OSG 24 - The Guns of Sssla


The Humans have a maximum of 5 years to live, because if the Meklar don't take Rigel, I will. What the hell, are you really a maniac you ask? (Yes... yea, I am...) We have a ridiculous amount of goodwill with the Klackons, Silicoids, and Meklar at the moment, and I plan to put that to good use.

you probably want to re-visit the tech field spending.

Yep, I sure do. There is a tech I want rather urgently.


Catwalk will probably have a stroke when he sees this incredibly inefficient use of RP, but I don't care. We're researching some useful techs in other fields, yeah, but nothing more useful right this instant than this one. Nothing even close. We're almost done exterminating the humans, after which we'll need a new target. I've selected the Bears. It's hard to attack people with whom you have no contact though. We need contact with the Bears so we can get info on them, and we need it now, not 10 turns from now. I'm not in the mood to let the RNG pull a "Controlled Inferno" on me. I'm just not going to play games with the RNG on this one.

I nearly missed the Human fleet that's about to arrive at Argus. Their ships are approaching from out of the Sun! (Really good tactician leading that fleet :) )

All we have there is our 9 Hyper-X Cruisers. Fortunately, we have a fleet of 44 Fusion Beam Corvettes one turn away at Sol, which I send up to Argus.

I send the 9 corvettes at Tau Cygni to rendezvous with the southern fleet at Beta Ceti, and I send our scanner ships to snoop around (mostly) Klackon space. This is probably an exercise in redundancy since we have adv. space scanner, but you never know.

I wish we'd left that large group of bombers in the north. I think we have plenty in the south already, and I want to take BOTH the remaining Human planets... There is nothing for it now but to send the southern bomber group (just the bombers) from Beta Ceti to Sol (No advantage to sending them straight to Rigel)

Diplomatically I do this straight away.

Yeah, I know :smoke: right? But I don't think so. Here is where I'm going with this. In five turns, the Humans will be dead. As I said above, I've decided that our next target will be the bears. Our variant doesn't allow us to declare war on others unless we are honoring our alliance by coming to the aid of our "friends". All three of our friends are at war with the bears. Adding the Klackons as a "friend" gives us an additional chance of being asked to lend aid, but that's not all. When we kill off the humans, there is a chance this will piss off another race to the point they declare war on us, at which point, we'll want to have the ability to get our other friends involved on our side. Also, in a miniaturization move, I pick up gatling laser from them for nuclear engines (they already have sub-light). I tried to get Controlled Radiated, but they wanted too much.

I try to make deals with the Borgs and the Crystalline things, but they want all sorts of stuff I don't want them to have, or, in the case of Advanced Soil Enrichment, I think we can eventually do better than Robotics IV from the Silicoids.

OK, so, all that's left is to fiddle around with our planets :p

I leave Argus enough in Ecology to finish Gaiaing, and throw the rest into defense. I want a shield erected here and at Sol asap.

Sol puts everything into shield.

Vega is given enough def to finish a single base. At this point, I think 1 base everywhere is prudent. It's extremely cheap to maintain.

Dolz and Beta Ceti stop making ships, and go over to reserves. I think we've got plenty of guns to finish off the humans, so I'd rather not make any more ships until I see what kind of ships we want to make to fight the Bears.

Several planets set to grow the last few pop (generally a single click operation). Annnddd. After about 2 hours of thought, typing, and poking around with things... I'm finally ready to click Next Turn!

IT -

End Result: Sakkra Losses - 1 Corvette.
Human Losses - Entire Fleet.

More Good News!

Our new choices are Range 8/9/10, Warp Dissipators, and Stargates. I think range 7 is sufficient for this universe (usually is in any universe), so it comes down to dissipators or stargates. I figure we'll want both, so I go for dissipators.

Of course, our propulsion breakthrough lead to this:

Which, in turn lead to this...

In the words of Hannibal: "I love it when a plan comes together."

2461 - So, now that we know everyone. lets have a look at the map.

Hmm,they have all the planets left on the map, making them roughly the same size as our 3 allies (All have 12-14 planets)

I wonder how they compare in other areas?

Technologically advanced? Anything but. We'll see just how bad off they are soon, but, how to explain taking 4 planets from the Meklars? Probably a simple combination of Building dreads, getting good armor and weapons and an engine, and maybe some good early force fields. Remember, the Meklar had nothing but Hyper-v until a few turns ago. And once the Bears get population on a planet, they can be tough to get rid of. If the war was starting NOW, I doubt the Bears would be so lucky.

Anyhow, I leave just a single click in spying on everyone else (Humans included) and set spying on the bears to give us a total spying budget of 4%.

I fiddle around with a couple of planets, but nothing major, except putting everything into a shield at Argus.

Techwise, it's time to make adjustments. I look at all of our research choices again. All have some use, but none are awesome. I'm not using a research assistant, so I dono for sure, but nothing looks especially seeded, except maybe cloning, so I pretty much just even out research for now.

IT - :sleep:

2462 - OK, lets see what the Bears have.

There are only 2 things there that are disturbing. Repulsor Beams, and Battle Suits. If we're going to be fighting the Bears, I can't see building a bunch of Beam ships. Why? Because they have Repulsor Beams. so, what to build then? Take a look at their Force Field "Technology"

It's 50% Fighter, it's 50% bomber, its 100% Bear Killer.

Maybe I shouldn't have put Zortium Armor on the things, I dono, but I did. I hate building eggshell large ships, and the larges turned out more cost efficient than mediums, even with better armor than the mediums. At least they can take a hit or two this way.

Fleet at Beta Ceti sent on to Artemis. Half the population from Kalis and Maalor sent there as well. Both planets told to regrow pop.

Beta Ceti and Dolz build Stingers. Both set Reloc to Sol.

IT - :sleep:

2463 - Argus has completed it's shield and a base. The bombers have arrived at Sol. We're going to Poach Rigel out from under some mechanical noses. Bombers + Fleet at Argus + half the pop of Sol and Argus sent to Rigel. Also, time to start the campaign against the Bears. Half the pop of Sssla and Trax sent to Ukko. All those planets set to regrow pop. Rich planets build ships, other planets do research.

IT- We arrive at Rigel, where the Humans have just assembled a rather ordinary looking dread...

We anihilate the dread, suffering no losses.

We gain 2/3 of the Humans remaining tech

Their only remaining tech is Cloaking device, which may be handy vs repulsors or, high end scatter packs if they ever see the light of day.

(Continued Next Post)
2464- Take a look at this.

I had to laugh when I saw just how close those Melkar transports were to Rigel. Of course, because we're allied, those transports will simply vaporize :)

Rigel set to Gaia. The other planets, uhh, keep doing what they've been doing.

IT - Extermination Time

No scanner in this fleet, so no ship designs. We destroy all their bases in a single shot, and our beamers kill their mediums. We take zero losses.

But not before the Apes provide us with a lovely parting gift

2465 - OK, so, how far did this tank relations?

Hmm, not that bad really. We'll have relations back up in no time.

More Hmmm. The Klackons have glassed Morig, a Toxic planet near the center of the galaxy, formerly held by the Sillicoids... I'd not been paying any attention to what was going on with that planet, because we couldn't live there, but we can now... It might be too late to grab the planet... or, it might not. I'm going to try anyhow. I whip up a toxic colony ship design and build a couple of them. The worst that can happen is we have a couple of ships sucking a tiny bit of BC.

Artemis set to build a shield.

Maalor and Kalis send troops to invade Regulus. I can't really see the planet. It SAYS 30/70 pop and 0 bases, bit the other Bear planets near it read 0/0 bases/pop, so I'm kinda making a wild guess which is a good planet to go for. It's a bit of a risk, as it's a 5 turn trip, but there are only 30 Bears there theoretically, and the way we reproduce, it's a risk worth taking imo.

IT - :sleep:

2466 - Colony ships sent to Morrig. Fleets at Sol and Rigel sent to Ukko. Half the population of Sol sent to Ukko (Making 275 total vs 80 Bears) Half the population of Endoria sent to Regulus.

IT- :sleep:

2467 - Half the population of Sol sent to Regulus (Making 279 total). Fleet at Sol, Beta Ceti, and Artemis sent to Rigel.

Crap, the Klackons are going to beat us to the Toxic planet they glassed by 1 turn. Oh well. As long as the Meklars don't get it...


Ohh, a picture. Haven't had one of these in a while!

Our missile ships move forward, firing at the dread. The bombers and beamers move in. The base fires at... the Hyper-X boats :smoke: The H-X boats move back, the Stingers move in. The bombers knock out the bases in one shot, and, before they can move, the dreads are vaporized by stingers. We suffer no casualties.

Ground Combat time!

Ouchie. Good thing we grow like weeds.

OK, lesee what we got!

Not quite a codehappian haul, but 5 techs is still pretty good, and hey, those Battle Suits should even up the score for our marines! :goodjob:

With our planetology project grabbed, we have to select a new one, and I figure Terra +60 is the best and go for it.

(Concluded next post)
2428 - Every world that is not a Bulrathi world has now been explored either by Advanced Scanner, or by our fleet of scanner ships. so I figure I'll send them around to all the Bulrathi worlds I can find so we can get some ship design info. I'm starting to think that their fleet may not be full of repulsor ships after all.

I'm very tempted to make another hybrid missile boat design. Something like this

The reason being that I think that stinger boats can rip pretty much everyone a new one right now, but it might be best not to put all eggs in one basket. It could be very important to be able to target multiple threats within fleets, so two stinger (or maybe a stinger and a merculite) designs could be very advantageous. Also, it's always good to have a few beams around to finish things off. This design would accomplish both.

I also look at a 10 X 5 shot design with an IC, and neutron blaster fighters too. Ultimately, I decide that, since my turn is nearly over, and we also will get a lot of tech during the next players turn, that I should just replenish reserves, which are below 800BC, the last two turns, and let him decide what he feels we should build.

Had this been an SP game, I would have made a second missile design, or, even built some H-X boats for complements to the stingers.

Research wise, I seed Terraforming.

IT - :sleep:

2469 - Artemis finishes its shield, stars on Gaianess.

Rigel finishes it's shield... the Meklar version of god's own fleet is parked over Rigel, so I think it prudent to build some bases there in case they cancel the Alliance. Not sure if 3 bases would be enough to save the planet, but it's possible the shielding alone would suffice. Worth a shot anyhow.

IT - the Scout ships all come up blanks in their attempts to take fleet pictures. The Bulrathi have no one home anywhere. We do however get this picture of two of the 4 planets we've not been able to scout so far.

Our mighty network of spies also does something useful

Oh, and remember the planet we were too late to get? Well, the Sillicoids glassed the Klackon colony so....

Meanwhile at Regulus

That was a major overkill. Still, especially with the transport limitations we're using, better safe than sorry.

Well , it only has 9 factories? :wallbash: We'll be forever standing up a shield and bases there... Sorry guys, I didn't know I was invading a dud. X_X

The GNN guy shows up with this lil tidbit.

2370 - I have not fed any reserves this turn to any planets.

What kind of fleet to build going forward is up to you. I made my suggestions above, but feel free to ignore them. In two turns, our Scanner ships will be visiting the last 2 unrevealed planets. Take note of what the planets have for pop/bases/factories. After that, that class of ship can probably be scrapped unless someone objects. We have scanners on our missile boats.

For the Lurkers, here is our current fleet:

Here is a look at the universe. The planet circled in Red is the lone Radiated planet. Since it's a sillicoid planet, it's going to stay Radiated. Everywhere else is somewhere we can live.

Please take not of how ridiculously many (Ultra) Poor planets there are in that cluster in the south. Over half the Meklar holdings are either Poor or in a Nebula... I'm really not terribly afraid of the Mekalr. The Silicoids have 3 poor planets as well.

Relations have already improved a lot since the extermination event.

The bears only have Hard beams and megabolt left to acquire. We can probably quit spying so much on them.

The Silicoids have Andrium Armor and Megabolt, both nearing maturity in our own research, and some computer stuff, notably Robotics IV and BC VIII. Otherwise, they have about 3-4 obsolete junk techs.

The Klackons are a similar story: They have dissipators, but otherwise just sub in Reducred 40 for Andrium (again, nearin maturity in our research) and Jammer Vi for BC VII. They do have Radiated, but with only 1 Radiated planet, its a luxury.

The Meklars however:

The overall graphs look like so:

We might want to just go ahead and get Robotics IV from one of the other races, I dono. I didn't do it on my turn, but that was probably a mistake on my part.

However, looking at tech field progress...

I'd suggest waiting till the latest round of techs hit before building more factories though. At least before building them full on.

You should be able to go on the offensive again shortly. You'll probably want to invade Ursa next. Might even want to queue up the first of the ground troop this turn. The biggest thing slowing this offensive down will be how long it takes to get the ground troops there for the next couple of planets. If you start sending marines now, Ukko should have a shield and bases up in plenty of time for the fleet to be freed up.

Probably not the best set of turns I've ever played, but not the worst either.

After this round of techs hit, we might want to just not worry about researching anything other than planetology the rest of the way. If we go all out on fleet production, we can probably get it over pretty quickly. I expect the game to be nearly over when next I play.

Any questions, feel free to ask.


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Just flat-out amazing, Maniac! I admit that when I saw the game codehappy handed off to you, knowing you were up, and knowing who's on this SG team overall, I figured we'd won this game - but even within that reference frame, what you did here was really impressive.

I loved the line about the brilliant Human tactician flying in out of the sun - but I was laughing throughout the whole report, watching just how thoroughly you were smacking down the AIs. Those turns looked like fun!

I don't think there's anything I can add here, except:

- jmas is UP!

- There's another election coming up in 2375 - halfway in.

- If we somehow lose the election, which I highly doubt, don't sweat it; we'll just beat them in Final War.
In a hurry, but nicely done :goodjob: Can we declare Final War in our next turnset pretty please? This will be way too easy otherwise, whereas Final War just might turn out to be a whole lot of fun.
I would actually NOT encourage final war YET. If it happens, we'll deal with it, but we'd be far better off waiting one more election. Also, we SHOULD get robotics in trade now, just in case final war does happen.
Got it, Will write more later.
Nicely played and good reporting Maniac. I have clinical tomorrow and I need to get to bed. I did spend some time looking at the save. Hopefully I'll have some time to play Friday evening and Saturday afternoon and evening. I plan to keep an eye on diplo, but as it stands, both the rocks and the bugs will vote for us since they are allied to us and not to the bots. (Incidentally, a diplomatic victory might therefore be possible, but I won't suggest we settle for that :mwaha:).

(@Ref, the schedule change was only for this week-- so far as we know. Our instructor seems a bit gamey, we think she is trying to keep us on our toes so she can feel "large and in charge".)
Hey all, I think I'm about ready to run through my turns but I will be away from the computer for a few hours. I wanted to ask: are we trying to avoid growing pop using the eco-slider or not? Given that most of our planets are full, I'm thinking that we have been using it, but thought I'd ask.
I'm pretty sure pop growing is allowed. I still hope you'll trigger Final War :spank:
Catwalk, you do relize that if we trigger final war now, we'd lose 4 of the last 5 systems we've taken almost immediately right? I would have approached my turn entirely differently. Not saying we'd lose, though that's possible, but it'd make the game take a lot longer.

If we're dead set on doing final war (yes, the game is pretty much over otherwise), then I really think we should wait another election so we can consolidate our position.
Hi guys. Teaser alert: we made it safely through the election (and I did not trigger a final war). I doubt much will happen in the remaining turns, and I thought I would be able to play them this evening, but I'm feeling tired -- clinical has been kicking my a$$-- so I don't think I'll get it done tonight. I have clinical again tomorrow but hopefully will be able to finish the turns tomorrow evening.
Catwalk, you do realize that if we trigger final war now, we'd lose 4 of the last 5 systems we've taken almost immediately right? I would have approached my turn entirely differently. Not saying we'd lose, though that's possible, but it'd make the game take a lot longer.

If we're dead set on doing final war (yes, the game is pretty much over otherwise), then I really think we should wait another election so we can consolidate our position.
Sure, war is brutal :scared: We'd also be able to take a bunch of systems. The game would indeed take longer, but we've been going at a very decent pace so far. I'm not in a hurry to get this over, personally. I think we could be very well set if we agree that I get to trigger Final War at the end of my term, drawing up full battle plans for a blitz invasion and fortifying all planets deep in enemy space. With a little luck we'd grab all enemy tech in no time without yielding much of our own. And at tech parity we'll always have a big lead over the AI in ship design.
We wouldn't have been able to to take anything much right away. We don't have enough fleet for that yet. If we're going to final war, we need to start building fleet, and not at just 2 planets.

I don't see the need to drag out a won game when we can just win and start a new one, but I won't object to final war if thats what we wana do as a team. It could be fun if we prepare for it.
I got my turns finished, but having also had clinical today, I think it's time to stop typing and mousing for the day given the way my hands feel. I hope to get the report posted tomorrow.
So I immediately followed up on Maniac's suggestion of trading for RC 4.

I gave them Cloning for it in exchange.

I click "+25%" for factory building but then adjust some planets. The rich planets go all out on factories; the ultra poor builds none. We still had some non-Gaia planets which focus on eco first. Most planets took most of the turnset to finish all their factories, but our tech budget remained high and we earned lots of interest.

For most of the turns in this turnset I was doubling the production of Regulus and Ukko.

I start moving troops from Sol, and on the next turn Rigel and Argus, to invade Ursa.

We scout Bulrathi Misha which is an Artifacts planet and Bulrathi Dunatis which is Ocean.

A Bulrathi colship attacks our colship at Morrig and retreats after firing its missiles.

The Klackons and Sili both break their alliances with us-- and withdraw their diplomats for what turns out to be a significant number of turns.

The Meklar and Klackons are now allied. We could lose the election--although the Sili voted for us last time so they may well do so again. Around this point I decided to go ahead and maximize pop, as I usually do for elections, although I had considered not doing it when we had two allies who were definitely going to vote for us.

As for Morrig, we have no way to hold it with (either, let alone both) Silicoids and Klackons approaching, so I just make sure no factories are built.

To shore up the defenses of Regulus, for the next 3 turns I build Stingerss at Beta Ceti (with assistance from the reserve) and relocate them to Regulus. Maybe it's just a matter of personal taste, but I was a little frustrated with our fleet designs. Our beam ships have only a battle computer of 3. I would have liked to design a new ship, but I didn't feel it was the right time with all the tech we were about to discover. I settled on building Stingerss, although I think I failed to notice that they only carry two shots of missiles (two-shots being another pet peeve of mine, although maybe it was reasonable when they were designed).

IT: Our scanner ship approaches Bulrathi Rayden, which has 25 pop, 48 factories, and three bases. Another scanner ship approaches Dunatis, which has 75 pop, 225 factories, and 25 bases.

The Klackon fleet at Morrig destroys all incoming Silicoid transports, but the Klackons then invade with a small force and take the planet from us.

2472 The Sili now have Pulson missiles.

2473 There is now a very very large Meklar fleet at Rigel. I think it was also here that Meklar ships arrived to Sol.

We just had the Klackons and Sili both bail on our alliances; here I was suspecting that the Meklar, our only remaining ally, might be getting ready to backstab us (if the AI is capable of doing something so intentional). Anyway I set Dolz to building Stingerss and relocating them to Rigel, as well as doubling Rigel's production for the next several turns and building DEF.

We take control of the orbit of Ursa. The bases again fire at our hyper X boats-- I lost a number of them when I thought they had another square they could move and still retreat, but in fact it ended their turn and they were not able to retreat in time. But, we destroy the bases...

Note that we are now at only a net -10% versus the Bears when we are invading, and that will be compensated for when we get the absorption shield. For now, according to the strategy guide, they should be able to inflict 1.5 casualties on us for every one of theirs.

...and looky here!

Of course we would have gotten Megabolt cannons shortly anyway through our own research. Still, a nice perk. We also got Hard Beams.

We have good weapons choices, both in the next tier (take note, those who fell into the "gambler's fallacy" of assuming we would never have any missiles just because we didn't have the early ones) and in some previous ones.

Ion stream Projectors can be handy, and Graviton Beams would probably be good to get if we want to fight the Klackons who have literally THOUSANDS of small ships (although they are probably crappy ones, but still). But at this moment moving forward looks like the thing to do, and I choose Scatter Pack VII (29160 RP) to do it as it will be a HUGE upgrade to our missile bases (just like our current (Stinger) missiles, but seven times the number) which should hopefully ensure the security of our planets.

2474 I switch our spies to doing sabotage against the Bears, as they have no more tech that we don't have. I tweaked tech research, focusing on getting our breakthroughs in computers and construction (which should give us significantly more room on our ships), and Planetology because IT+60 will give us a lot more lizards, plus increase the productivity of all of our population.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd the vote!

73 total votes

We are the first nominee, the Meklar are the second.

The Meklar have 16 votes, and the Klackons vote for them with 15 votes, as do the Bears although they are at war with the Meklar (6 votes).

The Silicoids vote for us with their nine votes. How many do we have?

It turns out we have 27 of the 73 total votes... just about 37%, which gives us the much-coveted... VETO POWER!!! :mwaha: :nuke:

What was I saying? Oh, we abstain.


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In 2475 we have the somewhat enviable dilemma of being able to accrue far more in interest on research then we have in our tech budget (even though we only have to spend half of the amount we can accrue). This is even without funding Scatter Pack VII beyond one click yet. I continue our focus as outlined in 2474. Now that we're past the election, I start funding spies for espionage against all the non-bear races.

2476 We easily fight off a Bear fleet at Ukko with the missile bases I've been cranking out there. I send troops toward Kakata from Ukko.

We discover Andrium Armor. IIT3 is the only tech to advance us in construction, for 43560 RP, so I pick it. Armored exoskeleton was the other choice, but being Sakkra and having such a huge population... well, we can spare some brave gunslingers.

2477 I start seeding Scatter Pack VII. We discover ECM 6. It's hyperspace communications (46240 rp) vs. BC 8 (49,000 rp) to advance; I opt for BC 8. Note that this will bump our battle computers up by three levels, which will be great for bases, but I would also encourage at least considering it for ships-- if our opponents (including the technologically advanced Meklar) manage to field any competent designs at all, it will probably be worth using BC 8 once we have it, as long as our alternative is (as it is now) BC 5. Don't underestimate the importance of ship attack levels.

2478: The Bears' missile bases at Kakata actually fire at our bombers this time. I thought we could make an "end-run" around the first salvo of missiles, but that didn't work out and the bombers were nearly wiped out by the time they reached the planet. Somewhat :smoke: on my part, although from some calculations I did after seeing what happened, it looked like we would have lost lopsidedly anyway even if I had not attempted that maneuver. Anyway, unfortunately we lost all the brave gunslingers who are going to invade the planet, but I don't think any of them were needed to operate factories on the worlds that they came from (since they are still developing) so it should be only a slight setback for us.

My notes aren't as specific for the rest of 2478 and 2479, but I designed a beam ship with Repulsors, and a new bomber, and started building them at our rich planets and RELOCing them in ways that are (hopefully) not putting them through nebulae.

The bombers will have a defense of 13 (!) while cloaked. I was amused that Spectre was the default ship name-- very appropriate for a cloaking ship, it just needed an extra S. :p If grouped in sufficient quantities (particularly to be able to take out a planet's bases in one shot), they should be nigh-invulnerable at least for a while.

There hasn't been any backstab so far from the Meklar. If it were still my turn, I would switch Regulus from DEF to ECO to get it Gaia-ized, and then build factories, but I leave that to the next Emperor.

We have a fleet with 120+ bombers (from the fleet at Regulus) on the way to Kakata (2 turns to arrival), so you can send Marines from Ukko now (three turns ETA) and from Ursa (one turn ETA, so maybe you want to time them to arrive on the same turn as any that you send from Ukko if applicable). Our ships retreating from Kakata will be back at Ursa in one turn and those that have warp 5 can go back again in one turn.

Next Emperor: Up to 1676, 2308, 1466, and 1141 RP can be tripled if invested into force fields, Planetology, propulsion, and weapons respectively on this turn. There are only token amounts invested in construction and computers.

Not a glorious turn set for invasions, but we did conquer Ursa, make it through the election handily, build a ton of factories, increase base counts, shore up the defenses at the relatively undeveloped Regulus, make important discoveries that now enable us to fit a lot more on ships, and create some updated ship designs; of course people can either use the new designs or make their own.

Misha (Artifacts) might make a good next target, as might the Bear Rich world near Ursa.





(The Klackon diplomat has still not returned).


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I just noticed that the Meklar are now at war with the Silicoids-- I think that is brand-new. Hopefully the Meklar will ask for our "assistance" soon. :hammer: Which would make even more valuable something that is already worth considering: moving some of our non-rich worlds onto ship production for a more dedicated war effort.
Great turns! We're whipping the bears handsomely, we might be able to finish them off in short order if the bugs and rocks don't bother us too much.
In 2475 we have the somewhat enviable dilemma of being able to accrue far more in interest on research then we have in our tech budget (even though we only have to spend half of the amount we can accrue).
What do you mean by the last sentence? Personally, I almost always favour tech interests over factory construction. Very nice that we got IRC4, though. If we get another war on our hands soon (crossing fingers), we'll definitely be needing the improved production capacity.
Great turns! We're whipping the bears handsomely, we might be able to finish them off in short order if the bugs and rocks don't bother us too much.

What do you mean by the last sentence? Personally, I almost always favour tech interests over factory construction. Very nice that we got IRC4, though. If we get another war on our hands soon (crossing fingers), we'll definitely be needing the improved production capacity.

Thanks ! What I meant about 2475 is that we were theoretically eligible to get about 18,160 RP in interest that turn if you counted all the fields except weapons. But that would have required investing 9,080 RP and at the time our tech budget was I think somewhere round 5800 RP. So I had to prioritize.
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