Embassy with Anarchie

Well, we did offer it.

In addition to this, perhaps you would consider an Anarchie/Eagles non-aggression pact. At this time, we notice the military supremecy of your neighbor, The Brotherhood. Further knowledge of your history and current situation with The Brotherhood would help us determine future steps in bringing a pact to the table.

Your proposal to sign up a Anarchie/Eagles non-aggression pact is fine. Handshake.

I thought there might be some details to be worked out :confused:.
I thought there might be some details to be worked out :confused:.
Me, too. I saw it as a conversation piece, an idea/thing to talk about. It wasn't meant to be taken a formal offer.

So, we know they like the idea.

But we don't know what they mean by
a(n) Anarchie/Eagles non-aggression pact

Maybe our definitions are different.
...help us determine future steps in bringing a pact to the table.

There was no proposal, as that sentence clearly states. Just as we only offered them the chance of making an offer themselves for any tech they may want. There were no proposals. The Anarchie is just being non-committal in it's response. They seem to be licking big Brotherhood boot these days.
Proposed response.....

The Eagle nation wishes to apologize. We did not mean to make you tremble in your boots so.
You have immediately given a handshake to thin air. We would like to form a non-aggression
pact with The Anarchie, but with specific guidelines and for a specific time period.

We also spoke to you about confiding in us information about your relationship with the
Brotherhood. We were hoping such information could help us in drawing up a pact in a timely
and efficient manner. If you could be more forthcoming about your bond with the Brotherhood,
Eagles in high places would see this as a sign of good tidings.

We also wish to send our deep sorrow at the loss of your former ambassador. We will try not
to be so over-whelming in future communications.

We await your response.
These teams are just so keen to see anything as a proposal or acceptance of a proposal...

Your response looked great.
From Anarchie...

Dear Eagles,

we want to be honest to you. We dislike the Knights' way of communicating. At first we did not want to deal with you as the Knights are our "natural" partner and ally in this game.

But it is impossible to cooperate with the Knights; sure we can make deals with them, even an alliance is possible. But the Knights aren't looking for a fair contract, the communication is exhausting and we doubt they are writing the truth.

So we cannot have the ally we want to, and we do not like the idea of the Knights winning this game. So we want to make a proposal to you and your neighbour:

We want you as our allies in a 3 vs 1 against the Knights. We do need a long term NAP (non-aggression pact), because we are afraid, that if you are on our continent with your troops we are the natural aim of your forces. We do know, that our chances are slim, being alone on our continent, but knowing that the Knights are isolated is worth it.
We would like you to manage communication with the "Küche", because we do not have contact right now.

Oh, right... about being honest: we are still in contact with the Knights, and we do have different oppinions in the team. There are some Anarchists still hoping for an alliance with the Knights but some others who can not imagine that alliance.

I'm making this request, because I can't stand the fact that we worked only into one direction until now. I do have the permission of several active team members to contact you, so it isn't a solo attempt to contact you.

I'm looking forward to good communication and hoping for even more.

Sincerely Yours
This is very interesting. Does Anarchie have the Republic? We have a great opportunity here to keep their continent divided. I prefer going with Anarchie for several reasons, one of them being the Brotherhood's deal they've offered us...again.

We need to talk to Kuche about this (they don't have Anarchie's message).
Now they are going faster. Another message by Anarchie...

Be carefull!

Dear Eagles,

our negotiations about an alliance with the Knights have reached a crucial point, we would warn you about them and their deals: Independently of any future alliance, the Knights and us signed a contract that would give us the republic as soon as it has been researched and them our middle age bonus tech.

Right at the moment they have researched the republic, they suddenly demand more than the payment that had already been agreed. They're indirectly threatening to keep the republic for themselves if we do not give in.

As it is clear that the Knights have recently intensified negotiations with your continent, we hope that you will be very carefull in dealing with people who do not live up to their contracts.


A voice of the free people
Well, this looks like a perfectly good opportunity to use our Ignus Graecius. We are getting the Republic from Küche, right? Because we could arrange to give it Anarchie as a sort of compensation.
With the recent developments from the Brotherhood, I am tempted to accept the Anarchists offer. We haven't had very good relations with the Brotherhood recently, and allying with them would likely result in their controlling the other continent, which I would not be too happy to see.
On the other hand, the Brotherhood could be telling the truth about the Anarchie....

Lanzelot is a very persuasive negotiator and can make you feel at ease when dealing with him. This makes him dangerous.

But the Anarchie could be lying to us, as they might have done to the Brotherhood.
Proposal from Anarchie:

Science exchange


Dear Eagles,

alea iacta est. The Knights are being in breach of signed contracts. In their current notes they try to jusitfy their betrayal, state that they have not sent the republic as they were obliged to by contract, although they happily took literature from us and now even claim that they are allowed to sell our techs, although the contract contains a clause that explicitly forbids that.

We do not look into a bright future. War will come, and we are considering monarchy or feudalism to be the a smarter choice for us.

However, life is going on, so we want to start a new topic and a new dimension in our relations.

We do want to trade techs with you. We guarantee that we are willing to provide you with any technological advances we have. Right now that is literature, and mathematics in a couple of turns. After that we are quite able to research currency or even construction without slowing down your own research plans (although we will need some military techs first). We also offer you our free tech, but we know, that our free techs may be the same.

We are aware, that this isn't much. But we would like to start a large scale research alliance now and for the future, isolating the Knights and starting a three way contract, at least until the Knights loose their technological leadership.

Do you think this goal is realistic?

We do hope, that we please you with our idea.
If you do not share our wish to collaborate with the Küche, we are still hoping for a good and persistent collaboration between us.


Loki, a free man

P.S. We accept if you wish to trade our techs to the Küche. But we'd also like to receive the benefits you gain from such deals. Ourselves, we are not interested at all to sell anything we get to the Knights and believe that without competition in trading we can all get more out of the techs.
From Anarchie...

Dear Eagles,

the free people do not believe in secret diplomacy or poisoned deals. So I want to inform you that I sent Calis a personal message and asked him whether there will be negotiations between us or not. He can report the details himself; he has my permission to publish my PM (and his reply) in your internal forum (or even pass it to the Küche) as long as it is guaranteed that the Knights do not learn about it.

As Calis mentioned that you already had your share of tedious and fruitless discussions with the Knights, we want to give you an explanation hoping that this additional bit of information may help you to make the right decisions in the future:

It was the plan of the Knights to prevent or delay cooperation between you and the Küche with the single goal of slowing down your combined research efforts for the republic. Hence they demanded that you (Eagles) research map making *yourself* and made vague promises that they might sell you the republic. The point is that when they suggested such a deal, the Küche did not have Code of Law yet, so it would take a couple more turns to research the republic because the Küche would have to do that. However, it was their plan - when they received map making - to find some excuse for not selling the republic, thus allowing them ("us") to extend their ("our") technological lead and invade your continent at the beginning of the medieval age. The Knights never allowed us to participate in their diplomacy and would never listen to our own opinions about their plans. The free people are very glad that you did not fall for their ruse.

Please do note that the Knights are regulary pushing for partial deals that are executed immediately. They always profit more from this first part of a deal. Although promised, they'll cancel the second part of a deal with some excuse, as soon as have made their profit and the trade partner made some bad decisions (for example, we have wasted a lot of money, production and some worker moves and researched the wrong techs because we believed we would get the republic in return).

As the Knights are very likely already spreading bad talk about us, we invite you: If you have any doubt that we are speaking the truth, just ask, and we will publish the diplomac traffic between the free people and the Knights the embassy as proof, for example the contracts they breached and their "justification" (but since that's hundreds of individual messages, we'd have to skip some for practical reasons).

We'd like to add that the members of the Anarchie are battle hardened pbem veterans who have a good reputations to loose.


A voice of the free people

P.S.: We agree that you may pass this or the previous messages to the Küche if you wish (as long as the Knights do not learn about it).
Proposal for a quick reply:

Dear free people,

We want to express our gratefulness about your honest and open words.

Some of them feel like a "deja-vu" :D

Actually, they almost succeeded in keeping us from trading with Kueche. But just in time, we turned away from them and their endless talking and had quick and fruitful negotiations with Kueche.

We will contact Kueche about your proposal, as we can't decide about techs without their agreement as you will surely understand. But I want to add that the Eagles are in favor of such a deal.

Calis of the Flock
So much drama.... :eek2:
As we are officially allowed to do so, I posted the latest two messages in the Kueche embassy. Should speed up their decision.
I believe we need to slow down and take the opinions of our other citizens into account. You just posted the last two messages from the Anarchie in the Kitchen's Embassy, but they have sent us 5 messages. How many have been passed to the Kitchen.

We need to slow down.
I believe we need to slow down and take the opinions of our other citizens into account. You just posted the last two messages from the Anarchie in the Kitchen's Embassy, but they have sent us 5 messages. How many have been passed to the Kitchen.

We need to slow down.

Just take a look in the embassy over there.

But I am not making/finalizing any deals. I just want to speed up negotiations. Everybody who cares, can give his opinion.
A good reply, we need to give them something. They are probably telling the truth (mostly) about what the Brotherhood told them, though who can guess their true intentions? I'm not sure we want to see those messages, as that sets a precedent I don't like.

As long as it is legal, and Anarchie does not have contact with Kuche, we should send their messages along, although maybe sending the last one wasn't a good idea.
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