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Realpolitik: The Crusaders

Da Plan said:
-Continue the war with all Islamic Nations
-Attempt to build up relations with all Christian nations
-Maintain a cool stance to all nations of other religions

Research: Levy Armies-> Education

-Continue Improving recources
-Once resources are improved start on farms and mines

-Jerusalem: Misionary (go to Acre)-> Lancer-> Missionary-> Trebuchet-> other Military
-Acre: Barracks-> Military til Catholicism -> Switch to Missionary -> More Military
-Tyre: WorkBoat-> food_from_sea building (harbour or lighthouse, I cant remember) -> Barracks-> troops
-Damascus: Barracks->troops

Civics: Convert to Aristocracy/ TheocracyAs soon as all missionaries are completed

This is the final one.
The RedSpy Administration (1127-1150)

Anna Komnene releases a great work, a list of the 8 largest civs in the Mideast. I fail to see how that is a great work, and we are not on it.
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The Crusaders captured a Zengid city, Callinicum.
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Not long after that, the Zengid capital, Mosul, fell to the Crusaders. With 1 city left, the Zengids are at the brink of collapse.
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Pilgrims to Acre come together and form a settler unit.
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The new civics
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The Northern half of the ROJ in 1150.
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And the Southern half.
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I Herby found a new party:

The Jerusalemic City Party

Motto: God and Jerusalem

Slogan: Great Men, Great Deeds, Great Nation

Our party believes in the holiness of Jerusalem. Even those of other faiths agree, and so it must have a great holy power. We believe that power should be expressed physically as well as spiritually. We seek to make Jerusalem the greatest city on earth, and have it rule the greatest empire. We feel that just as the city should be the centre of our greatness, so should we have a small centralized government, with the ability to do the great, maybe harsh, things necessary to make our city the greatest in the world. Though we are currently largely Christian, we are willing to accept all faiths, as long as they accept the awesome holiness of Jerusalem.

NPC1: Bishop Ravas: Bishop of Jerusalem and a founding member of the party, Bishop Ravas is a Great beleiver in the Holiness of his city. He is not a fanatic, but doesn't beleive peaceful coexistance is something either side is yet ready for.

Come join us! We don't discriminate against anyone!

Still a Holy Guy :jesus:
I vote for the Order of the Cross!
Is it too late to join? If not I am Independent for now.
It's never too late to join.

Throw my vote in for the Order and for the Knights Hospitaller.
You guys DO have two votes, you know. :p
You can't vote twice for the same party. :p
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