OSG 24 - The Guns of Sssla

Small spoiler: IRC3 and Inferno landed on my first turn :) I won't be able to finish tonight, though.
We lost Antares to the Meklar :( Bunch of other good news to offset that, though.
We lost Antares to the Meklar

I'm resisting the urge to say I told you so... at least until I find out how big the Meklar fleet was :lol:
Oh you can start saying I told you so. I had 63 fighters or so for defense, another 50-60 would probably have done the trick. Or at least allowed me to take out the colony ship and delay their colonization. Mea culpa :bowdown::spank:

The good news is really good, though. We're definitely in this game to win!
Thanks to Maniac Marshall for pointing me to ImageShack, pictures included this time!


- Stopped ship production at all planets, switched to research
- New tech allocation (in ticks): Computers 1 (at 11%), Construction 2 (= interest optimization, will be at about 20% in 8 years at optimal interests), Force Fields 1 (not a priority yet), Planetology 31 (putting it at 30%, we seem to be jinxed here and need it urgently), Propulsion 14 (8% chance), Weapons 1 (also not a priority). Total RP 668.

2391: IRC3 lands at 11%, along with Inferno at 30%. I choose Improved Space Scanner over ECM mk III and IT+30 over Soil Enrichment and Bio Toxin Antidote. 6 fighters produced at Endoria.
- Designed Inferno 1.0. 1 will be completed at Esper => Beta Ceti, 1 at Tau Cygni => Dolz and 1 at Trax => Antares. Another will follow at Esper => Kailis in a few turns and one at Tau Cygni => Jinga also in a few turns.
- Seeded IT+30, did not seed Improved Space Scanner. Left other fields at optimal interest rates, will let Inertial Stabilizer remain at 8% until it hits.

2392: Silicoids approach Beta Ceti with a single colony ship, they quickly retreat when stared down by 104 fighters. Finished 3 inferno colony ships. Inertial Stabilizer hits at 10%! I choose Sub Light Drives over Dotomite Crystals.
- Continued to seed IT+30 heavily, seeded Sub Light Drives a little bit.

2393: Silicoid colony ship approaching Antares alone, Meklar Devastator (Large) parked at Arietis right next to our systems.
- Switching to minimal research for optimal interest in all fields, totalling 205 RP. Will be keeping this allocation for the rest of my reign, and I advise my successor to stick with it as well. Will need to up the RP total by 22.5% each turn.
- Sssla and Vega finance the research for now, Tau Cygni is at max ship building, rest are at max industry.

2394: Silicoids retreat from Antares, and we colonize it! This brings us in contact with the weakminded humans, who foolishly believe that our empires can live in peace and harmony. They control only the 3 systems we already know of. The Silicoids and Meklar are expanding recklessly, 14 and 13 systems respectively. To my surprise, the humans are at feud relations with us!

- I seek negotiations with the humans. They offer us Fusion Bomb, Deep Space Scanner, IT+10, RW80 and Hand Lasers. They'll only part with RW80 for IRC3, but they'll trade us Hand Lasers for either Barren or Hyper-V tech. I gladly give them Barren for it. They then refuse a trade treaty and rudely ignore me. I fund a spying operation on them, hoping to steal some easy tech.
- Silicoids trade me Nuclear Engines for Death Spores! While Death Spores are not a harmless weapon, I'm much too excited about Nuclear Engines to pass on this offer. They would also have accepted Inertial Stabilizer, which I consider a bigger asset. They then proceed to trade me IIT7 for Inertial Stabilizer, which is also an offer I can't refuse.
- The Meklars offer a wide range of technology for Inertial Stabilizer: ECM II, BC III, Shield III, Irridium fuel, RW80%, Dotomite... Nothing really interesting. And then they sweeten the pot:

They're willing to accept IRC3 for it instead, but that seems foolish. These trades were a windfall for us, along with lucky breakthroughs this is a clear sign that we shall win this game resoundingly.
- The Meklar have sent 3 Nexus ships, 1 Ajax and 1 Colony Ship to take Antares from us... I grudgingly acknowledge Maniac Marshall being right to warn us about this possibility, as I doubt we'll be able to repel them next turn. I will try to disable the colony ship so we'll be able to send reinforcements before the planet is taken. Max ship production on Trax (2 turns) and Sssla (3 turns). They're producing my new Fighter 2.0: Nuclear Engines, Inertial Stabilizer, 1 laser, BC I at 18 BC. I believe these will be highly potent in a nebula battle.
- Esper and Vega take over the majority of the research projects, while Tau Cygni churns out a colony ship and Endoria produces factories.

2395: The battle is on!
Turn 1: enemy ships advance, we advance and seek to duck behind asteroid clusters at the bottom.
Turn 2: enemy ships advance again, we continue hiding
Turn 3: nexus ships and the colony ship fire their missiles at our fighters, our ships hold position
Turn 4: another volley is fired, the ajax advances on us, we still hold our position
Turn 5: 5 fighters go down to the first volley, all enemy ships advance, we're still tucked in behind the asteroids
Turn 6: 3 fighters go down, seems there are no more missiles, we advance near the bottom of the screen
Turn 7: 4 fighters go down to what seems to be ion beams from the ajax. Our scout is taken out by heavy laser fire from the nexus ships. Our fighters fire at the ajax and inflict 35 points of damage.
Turn 8: 15 fighters go down, only 37 left now. I make a feeble attempt at taking out the colony ship, doing 32 points of damage.
Turn 9: 12 fighters go down, 25 left. 28 points of damage inflicted to the colony ship, 40 HP left.
Turn 10: All fighters perish :(

Dolz is settled, and Antares is destroyed. It will likely be settled by the Meklar next year.

- raised total research to 306 RP, still running at optimal interest in all fields
- A Meklar Devastator seems to be en route to Jinga... If this is the case, I'll churn out some nuclear fighters next few turns to send there. With our new and improved speed, we should have no trouble catching it in time.
- Silicoids offer me IT+10 for Hyper-V, I consider this a pretty good deal. Granted, they only have nuclear missiles at present so their interest in an upgrade is obvious. Still, I'm happy with the exchange.
- I do max industry on Sssla and put up 90% of a base on Trax. Vega, Esper and Endoria finance our research.

2396: Colony ship complete at Esper, relocated to Endoria. 10 nuclear fighters arrive at Antares to duke it out with 4 large ships and a colony ship! My defense rating is up to a whooping 6 from 3 earlier, so I decide to go for broke and try to take out the colony ship. I also have a 1 point upgrade to my battle computers, and I should be able to outrun their missiles this time with their impressive speed of 3.

Combat report: I outrun their missiles easily, but am sadly no match for their beams and only do 9 points of damage to the colony ship before being destroyed.

- Sssla set to produce 12 nuclear fighters which will be relocated to Trax. In case the Meklar move on Trax next turn, they'll arrive in time.
- Trax back to max industry, I want our front line planets to have the capacity to put up a lot of bases and ships if needed
- The Meklar Devastator is indeed bound for Jinga, and will arrive in 5 turns. It's not much of a threat on its own, and we keep a close eye on any reinforcements sent there. Our colony ship will arrive in 4 turns, so we'll need enough fighters to repel it. I send the Endorian fleet of 31 fighters there, trusting that Endoria will remain safe for now. Jinga already has a fleet of 29 fighters, adding 20 nuclear fighters should be more than enough to repel the Devastator.
- Research upped to 377 per year, still running at optimal interests across the board. Planetology and Weapons are lighting up about halfways.

2397: Beta Ceti is colonized! Not a moment too soon, as the Meklar are approaching it with a colony ship and a Nexus. Should be easy enough to handle with the current fleet stationed there, tallying 143 retro fighters.
- Added a tick of terraforming to most planets, utilizing the terraforming technology we got from the Silicoids.
- Total research of 454, still on target.
- 21 nuclear fighters total being produced at Endoria and Esper, will arrive at Jinga in time to repel the Meklar Devastator.

2398: 21 nuclear fighters completed at Endoria and Esper.
- Upped research to 565 RP
- Silicoids are now at Relaxed relations, I decide to push my luck and seek a NAP with them. They accept!

2399: Meklar attack at Beta Ceti! Both ships foolish charge us and are destroyed with minor casualties. In other news, a wealthy merchant decided to support the Silicoids with 900 BC. While I'm pleased with the fortune of our new friends, I would have been even more pleased to see us get that cash.
- The insidious Meklar are finally willing to talk to us, but I decide to let my successor handle dealings with them.
- The Silicoids have a colony ship approaching one of our systems, probably Beta Ceti. Should not be a problem. Surprisingly, they're back down to Neutral. May be to do with one of the bugs kyrub spotted in the relations code? May also have to do with them finally catching our hiding spy :) Before he was terminated, our spy discovered that the Silicoids now have access to IRC4. We will be hard pressed to keep up with our neighbours industrially...
- Trax should be well defended: 27 nuclear fighters and the capability to finish the dormant base and put up another one same turn. Endoria should also get a base, but I'm holding off for a little while longer. Beta Ceti will need a contingent of nuclear fighters shortly, we should look into scrapping our retro fighters within the next 10 turns.

2400: Election time! Not surprisingly, our powerful Meklar and Silicoids neighbours are both nominated. Bulrathis abstain (5 votes), Silicoids vote for themselves (8 votes), Meklar vote for themselves (9 votes), Humans vote for the Meklars (3 votes), Klackons abstain (7 votes) and we abstain (6 votes)

My reign is complete, and it's time for a status update:
- I decided to not finance colonization of the UP planets yet, believing that we have more pressing priorities and cannot afford to hold that many frontier planets. Ajax (15 Toxic Rich, in between the two UP) has a colony ship en route.
- I gave industrial and technological progress very high priority, and I think I did a good job of that. Interests have been put to good use, and my successor can keep the current allocations for a couple more years. Planetology is now at 2% and Weapons is at 3%. Computers still haven't been seeded, all other fields are well underway.
- I lost Antares, which was an embarrassing defeat. I had ample time to bolster defenses, and foolishly disregarded the warnings of Maniac Marshall. However, we shall use this as our first strike point in the war with the Meklar that seems more and more likely.
- All other systems are defended adequately, I do not foresee any imminent threats against us barring total war with the Meklar.
- Relations are improving with the Silicoids, I suggest that we strive to maintain good relations with them.
- I lucked into a huge windfall with the technology swaps, a windfall that may well secure our victory. All of those technologies came at just the right time to be of optimal use, and we didn't have to pay much for them.

Below is illegal information obtained in heinous ways :) Total research of 11196, meaning that a whooping 840 RP will be needed to keep taking optimal advantage of interests. Fortunately, two of our fields are maturing shortly. I actually tried using this editor to cheat and change RefSteel's research decision :p Turned out that changing to a lower level tech means you'll still be paying the original price... Not so cool, so I quickly cheated back :)

I wish my successor good luck, I'm feeling very confident of our chances and am enjoying this variant immensely. Many thanks to RefSteel for hosting it, and to all of you for agreeing to most of my suggested rules :)
You could host them at imageshack for now. You don't even have to sign up for an account there, though thats useful if you ever want to find them again heh. If/when they fix their uploader, you can upload and replace if you want.

I've barely scanned the report, but you got nuclear engines! Those will help a lot for defending with fleets. I'll read it later when I have time and comment later.

I'll refrain from saying I told you so since, if you'd have told me in advance infeno would hit on the first interturn, I'd have not made more fighters either. :)
I have to admit that it was a simple oversight. I reasoned that if we had the colony there, we could always put out more fighters in case they put a fleet in orbit and wanted to invade it. What I forgot was that the AI will always bomb on the first turn, which in this case was enough to wipe it out. It sucks and it was a bad call on my part, but I think I did pretty good other than that (if luck counts towards skill).
Considering that the humans are at Feud with us, it might actually be a GOOD thing we lost Antares. They might have declared war and put us under dogpile. Not sure we've seen a killer fleet from the Meklars yet, but still...

Ordinarily I'm not a fan of trading spores until we have the antidote, however, the antidote is in our tree, and will likely be our next research, since we've a limited number (three) of planets that can use soil enrichment, so good job there. I'm a big fan of getting either warp 2 or 3 in the early going.

Also good job picking up HL for Barren.

What tech did you get from the Meklars?

Losing Antares is a mixed bag. As mentioned above, it might save us from a dogpile, and, as you mentioned, it gives us another "easy target", along with the UP's (assuming we don't colonize them, and I still think we should grab one of them, see below.)

Hey, we got the UR and it looks secure. That's the bigger prize of the two, as at least it won't need 50+ bases to be secure, like the Nebula world would have.

Assuming we grab Jinga, we should be ok. As long as that large doesn't have Class III deflectors on it, we should be ok. (I dono if we've faced one of these before, or what we know about it). We could always resort to missile boats to kill it if that's the case though.

Also, I note we have an Inferno colony ship headed to a Toxic Planet... I'd suggest sending it to the smaller UP when it gets there. We probably won't be able to hold the one next to Cryslon, if we even get there in time. Someone's probably already got a fleet on the way there. We don't necessarily have to make a huge fleet to defend the planet. If we lose it, we lose it. In the meanwhile, it can do some research for us. It should also bring the 2 (as far as we know) uninhabited worlds in the SE into scouting range. We might not be able to get either of these planets, but surely they are worth a look.

Edit: Crosposted with the above. We got IER. That's awesome.

More Edit: Don't worry about the nebula world. (Non industrial waste) happens. Your move was as likely to have been correct as not. I'm just more paranoid than most... Which is not always a good thing.

More Edit: Also not good news that the Klackons are roughly our size. We're really going to be up against it for production. Looks like we might have 3 worthy foes. The Humans and Bears are most likely insignificant.

Still more Edit: The Meklars have ion canons. We could REALLY use ion cannons. Our lasers wont be good for much longer. We might want to look into prying those from them at some point.
Nice work, Catwalk; things are looking up! I'd say more, but Maniac has pretty much already said everything. So: Good luck, codehappy; I'm look forward to your report!
Great report, Catwalk. Yes, it looks like others have said most of what there was to say.

Where did you get that editor? Want!! :drool:

Anyone have any idea why the humans were in the "Feud" range of the relations bar with us? According to the strategy guide, that part of the bar is the range -91 to -100 with -100 being the bottom. Normally the humans are at a base +7 with everybody-- why are we on their "non-industrial waste" list? :dunno:
Also, I note we have an Inferno colony ship headed to a Toxic Planet...
Grrr, could have sworn I didn't mess up on my colony ships this time :(
Where did you get that editor? Want!!
I'll upload it on RB, I think I got it from Jon Sullivan's site. It's neat for RP numbers, although it would be even neater if it had some more calculations shown (like total RP or optimal RP invested). Do we have anyone who can do a small tool like that? Would be a huge help.
I recommend that my successor scraps the retro fighters soon and replace them with nuclear fighters. Would also free up a lot of credits for Dolz and Beta Ceti.
I recommend that my successor scraps the retro fighters soon and replace them with nuclear fighters. Would also free up a lot of credits for Dolz and Beta Ceti.

I tried scrapping them; their maintenance does cost the empire as a whole 47 BC/turn, nearly half of what we are spending on ship maintenance. I don't think they're going to weigh down Dolz and Beta Ceti too much though since they are Rich and Ultra Rich respectively. However, the fighters may no longer be worth what we're paying for them as an empire, and if you want to build up our nuclear fighters and then scrap the old ones, I think that's fine; just PLEASE make sure that there are new fighters at every planet where we currently have retro fighters before you scrap the retro fighters. I always do that in "single player", to inhibit AI scouting as I mentioned earlier.

Also, remember that retro fighters are currently Beta Ceti's only defense!
I uploaded the editor to RB, you can find it here.

I don't suggest scrapping retro fighters right this instant, but in 2-3 years we can probably put out enough nuclear fighters to make the switch and then keep producing more. By credits, I was referring to our reserve which can be used more effectively right now as we have rich and ultra rich planets under development.
If the save isn't up by tomorrow afternoon, I might need a skip or a delay till Thursday. Might not, but I might and I thought it best to give a heads up just in case.
Catwalk said:
I don't suggest scrapping retro fighters right this instant, but in 2-3 years we can probably put out enough nuclear fighters to make the switch and then keep producing more. By credits, I was referring to our reserve which can be used more effectively right now as we have rich and ultra rich planets under development.

Thank you for clarifying about the credits. As for the fighters, since you mentioned "2-3 years"... remember, they will have to travel to their destinations. I would cover every star (colonized or not) that currently has only retro fighters, with nuke fighters before scrapping.
No, no, that's catwalks save. I'm the player after the player after catwalk.

I see you edited as I was posting heh.

Since I made a post responding to something that was edited out of existed, I might as well make a comment =P

I'm at work and cant look at the save atm, but I'm not sure I'd be in a huge hurry to scrap the Warp 1 fighters. We'll obviously want some warp 2 ones that can be a bit more mobile and cover multiple places at once, but, really, until we actually have a non vapoware missile and bases up, those fighters can cover both the UR and the planet north of it. How long lasers will be any good is debatable. I'd probably just make less of the warp 2 fighters and not stress over 2-3% more maint. Instead, just put the planet to work doing research. Just my opinion, and w/o the save, it's just a vague suggestion with no9 hard numbers. (Hey, I made the post, I might as well babble about something)
Yeah, sorry.:)
OK, I'm going to ask the team's opinion on this before continuing.

Our ships are badly outclassed, and I mean badly. The Meklars brought a single Devastator large to Jinga and the thing's a monster: scads of heavy beams and shields that lasers can hardly scratch.

If we expect to actually hold some of the planets we're colonizing now, we need better weaponry; we can't realistically do it with lasers. Mass drivers are in our tree but they will take quite a while to research. Ion Cannons are available for trade from the Meklars right now, but they'll be expensive.

I would be inclined to trade IRC 3 for them -- the Meklars don't benefit from improved robotic controls as much as other races do, and they are currently one rung away from IRC 5; perhaps they don't have IRC 4 or 5 in their tree, but with their ability to research CPU tech I wouldn't count on them not having better RC soon. The Silicoids already have IRC 4.

The only available alternative trade would be to give IT+30 for it. I really don't like this option -- we'd be propping them up right where they're weak. We can't really stop the Meklars from building more and more factories via RC, but we can refuse to give them more and more factories via terraforming.

I'd prefer to use espionage to get these kind of techs myself, but we have no neighbors we can effectively spy on (that was the one big advantage of being in contact with the Humans, that we've unfortunately lost.)

Still, Improved Robotic Controls are a pretty big tech to give away, especially to an opponent we're likely to be fighting, and especially for something like Ion Cannon, so I'd like to bring this before the rest of the team.
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