 food? where to distribute them and in which cities? you cant divide 5 food on 10 cities.
Equally between cities, bias towards largest? (or, bias towards cities with worst food situation). There are lots of reasonable answers.

The point is that as written, the impact of this mod is quadratic on the size of your empire. And that just seems destabilizing.

Just wanted to say that I started my first game using this mod today and so far it's a great addition to the game.

Good work!

Equally between cities, bias towards largest? (or, bias towards cities with worst food situation). There are lots of reasonable answers.

The point is that as written, the impact of this mod is quadratic on the size of your empire. And that just seems destabilizing.

Try it first then give your recommendations. There are many ways to nerf this other than global food, in previous posts I suggested somethings that you didnt notice:
I had some ideas for balancing:
1- Removing 25% food storage from Granary.
2- Slowing cities growth by increasing the Required Food amount for a city to grow by +4 food.

in No.2 the bonuses from food are offset by increasing the amount of food required for a city to grow, this way keeping growth rate closer to normal and adding importance to Bonus Resources (civs with no access to Bonus Resources will grow slower).

but I dont feel that these are necessary I feel that the current bonuses are just fine. but please dont tell me otherwise before testing it in the game yourself.

thanks for your feedback.
how many food can granary give at maximum?
what resources are counted - bonus ones only or some of luxury (whales/elephants) too?

granary give food for only Bonus Resources (wheat, cow, Deer, Banana, Fish, Sheep), the bonus food in granary is +1 per Bonus Resource Type so if you have all bonus resources you will receive maximum +6 food in granary (in each city).
Great mod.
Is there any way to easily see if two mods isn't compatible? In my game the granary provides no food to the cities. Every thing else works just that the bonus doesn't apply.
Great mod.
Is there any way to easily see if two mods isn't compatible? In my game the granary provides no food to the cities. Every thing else works just that the bonus doesn't apply.

unfortunately you cant check if mods conflict between each other easily, it will be nice if the developers add a feature that report conflicts to moddbuddy.

To check if the mods are incompatible the only way is to see if there are duplicated lua files between the mods, for example if both mods use CityView.lua they will conflict between each other (see compatibility notes in my first post).
For me, when I improve a resource like fish, the happiness factor will increase by 3 for 1/2 second then go back to what it was before. Can you tell us what files you use that may conflict with others so we can see about merging them?

ed: My bad... should have read the initial post first. Ignore the question. It's a great mod but incompatible with too many mods.
Any v1217 update planned... for LeoPaRd?

Actually I'm running this mod with v1.217 with no problems. Should mention that it has been modded a bit so it works with Thals mods but otherwise it's the same.

Only thing that annoys me is that AI's never seem to A)approach me and offer deals with resources and B)always prefer instant gold payments instead of gold per turn deals (with huge risks of exploits) but I'm guessing both are out of reach for this mod as it would probably require dll changes.

Great mod - It brings a little bit of flavor back to non strategic/luxury resources.

What will the name of the new Mod be Deep Blue-so I can look out for it?

Also, is it at all possible to make food & luxury resources behave similar to strategic resources-i.e. have them come as units-or is that only going to be possible once the SDK comes out?

What will the name of the new Mod be Deep Blue-so I can look out for it?

Also, is it at all possible to make food & luxury resources behave similar to strategic resources-i.e. have them come as units-or is that only going to be possible once the SDK comes out?


I am not decided yet about the name of the mod. I will tell you when I finish it. it is 95% completed but I didnt work on it for more than 2 months because I was busy lately.

About the other question , yes you can assign quantity to luxury and bonus resources using simple xml modding, this was done by some mods you can find in the forums.
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