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LizNES6: Fortune Favors The Brutal

Edit they're in
Update 2: 2201​

Global Events​

Suez Canal Fixed
The Suez Canal, Egypt-Mesopotamia

After years of relative disrepair, and disuse, the governments of Egypt and Mesopotamia, putting their differences aside, and keeping to the previously signed Suez treaty, began a construction effort to rebuild the Suez Canal. Things are already looking good, as regular Canal trade has began to pick up.
(+1 Mesopotamian EP, ++4 Mesopotamian IP, +1 Egyptian EP, ++4 Egyptian IP)

Panama Canal Fixed
The Panama Canal, California

After some pressing by the Californian government, a few kind words, and more then just a gun, the Panamanian Communist government has allowed their fellow Comrades to not only rebuild the Panama Canal, expand it, and buy the land to operate it. After all, what's a few hundred square miles between friends?
(+1 Californian EP, ++4 Californian IP)

Everything Just Got Awkward
Camp Dzensky, The Franco-Germanic Empire

After several commitments from several nations, the remaining colonists in Camp Dzensky waited eagerly for help to come from any number of the nations. England, attempting to get to the location as quickly as possible, sent a small fleet to take the colonists back to England, and claim the land for themselves. Yet, when said fleet got within site of the Camp, they were shocked to see a German aid fleet already there, with firm control on the situation. After several somewhat tense talks, it became apparent that the Reich's fleet wasn't going to just give England the land, and instead insisted talks occurred at a higher, more diplomatic level.

Meanwhile, completely across the planet, a German fleet sailed towards Russia's Canadian Island positions to annex them, as per an agreement with the Russian government. Yet, it was the Germans who came upon English ships, who had already taken the islands after several shots with the token Russian garrison were fired. Insistent that the islands were now property of the Reich, the English soldiers issued a similar statement as the Germans did outside of Camp Dzensky.

Following the 'stand-offs', English businessmen began attempting to influence the economy of the Lowland's Union, to counter the immense German influence there, drawing increased anger from the Reich's industrialists and traders.

Industrial Boom
Berlin, The Franco-Germanic Empire

After decades of slow yet steady industrial growth, things are finally growing substantially in nations across the world. It was a mix of many things, from government sponsored spending, to an overall giant increase in global trade. And while economists and industrialists attempt to pin-point the exact reasons why, the gap between 'rich', or modern, and 'poor' has widened significantly, in a manner very reminiscent of the pre-collapse world, for better or worse. Previous economic and industrial giants, have began to show that they still have 'it in em'', while new contenders began to arise. This seems to be a primarily North American, European and East Asian phenomenon, however, as African, and South American nations are continuing to struggle to keep up with their rivals, generally.

Wars have negatively effected growth in some locations, but in other nations, it seems to of gone hand in hand with industrial growth, as men not willing to put their lives on the line for their nation, are sure willing to put a 5 to 9 work day in for it.

Spoiler North America :

The Atlantic States of America ++13 IP, +1 EP
Dixie Republic ++11 IP, +1 EP
Quebec ++7 IP, +1 EP
Deseret ++7 IP, +1 EP
California ++10 IP, +1 EP
Cascadia ++3 IP
Alaska ++4 IP
New England ++4 IP
Sonora ++1 IP
Mexico ++1 IP
Texas ++5 IP
Panama ++4 IP
Carib League ++1

Spoiler South America :

Brazil ++6 IP, +1 EP
Andean Republic ++4 IP
Argentina --1 IP
Gran Colombia --1 IP

Spoiler Europe :

Ireland ++6 IP, +1 EP
England ++8 IP, +1 EP
Brittany ++3 IP
Occitania ++2 IP
Franco-Germanic Empire ++12 IP, +1 EP
Poland ++7 IP, +1 EP
Norse Imperium ++9 IP, +1 EP
Silesia ++2 IP
Spain ++8 IP, +1 EP
Kiev ++5 IP, +1 EP
Hellenistic Empire ++6 IP, +1 EP
Portugal ++6 IP, +1 EP
Basque ++2 IP
Padania ++1 IP
Bulgaria ++3 IP
Hungary ++2 IP
Norway ++3 IP
Baltic Union ++5 IP, +1 EP
Riga ++1 IP
Lithuania ++1 IP
Russia ++1 IP
Galicia --1 IP
Albania --1 IP
Bohemia --1 IP
Naples --1 IP

Spoiler Africa :

Tripoli ++3 IP, +1 EP
Grand Senegambia, ++7 IP, +1 EP
Nigeria, ++2 IP
Egypt, ++5 IP, +1 EP
Somalia --1 IP
South Africa --2 IP
Somaliland --2 IP
Eritrea --3 IP

Spoiler Asia :

Mesopotamia ++8 IP, +1 EP
Arabia, ++5 IP, +1 EP
Khalistan, ++3 IP
India, ++9 IP, +1 EP
China, ++9 IP, +1 EP
Korea, ++13 IP, +1 EP
Chernorussiya, ++12 IP, +1 EP
Japan, ++9 IP, +1 EP
Indochina ++3 IP
Siam ++8 IP, +1 EP
Kurdistan ++3 IP
Ceylon ++2 IP
Siber Confederacy ++1 IP
Balochtistan --1 IP
Mysore --1 IP
Afghanistan --1 IP
Persia --2 IP

Spoiler Oceania :

Westralia ++4 IP
Australia ++6 IP, +1 EP
Grand Papau ++7 IP, +1 EP
South Island ++4 IP
Zealand ++1 IP
Pacific Commonwealth --1 IP

North American Events​

The Lush Locks of Trois-Rivières
Trois-Rivières, Republic of Quebec

A massive project has began in Quebec. Outside of Trois-Rivières, construction crews have began to create a series of locks, in which ships passing from the Great Lakes, to the Atlantic would, in theory, have to traverse several locks and other obstacles to reach their destination. To ease their load, and make the trip a tad easier, smaller Quebecois ships would carry the cargo to destinations further down river.

To the average onlooker, it seems like the entirety of South Quebec has been mobilized to aid the effort, with thousands of jobs being created almost over night. A small army of laborers would be needed to keep and maintain such a system of locks too, which is why such an undertaking has garnered so much support from the locals.
(++5 Quebecois IP)

New France and New England Connected At Last
Montpelier, The Commonwealth of New England

Friendly overtures from Quebec have led to an agreement between the New England and Quebecois governments, to establish a quicker, direct train route between Quebec and Boston. Fronting two-thirds of the money, Quebec had managed to convince its southern neighbor of the benefits of such an endeavor. So far, it seems successful, an a fairly pro-Quebecois mood has swept the Commonwealth.

(++1 Quebecois IP, +1 Quebecois EP, ++1 New Englander IP, +1 New Englander EP)

The Sonoran War
La Paz, California

The Sonoran War, if it could still be called that, end this year, with a whimper, rather then a bang. Californian forces cut through whatever Arteche could throw at them with a vengeance, and before long the entirety of Sonora was under Comrade Hudson's firm control. The last Sonoran hold outs were in the Baja Peninsula, around La Paz, but massive Californian naval superiority allowed for an incredibly thorough siege of the city to occur. After several weeks of raiding, and fighting, the Sonoran's raised the white flag, and offered up a bound Javier Arteche as a peace offering. The future of the nation, as of now, seems relatively unsure, though the citizens of the proclaimed 'Cananeaen Republic' are hoping for a second shot at independence.

Meanwhile, hunger has began to crippled much of the region, with Californian soldiers un-prepared to deal with such a crisis. Mormon relief groups have been petitioning to be allowed into the country.

(-2 Californian Divisions, -1 Californian Fighter Squadron, +7 Californian Gun-boats, +1 Californian Destroyer, -5 Sonoran Regiments, -2 Sonoran IP, -1 Sonoran EP)

Five-Year Plan
Sacramento, California

Riding on her most recent military victories in Sonora, and Russia, Comrade Hudson has decided to embark on Stalinesque economic reforms throughout the nation, encouraging things such as a larger agricultural industry. Though these reforms seem to effect things in all areas, the benefits don't seem to be primarily economic, as many Sonorans and Mexicans have began to look at the increase Californian wealth as an example as to what might be, should the Revolution spread elsewhere.

(+2 Californian EP, -Mexican Stability)

European Events​

Grenada, Andalusia

In a trend that has persisted since the aftermath of the collapse, the islamitization of Andalusia seems almost complete. In a recent survey of the nation, 52% of Andalusians consider themselves to be Milanese Catholics, 12% Old Catholic, and 36% to be Sunni. Should trends continue, over time, there will be more Muslims in the republic, then Christians of any sort, a statistic that has began to worry other European nations experiencing a similar growth.

The Plight of the Sapmi's
Kiruna, The Sapmi Republic

After pulling out of a successful war with Russia, and dealing with what remains of Finland's independence movement, the Norse Imperium has decided to throw its already stretched military at it's peaceful northern neighbors, the Sapmi Republic. Little reason was actually given for the assault, save for 'Scandinavian Unity'. Fighting began early one morning, when Norse bombers, coupled with fighter escorts began bombarding Sapmi military installations. A decent plan, that accounted on the Sapmi's to be unprepared for such a thing. And while they weren't necessarily expecting such a hostile move without any sort of warning, the Norse Imperium hasn't exactly proven themselves to be the most peaceful neighbors.

After several well planned strikes that took out a few defensive positions, and air fields, the Sapmi's larger airforce appeared in power, and all but brushed the Norse attacks aside. The Norse airforce, out numbered, over hostile territory, was forced to quickly retreat, and aid the advance that the Norse Army was making through Finland and Sweden. The two pincers proved divisive enough, as the Sapmi military struggled to dedicate itself to one location or another. Local Sapmi 'Republican Guards' began appearing, to fight off the aggressors, and came in handy on occasion, but this only proved to be a temporary band-aid to heal the initial wounds of the advance. The Sapmi airforce, in relative control of the skies was the saviour of the Sapmi army, as it retreated to a more central position, making sure both the Capital Kiruna and it's White Sea and North Sea ports stayed open for the Spring thaw, which eventually came, bringing with it a few ships filled with goods and weapons for the republic from a select few nations.

The Norse fleet, occupying the Gulf of Bothnia attempted to complete it's blockade of the nation, and it eventually completed it by early Summer. While the Sapmi's remained supplied, and still fighting, being cut off from the rest of the world means they have a long winter to look forward to. The Norse people, obviously much more well off, have seriously began to question this war. The lack of real reasoning behind it, along with the end of two wars just under a year ago, has led to several anti-war demonstrations that were quickly put down by the Norse government. While not a potent political force, the effect has still been felt. Counter rallies, for pro-war demonstrators were also seen sporadically across the nation.

(-2 Norse Regiment, -1 Norse Armored Brigade, -5 Norse Squadrons, -2 Norse Bomber Squadrons, -1 Norse Gun-boat, -Norse Stability, -3 Sapmi Regiments, +3 Sapmi Militia Regiments, -1 Sapmi Militia Regiment, -3 Sapmi Squadrons, -8 Sapmi Gun-boats, -2 Sapmi EP, -30 Sapmi IP, --1 Sapmi IP)

The Treaty of Helsinki
Helsinki, The Norse Imperium

After only a year of bloody and brutal fighting across Eastern Europe, the Second Northern War was over, at least for the Western Allied nations, the Norse Imperium, and Poland. Surprisingly enough, the treaty was relatively fair to Russia, who many are blaming for the wars start through their invasion of Finland.

Regardless, the signing of the treaty was met with celebrations throughout Poland and the Norse Imperium. Among the tack ons to the treaty, was established 'Sphere's of Influence' for both the powers, and details of Russian payments to the victors. But the most controversial of the the agreements, was the Norse Imperium's ability to dictate the future of the Republic of Finland. Without so much as a hesitation, Henric III decided to annex the nation he spent 40,000 lives trying to free. After being under essential foreign rule for the past 20 years, many Finns discerningly accepted their fate, deciding it was better to toil under Norse oppression, then Russian oppression. For others though, namely the Finnish Freedom Party, a group that had spent the better part of the past 10 years fighting Russian rule, turned their rifles on their previous Norse allies, and began treating them as if they were Russians. And to many, they were Russian in all but name. The FFP found itself understaffed, in comparison to what it had in years prior, as many Finns seemed to just be sick of war, and feel the Norse Imperium might bring some sort of sense of normalcy to the region.
(-Norse Stability, -5 Norse IP, +Polish Stability, +1 Russian EP, +50 Russian IP)

The Great Russian War Continues
Kirov, Chernorussiya

With the withdrawl of both the Norse Imperium and Poland from the war, Russia's focus instead turned to Daghestan, Ossetia and Chernorussiya. Defensive lines from Kirov to Arkhangelsk were set up, and duly manned by Russian militia, other volunteer auxiliary forces, and a few regiments of Russian infantry. And like a snake, coiled, waiting for its time to strike, Chernorussiya blitzed the Russian lines, almost as soon as the Russian's could get their defensive posts lined up.

The hum of Chernorussiyan fighters and bombers could be heard almost everywhere along the Kirov line, followed by, more often then not, the sound of bombs being dropped, and the chatter of anti-aircraft batteries. The out-matched Russian airforce put up a noble fight, but were confronted with greater numbers, with slightly better technology. Chernorussiyan bombers made it a point to strike at Russian landing strips, to make air superiority missions more difficult for the Russian air force, who found themselves fighting a losing battle. With the overall advantage in air going to the Chernorussiyans, military barracks, power plants and defensive positions soon found themselves at the receiving end of the onslaught. Outnumbered, and out matched, they soon found themselves in a fighting retreat. Attempts at sabotaging roads, and creating IEDs to stall the Chernorussiyan advance were quickly hampered, as biochemical 'sniffer' devices, and other machines were used to prevent any large scale destruction.

Kirov fell to Chernorussiyan arms after a rather intense but brief battle, with Russian partisan forces joining the fray at various points. When it came to taking over and bombing cities, the Chernorussiyans more often then not informed the locals before hand, and allowed them to surrender, or retreat with the Russian forces. Many chose the latter (and a few chose the before mentioned) and evacuated large population centers, before the Chernorussiyans even suggested it. So when a Chernorussiyan satellite, ladened with gas bombs fired it's payloads at several Russian population centers, the effect wasn't as great as had hoped, but several thousand Russians were killed (or murdered, should you follow Russian reports) and growing hysteria grew amongst the Russian populace.

Fighting in the south, went far more successful for the Russians, as they dedicated a large portion of their military to destroying Ossetia and Daghestan. The Daghestani army was allowed to advance northwards, into Russia, facing only token resistance, when an entire armored brigade, along with several regiments flanked them, and pinned the Daghestani military against the Caspian. Pushing south, it didn't take long before the entirety of the nation fell under Russian control, with Ossetia finding itself on the chopping block.

The naval aspect of the war remained rather elusive, as small groups of Chernorussiyan naval vessels voyaged into the Arctic Sea, to bombard Russian coastal villages, and even cities, such as that at Arkhangelsk. The Chernorussiyan flotilla's were soon joined by a token number of Californian war ships, who aided in a blockade of sorts, but were ultimately too late to really have any drastic effect. The Russian navy though, to the dismay of the blockading ships and bomber squadrons, seemed to of just disappeared. Almost two weeks later, reports of Russian gun-boats destroying English fishing boats and other trade vessels. Several shots were even fired at several coastal villages, killing some English citizens. These 'raiders' filled to the brim with goods attempted to break the established blockade, and at first managed to slip into safe areas to drop their supplies off. But as the blockade continued the Russian raiding flotilla found it increasingly hard to find any safe ports. After a small skirmish with a Californian and Chernorussiyan patrol, the Russian flotilla largely disbanded into various parts of the North Sea to continue their raiding, with several of the ships being destroyed, or surrendering, leaving only two rogue captains left.

Throughout the remainder of Russia, many patriotic Russians rushed to join militia brigades, to help defend their home territory, while an almost equal amount began crying out for peace at almost any cost, short of complete annexation. Terrorist attacks occurred, though nothing to the extent that happened in the year prior, with incredibly beefed up government security becoming a prominent fixture almost everywhere.

(-4 Russian Regiments, -12 Russian Militia Regiments, +5 Russian Militia Regiments, -7 Russian Fighter Squadrons, -2 Russian Gun-boats, -1 Russian Destroyer, -Russian Stability, -2 Russian EP, -100 Russian IP, -4 Chernorussiyan Regiments,-1 Chernorussiyan Gun-boat, -2 Chernorussiyan Fighter Squadrons, -3 Daghestani Regiments, -3 Daghestani Fighter Squadrons, -3 Daghestani EP, -48 Daghestani IP, -2 Ossetian Regiments, -2 Ossetian Fighter Squadrons, -2 Ossetian EP, -48 Ossetian IP, -30 English IP, -English Stability)

The Tripolitan War Continued
Messina, Tripolitan States

Naples war of reclamation took a turn south this year. After a string of successes that allowed the entire southern part of the Italian peninsula to fall to Naples' armies, Tripolitan naval power proved to be one major advantage the African nation possessed, as Neapolitan supplies to it's forces in Sardinia were completely cut off by everything except air power. And as Tripolitan forces began to corner the Neapolitans into the top right corner of the island, it became even difficult for regular drops to occur.

Naples attempted a landing in Sicily itself, expecting Italian's to rise up against their 'African Overlords', but to no avail. Outside of Messina, the invading Neapolitan fleet was harassed by limited Tripolitan air power, then attacked by Tripolitan ships. The defeat led to chaos, as thousands of Neapolitan soldiers drowned, along with a large portion of the Neapolitan fleet being destroyed. Luigi Vico promised to continue the war with a renewed vigor in the next year.

As a side bar, several riots broke out in the Tripolitan part of the Balearic Islands, but were quickly put down by colonial administrators.

(-4 Neapolitan Regiments, -4 Neapolitan Gun-boats, -1 Neapolitan Destroyer, -3 Neapolitan Fighter Squadrons, -15 Neapolitan IP, -1 Tripolitan Regiment, -2 Tripolitan Gun-boats, -4 Tripolitan Fighter Squadrons)

Sébastien Bonpense Visits Vatican City
Vatican City, Vatican City

Mirroring Pope Magistris I's visit to Quebec last year, Quebecois Prime Minister Sébastien Bonpense visited the Pope to congratulate him on the re-establishment of the Holy See. Talks between the two were apparently held, and topics as wide as industrial growth, to the spread of Milanese Catholicism were talked about.

Quebec thus far, has been the leader of Catholic nations in acknowledging the legitimacy of Magistris I. The other nations include Brazil, the Basque Republic, Brittany, Occitania and the Andean Republic.
African Events​

So Agitated
El Jadida, Morocco

Several decades of economic imperialism, coupled with having most of their land stolen by Spain and Portugal has led Morocco to be very understandably angry at the European powers. So it comes as no surprise that their are many groups in the African nation that want nothing more, then to reconquer the land that is truly theres. For some reason though, these thoughts and feelings have been made more prominent by several large protest groups who have taken pleasure in making their points heard by the Moroccan government. The Moroccan Sultan has thus far not responded to these claims, though many higher ups in the government view that such a move would be assuredly suicidal at best.

Peace At Last!
Brazzaville, The Norse Imperium

Since the ill-fated Norse attempt to land in what was the Swedish Gold Coast, several centuries ago, Grand Senegambia and the Norse Imperium have found themselves in a fairly 'hands-off' war, with both sides expecting the other to make some sort of drastic move or attack. When it came to the realization that neither side really wished to take such a plunge, representatives from both nations met in Brazzaville to discuss a peace. Since neither side truly won anything the other side couldn't of easily over-turned, it was decided a White Peace would be the best route. Which is good enough for the citizens of the said nations.

The War With South Africa
Capetown, England

After several years of war, South Africa could no longer stand the onslaught of the English army. Internal struggles had about as much to do with the collapse as English military successes in the field. Racial tensions exploded as opposing groups of whites and blacks began summarily killing one another, while pro-English groups began outright conflict with what remained of South Africa's government. It did not take long for English regiments to 'liberate' the oppressed, or kill the oppressors, depending on the situation. After only a few more weeks of fighting, the South African government surrendered outright to the English military.
(-2 English Regiments, -1 English Squadron)

The Sale of Norse East Africa
Androka, England

In a move oddly uncharacteristic with Henric III's fairly expansionist policies, he has sold the Norse Imperium's East African colonies to the growing English Empire. Economic incentives brought most of the Norse population back to the homeland, though the cultural and religious impression made over the Imperium's 40+ year long of the rule is still prominent.
(-20 Norse IP, +20 English IP)

Senegambian-Nigerian War
Abuja, Senegambia

After years of tension, and threats, Nigeria found itself under attack by Senegambia this year. Since a White Peace with the Norse Imperium was established in early January, Senegambia had a free hand to extend into Nigeria, punishing it for it's belligerence. In short, the Nigerian army was completely outnumbered and out powered. Last ditch attempts at defending Abuja, and other cities ended in ultimate failure as the Senegambian Bomber Squadrons hammered Nigerian positions with impunity.

Nigerian citizens had trouble adjusting to the Matriarchal society that his been growing in Senegambia since the collapse, and a lot of male-hold out groups remained a thorn in the side of the Senegambian attackers.
(-2 Senegambian Regiments, -1 Senegambian Fighter Squadron, -3 Nigerian Regiments, -3 Nigerian Gun-boats, -3 Nigerian Squadrons, -1 Nigerian EP, -1 Nigerian EP)

Drilling in the Gulf of Guinea
The Gulf of Guinea

Senegambia has spent the past two years drilling for oil in the Gulf of Guinea, and finally struck some 'black gold' this year, with drilling beginning almost immediately. That, along with the increase in Grain production, has led to a rather large economic boost.
(+2 Senegambian EP, ++2 Senegambian IP)

Islamic Revival
Mogadishu, Somalia

After years of growing Christian influence from the regions of Somalia that was Kenya, a militant Islamic group, the Somalian Islamists Alliance has sprung up, almost overnight. While the tension had been growing for quite sometime, the fact that these extremist groups have managed to acquire weapons has really shaken the Somalian and Somaliland's governments to the core. Pitched battles have taken place outside of Mogadishu, and the entire region seems to be throwing themselves at the cause.
(-1 Somaliland Regiment, -Somaliland Stability, -2 Somalian Regiments, -Somalian Stability)

Asian Events​

Korea- Asia's Economic Rock
Seoul, The Korean Empire

In stride with the 'worldwide' economic boom, Korean economists wasted no time attempting to squeeze the improvements for all it was worth. With little persuasion, in most cases, Korea managed to aquire large scale investments from foreign corporations, citizens, and sometimes, governments themselves, leading to a relatively high flow of money into, and out of Korea.
(+1 Korean EP, ++3 Korean IP)

It Just Got Worse
Tainan, Siam

The pro-Japanese rebellion that had been a fixture in South Taiwan this past year, has just grown substantially, with most of the pro-Siamese citizens attempting to move out of the region, and back home to Siam. Many politicians in Siam are urging the government to just let the wayward territory go, as it seems to be causing more headaches then it's actually worth.
(-5 Siamese IP)

Missionaries Killed in Bokhara
Bohkara, The Emirate of Bokhara

Several Protestant Christian missionaries from an international organization called the Global Protestant Initiative were captured as prisoners, and 'spreaders of lies' in the relatively backwards Emirate of Bohkara, and quickly found themselves chained to a boulder in the center of the city. After some debate, Emir Abdul Kharat decided to have the infidels stoned, much to their terror. Crowds soon gathered, and an almost festive air seemed to of taken the crowd, who gleefully participated in the barbaric punishment. Due to the information black out in the nation, the only details taken from this were from several Afghani citizens who were there during the actual stoning. No word has been given from any nation on the response of these accusations/rumors, or from from the GPI itself.

Oceanic Events​

Ill-Advised Attack
Christchurch, South Island

During the summer, in the middle of Christchurch, the Souther Party held another rally that it became so well known for. Military units, clad in black stood rigid, as Adam Key himself approached the podium set up for his speech. Yet, the moment he began walking towards it o a designated walk way, a gun-man opened fire in the crowd, attempting to assassinate Key. It took only seconds for the gun-man to be knocked on the ground, and detained. The aftermath was chaos, with over a dozen citizens and soldiers sprawled across the ground, dead or dying. Adam Key himself wasn't injured in the assault, thankfully enough from his supporters perspectives.

An investigation later revealed that the gun-man was a Pacific Commonwealth citizen, by the name of Edward Regenvanu. The Pacific Commonwealth has refused any association with the man, claiming that no one by that name even exists in Commonwealth records. Key, however has been adamant in his accusations, demanding not only an apology for their aggression, but a large amount of money in repayment for the death of his countrymen.

(+South Island Stability, -Pacific Commonwealth Stability)

Antarctic Events​

Grabbing All You Can..
Grytviken, England

the English navy had been quite busy this year. Something very evident by their seizure of most of the otherwise unclaimed islands in the Southern Ocean. While most of the islands were un-populated, the fact still remains that the growing English Empire just grew that much more.

To: The World
From: The Sapmi Republic

Help us! We have done nothing to deserve this fate!

To: The Norse Imperium
From: Riga, The Baltic Union, Lithuania

What the hell are you doing?

To: The Hellenistic Empire
From: Naples

You promised us aid last year.. what happened to it? Things aren't going so well right now..

To: California
From: Deseret

It seems some of our humanitarian groups wish to spread some love in Sonora. Please allow them to enter.

To: California
From: Cananeaen Republic

Cool, thanks! We owe you a lot! What now?

To: England
From: South Africa

It seems the devil's minions have carried the day. Very well, there is little choice in the matter anymore. How will you enslave us?

To: Chernorussiya
From: Daghestan, Ossetia

Help insure we stay free and independent please.

To: Senegambia
From: Nigeria

Let us go. Your point has been made.

To: The World
From: Somalian Islamists Alliance

Allah, and the people have spoken. We shall rule the Horn once more!

@All - Wooh! 2nd real update, 5 updates all together, all relatively on time. Let's take a breath of relief. Comments and criticisms of the game thus far would be appreciated.
@All - ITER nations received a slightly larger boost then they would have for the IP increase.
@European Nations Positively Effected By Industrial Boom - Your various projects and the like were a big cause of this. You were all aiming for similar things, and achieved them with various successes.

Omega has been dropped for not sending orders two turns in a row.
Spoiler World Map :

Spoiler Ridiculously Rough Religious World Map :
Excellent update.

To: Siam
From: The Greater Japanese Empire

We echo what our previous message entailed.
From: Norse Imperium
To: Sapmi
CC: Riga, Baltic Union, Lithuania

Geez, what's the big deal? We're liberating you! Lay down your arms and feel the warm embrace of democracy. You know you want to.

From: Norse Imperium
To: World

Nothing to see here. Just liberating some folks, eh wotwot.
To: Naples
From: Hellenstic Empire

This is the year the heathens shall be driven from Europe! Our brothers in the Reich will make war with us on the muslim threat!

To: Fourth Reich
From: Hellenstic Empire

Now is the time for our crusade on Tripoli. We must strike swiftly.
To: England
From: Franco-Germanic Empire

We demand that you return the Canadian Islands that are rightfully ours. We also do not appreciate your meddling in our allies, as it is clear that your sole intention is to sow instability and to anger us. You shall cease all such actions immediately.
Hello! Does this game have room for another person new to NESing?

If it does is it all right if I join in as Australia?
Of course, welcome. Should you have any questions, feel free to ask.
A lot of people have been doing similar things as you Milar. If you want specific details on things that I figured would best be left unknown to everyone else, you can PM me your questions, and I'll answer them based off of how successful your attempts were.
Madagascar's colours... first, it was the Spanish Republic Flag (red, yellow, purple) and now is the Spanish Kingdom Flag (red, yellow, red). :D

Ah, I see.

Stats up, by the way. Next update, looking at Monday. Fair?
I'm still interested in playing Brazil. I've got two more days before the forum will let a newbie like me send PMs, though. So you can expect my orders around then.

Plus, I might have some questions about how to play the game.
Well seeing as I most likely wont have access to a computer until tuesday night, starting tomorrow, and I cant very well send in orders NOW because several things still need to be done behind the scenes, perhaps we can push back that deadline to wednesday? At the earliest my orders could be in tuesday night, although I will be exhausted.
Sorry for not sending my orders. I had two surgery's in two days, and just got discharged today, so... but, I'll send in my orders either today or tomorrow.
Well seeing as I most likely wont have access to a computer until tuesday night, starting tomorrow, and I cant very well send in orders NOW because several things still need to be done behind the scenes, perhaps we can push back that deadline to wednesday? At the earliest my orders could be in tuesday night, although I will be exhausted.

Tuesday night would be fine. I'll just make orders due by Tuesday.

bestrfcplayer said:
Sorry for not sending my orders. I had two surgery's in two days, and just got discharged today, so... but, I'll send in my orders either today or tomorrow.

It's alright. Glad you're okay.

Flock said:
Plus, I might have some questions about how to play the game.

Sure, feel free to ask anything you want.
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