Capto Iugulum: Empires and Nations

This'd be the final 24 hour warning.
We are proud to announce the formation of.......

The Northern League
  1. The Republic of the Netherlands, The Swedish Empire, The Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy and The Kingdom of Poland hereby enter into an alliance.
  2. The signing nations will agree to a Mutual Defense agreement in case of an attack by an outside power.
  3. Trade restrictions are to be mutually lowered and trade generally increased between the signing nations.
  4. Additional amendments can be added at the approval of all the signatories.

Signed, Adam Mappa, Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic.
We are proud to announce the formation of.......

The Northern League
  1. The Republic of the Netherlands, The Swedish Empire, The Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy and The Kingdom of Poland hereby enter into an alliance.
  2. The signing nations will agree to a Mutual Defense agreement in case of an attack by an outside power.
  3. Trade restrictions are to be mutually lowered and trade generally increased between the signing nations.
  4. Additional amendments can be added at the approval of all the signatories.

Signed, L XIII R
We are proud to announce the formation of.......

The Northern League
  1. The Republic of the Netherlands, The Swedish Empire, The Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy and The Kingdom of Poland hereby enter into an alliance.
  2. The signing nations will agree to a Mutual Defense agreement in case of an attack by an outside power.
  3. Trade restrictions are to be mutually lowered and trade generally increased between the signing nations.
  4. Additional amendments can be added at the approval of all the signatories.

Signed, Adam Mappa, Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic.

Signed, Christina, the Second of Her Name, Queen-Empress of Sweden and Its Territories
OOC: I am married, back and resuming control of the Mamluk Caliphate. Any diplomacy should now be sent to me.
Hope you had an enjoyable time. :)
Yep, I've been quite a bit busy. Update is currently looking like it should be posted by Friday afternoon, earlier if I get lucky.
The Constitution of the Republic of Switzerland

Article I-Legistative
1. The Legislature of Switzerland, hereby referred to as the Federal Assembly, shall consist of two houses, The Council of Cantons and the National Assembly
2. The members of the Council of Cantons shall be elected by a method to be determined by each individual canton, as they see fit to best represent the interests of the people. Members shall be elected for six year terms. Two Councilors shall be elected from each canton.
3. The Members of the National Assembly shall be directly elected by the people of each canton. They shall be elected for three year terms. Assemblymen shall be determined as a proportion of the population of each canton.
4. The Federal Assembly shall hold the power to raise taxes and tariffs, pay for government expenses and generally control the budget of the nation. It shall also hold the power to regulate the commerce of our nation, maintain and expand the infrastructure, establish and oversee the military, and ensure that the cantons uphold the laws of the nation.
5. No person shall be elected to the Federal Assembly who doesn’t meet the qualifications for voting
6. Members of the Federal Assembly shall be compensated in a manner that they find to be fair, upon the direct consent of the full people of Switzerland.
7. The National Assembly, when having two thirds of its members voting in the affirmative, may present to the people an amendment to this Constitution, which will require three quarters of the population to agree with in order to become law.

Article II-Executive
1. The Executive of the Republic of Switzerland, hereby referred to as the President, shall be elected once every five years, beginning the year of adoption of this document.
2. The President may only run for two terms in his lifetime.
3. The President shall be the Commander in Chief of all Swiss military forces
4. The President shall have the power of veto over any measure passed by the legislature. This can be overturned with a vote of two thirds of the legislature.
5. The Second in command of the Executive, hereby referred to as the Vice President, shall run for office with the President and serve as President of the Council of Cantons, and as President if the current executive is incapacitated, steps down or dies. He shall have no vote, except as to break a tie.
6. The President and Vice President shall be elected y whosoever attains the most votes of the eligible population. In the event of a tie between candidates, the matter shall be decided by a vote by the National Assembly.
7. Members of the executive branch may be removed by impeachment by the National Assembly for acts of treason or other high crimes.

Article III -Judicial
1. The Judicial Branch shall consist of a Supreme Court, which shall uphold all the laws of the land, while striking down any it finds to be in violation of this august document. Below that, there shall be 4 District Courts, being North, South, East and West, encompassing aforementioned sections of the nation. Each canton shall have as many district courts as needed, based on the population of each Canton.
2. The Supreme Court will be able to overturn any decision by a lower court or any law passed either the Federal Assembly or any canton’s legislature.

Article IV- Bill of Rights
1. All males aged 25 and over have the right of voting in all federal and canton elections.
2. All citizens of Switzerland are entitled to a speedy trial by a jury of their peers, and are immune from being tried for the same crime twice. They shall be tried by a jury for any crime, nor shall they be burdened by excessive bail.
3. The Swiss government shall not, nor will any canton, establish a state religion, to which all citizens must adhere. Nor shall they prevent any citizen from practicing the religion of their choosing.
4. All citizens shall be safe in their persons and property against unlawful search and seizure without a warrant
5. The military shall not impose its will or soldiers upon the citizenry, except in times of war where the public good is endangered.
This is an OOC comment which will be repeated in the update. However, because I've said this MANY times before through PMs, AIM, and even on the thread, I think it deserves its own post. Any further failure to take this into consideration will be met with completely random meteors, or at very least, simple ignorance of your orders.

The current level of railroads is COMPLETELY 100% NOT fit for connecting cities and revolutionizes transportation. They are not reliable for more than maybe a mile at a time, and even then only in completely flat terrain. Furthermore, railroad bridges have not ever been constructed, and no one is quite sure how to make one that won't just fall apart. There are so very many technical advances that are being ignored, and I'm just telling you this isn't civ3. Building railroads right now will be costly and likely a waste of money which is inexcusable for a government. There is 0 benefit except for in small-scale areas, like ports we've seen so far in Plymouth and Rio de Janiero.
No more new orders will be accepted beyond this point.
This is an OOC comment which will be repeated in the update. However, because I've said this MANY times before through PMs, AIM, and even on the thread, I think it deserves its own post. Any further failure to take this into consideration will be met with completely random meteors, or at very least, simple ignorance of your orders.

The current level of railroads is COMPLETELY 100% NOT fit for connecting cities and revolutionizes transportation. They are not reliable for more than maybe a mile at a time, and even then only in completely flat terrain. Furthermore, railroad bridges have not ever been constructed, and no one is quite sure how to make one that won't just fall apart. There are so very many technical advances that are being ignored, and I'm just telling you this isn't civ3. Building railroads right now will be costly and likely a waste of money which is inexcusable for a government. There is 0 benefit except for in small-scale areas, like ports we've seen so far in Plymouth and Rio de Janiero.

Dammit. :( Not even my idea of an initial railway to make trials will work, if that is correct.
When the time is ripe for railroads as we know them, it will be made obvious in the update. Rely on your private citizenry and captains of industry for such an advancement.
Global News Report​

NORMANS OPEN FIRST FAIR OF INDUSTRY TO THE WORLD. Cherbourg, Normandy. The Norman monarchy, one of the most surprising governments to be involved in such a project, announced the creation of the World's Fair of Industry in Cherbourg. The fair was supposed to be a small affair for industrial leaders and inventors in France and Western Europe, but the idea quickly snowballed and took hold across Europe and the Americas. Inventors and engineers rushed to Cherbourg to set up their exhibits and booths, which are to last even until the end of 1839. Though some of the projects were only half assembled by the end of this year, the World's Fair has been opened to the public, as many of the latest inventions and industrial developments are showed to the crowds. Members of economic community of Europe and the Americas have been discussing the possibilities of further world's fairs in the future to display other new products that may be available in years to come.

ARMY MODERNIZATION EFFORTS CONTINUE. Santiago, Chile. A variety of governments across Europe and the Americas have continued efforts to develop and modernize their armies in order to compete on the modern battlefield. The emphasis has been on adapting the 1835 European Standard of battle developed by Brandenburg. These nations include Brittany, Poitou, Chile, New Spain, Uruguay, and Paris-Burgundy, all of which developed this organization type for their armies. None of the nations experienced any real problems with the reform and adoption of new weapons. While each nation have had some difficulties in the overall progress, the armies now match up with the majority of European armies.

News from Europe​

POWER LOOM DEVELOPED. Saragossa, Empire of Holy Spain. The Spanish nation continues to lead the world in the burgeoning industrial revolution, as new inventions and products abound and spring into the marketplace. This year, a particularly landmark device has been developed, known to the world as the Saragossa Power Loom. This device dramatically improves the speed and capacity of cotton production and manipulation, significantly lowering the price of cotton goods. This has caused the demand for cotton to rise ever higher globally, as more and more cloth goods can be produced with the rise of industry. Places such as India and the American south have seen an ever greater rise in demand for cotton, and local plantations have been nearly overwhelmed with new orders.

LIBERAL RIOTS IN NANTES. Nantes, Brittany. A number of riots broke out this year as the Breton government struggled with liberal demands and unrest. A number of anti-monarch protests called for republican reform, ultimately leading the army to be sent in to arrest the protestors. The protestors resisted violently, and street fighting broke out throughout the whole of Nantes. The army was ruthlessly efficient at their assigned task, and most of the protest's leaders have been arrested or were said to have been killed during the fighting. The Breton monarch has declared martial law throughout the nation's capital, hoping to preserve order for the time being until the liberal threat has passed. The army has continued to gain influence in the government from the law, enforcing their control over the area. (+1 Stability)

LIBERAL PETITION FOR REFORM IN DAUPHINE. Grenoble, Dauphine. A group of students and members of the middle class petitioned King Humbert V for a reform of the nation's government to limit the powers of the monarchy. To the surprise of many, the petitioners were not simply ejected from the premises, as the king listened thoughtfully to their proposals, even offering intelligent questions on the matter. This did cause some concern for the upper classes who currently hold power, but the king has carefully navigated the situation, pledging to consider reforms at an unspecified date in the future. For now, the liberals have been sated as the monarchy takes a look at its role in the future of Dauphine and France. (+1 Stability)

PRICE RIOTS IN DENMARK. Copenhagen, Denmark. The recent tariff reforms in Brandenburg, the loss of its wealthiest colonies, and the rise of the Northern League have led to a depressed economic state in the nation of Denmark. The Danish economy has begun to flounder, especially as Brandenburg's overseas trade begins going exclusively through Swedish Stettin. The result has been a rising in numerous prices, particularly in various goods which now must be considered a luxury, particularly ones from the Caribbean Sea. The result was an eventual riot in Copenhagen over the rise in prices, damaging the marketplace and causing extensive problems for the local watch. Fortunately, the riots did subside later in the year, as some prices began to normalize, but many Danes continue to be out of work and suffering from the current economic situation.

PETITION IGNORED IN FLANDERS. Brussels, Flanders. The Flemish monarchy received a petition for reform from the people this year and promptly disposed of it allegedly in a rather crude manner to the laughter of the upper classes. The petition emerged from the middle class and students of the nation, calling for the limitation of the powers of the monarchy and more rights to the growing middle class. King Charles thoroughly rejected the tenets of the liberal cause, claiming to be ruling out of divine right, justified by the Church. Some of the upper class advisors have suggested arresting liberal agitators, but the king believes that they lack any ability to be a threat to the status quo. Needless to say, the liberals have been equally perturbed by this development, and have continued rabble rousing and building their own support throughout Flanders. (-1 Stability)

GERMANS RIOT IN PARIS-BURGUNDY. Cologne, Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy. The Germans of Paris-Burgundy continue to show their distaste with the merged government, as a serious of riots broke out in the eastern part of the kingdoms. Attacks have been made upon members of the nation's secret police force, and people believed to be part of the secret police. The liberal movement have also aligned themselves with the Germans, as the secret police are accused of numerous atrocities against the German people. The violence has constantly escalated between the sides, and the riots are simply the latest examples, as prisons and other government buildings are stormed by angry mobs. Some of these alleged mobs have proven a bit more organized than expected though, assembling quickly, and dispersing even faster after accomplishing their goals. This has made corralling the unrest increasingly difficult for the government's forces and police. (-1 Stability)

DAY OF BLOOD IN LANGUEDOC. Toulouse, Languedoc. A sad day has occurred in the French nation of Languedoc, as the monarchy continues to bring down an iron fist upon any notions of liberalism in the nation. The latest violence emerged from a fresh petition calling for the end of absolute control by the monarchy. The writer of the petition was arrested by the watch, and executed, which sparked a riot in Toulouse. The army was immediately called in, and what emerged was an orgy of rape and bloodshed, as the army's efforts to corral the unrest spun far out of the control, turning the soldiers into something resembling rioters themselves. Eventually, officers managed to regain control of the army, but not before thousands perished in the flames and from more martial causes as well. (-3 Manpower)

CIVIL WAR IN NAPLES. Naples, Naples. A major rebellion turned into civil war this year in Naples, as the Brothers of Italy helped organize and lead a liberal nationalist revolution against King Ferdinand. Condemning the king for failing to defeat the Papal States in the Second Venetian War, they've attempted to rally support to seize power in the Italian nation. The revolt may have been a bit preemptive however, as an attempt to take control of Naples failed and not nearly as many people rose up as they would have hoped in their support. The liberals have managed to secure control of Taranto and the surrounding regions, but not much else. The monarchy continues to control the army as well as the majority of the nation, and is optimistic as the whole of the king's opposition now is in the open, waiting to be crushed.
Casualty List
Monarchist Naples: 2 Infantry Brigades, +4 Stability
Liberal Naples: 3 Infantry Brigades

MERCHANTS DEMAND REFORM IN NORMANDY. Rouen, Normandy. A group of Norman merchants have come before King Philip IV this year, demanding that the king give up some rights to the masses. They have called for the establishment of a Norman Parliament and the end of absolute rule to the nation. While not necessarily a liberal movement, the Norman merchants have called for similar developments. Needless to say, the petition has been more or less rejected by the king, though some believe he may have it under consideration. The upper classes have called for the king to outright reject these demands, before the liberal cause gains any more strength, threatening to overturn the status quo of the nation.

ARMY OFFICERS RESIST REFORM IN ORLEANS. Orleans, Orleans. Members of the army of Orleans have proven rather determined not to waste time on new tactics or weapons, which they believe to be irrelevant to war. This group of officers have proved a formidable roadblock in modernization of the army, preferring to keep the tactics of 1820 to those developed by Brandenburg in 1835. They call the reforms, "Germanic nonsense" claiming that the old ways are clearing superior. Regardless, the monarchy has stated that it will continue to pursue the new techniques, warning what might happen to officers who continue to stand in the way of progress. (-20 EP into Army Organization upgrading)

RIOTS TURN INTO REVOLT IN ROME. Rome, Papal States. The Vatican itself came under temporary siege this year as angry mobs turned into a makeshift rebel army within Rome itself. Partially led by the Brothers of Italy, the revolt began as a riot sparked by unknown causes. The rioters were then organized by the Brothers, who led them against strategic targets within the city. The Vatican was brought under siege, as the Pope watched from his balcony and the Swiss Guard did their best to defend the walls. Couriers were sent to the army, which soon arrived, and a brutal battle erupted in the streets of Rome. The Pope's armies emerged victorious, crushing the rioters and rebels, and most of Rome's members of the Brothers of Italy were captured and killed in the process. The resulting executions have gutted the Brothers of Italy in Rome for the time being, leading to an improvement in the situation and further control for the Pope throughout the region. (+1 Stability, -6 Manpower, -1 Infantry Brigade)

NOBLES LEAD COUP AGAINST POITOU MONARCHY. Poitiers, Poitou. A group of nobles, angered by the actions of King Henri IV over recent years, have made a bid for power of their own. Using their influence over the army, they managed to rally significant forces around them, and prepared for a rapid regime change against the current monarchy. The army soon marched upon the royal palace and quickly and fairly bloodlessly overwhelmed the king's royal bodyguard in a brief fight. King Henri, while still remaining the titular head of state, has become a puppet to the nobles, who have demanded harsher controls over the public, using the military as their means. The new government is significantly more reactionary, hoping to contain any growth of liberalism and military power in France. (+1 Stability)

RIOTS IN POLISH PRUSSIA. Konigsberg, Poland. The Prussians have continued to be an unruly and unkempt people even under Polish rule. They have proved this with a series of anti-Polish riots taking place throughout Prussia, as the Prussian people attack Polish merchants en masse. The Polish army has been doing its best to contain the riots and prevent full blow rebellion, arresting and executing the worst of the trouble makers. The Polish government has continued its policies of preventing Prussian involvement in ruling the territory, continuing to seize much wealth and land for Polish nobles. The Prussian revolts have all ended bloodily, as they lack the arms or training to defeat the veteran Polish armies. (-1 Manpower)

LIBERALS ASSEMBLE IN PROVENCE. Marseilles, Provence. Provence's liberals, many of whom dispersed to Milan and other refuges last year, have begun to return home, beginning a campaign of rabble rousing and sowing dissent against the monarchy. The bloodshed of last year's riots have allowed them to continue building support against the crown. Furthermore, they have added to their platform an amount of railing against Spanish influences, claiming that the French people ought to forge their own identity. The liberal cause continues to grow and thrive, taking much of their influences from the Brothers of Italy and their growing success at propaganda and efforts on the Italian peninsula. (-1 Stability)

BULGARIANS GROW UNRULY IN ROMAN EMPIRE. Sofia, Roman Empire. The Bulgars, long a dissatisfied part of the Roman Empire, have once more begun to become resentful of rule from Constantinople. A number of Bulgarian leaders have emerged, particularly landowners and noblemen, have begun rallying the support of the people against the Imperator. They have called for the resurrection of a Bulgarian state, and a return of the glories of the old Bulgarian Empire. It has been rumored that the Bulgarians have begun assembling new armies and forces to fight the Romans, and achieve their independence, as well as buying off the commanders of the local legions. The Romans have begun to become increasingly concerned about these developments, and more legions have been deployed to the northern frontiers. (-1 Stability)

SARDINIAN MERCHANTS CALL FOR REFORM. Cagliari, Sardinia. The Sardinian people have begun making calls for reform in their nation, as the rapidly growing merchant class has gained increasing influence. They have insisted upon the establishment of liberal reforms, and this has been rapidly rejected. Despite the rapid rejection however, King Carlo II has been surprisingly genteel, as he has seen the results that the middle class has produced economically over the past few years. While not quite ready to pass reforms himself, it seems that the king has mellowed from his previously reactionary stance. Many believe still, even among the liberals, that with persistence, the king could well change his mind, and reforms could still arrive peacefully. (+1 Stability)

IRISH UNREST CONTINUES TO BURN. Dublin, United Kingdom of Great Britain. The Irish have continued to wage a war in the countryside against British soldiers and garrisons. They have ruthlessly attacked and begun doing their best to reduce the British and their forces across the emerald isle. The British in turn have been attacking villages and communities which openly support the Irish rebels. This has led to worsening atrocities from both sides, as the war continues to become increasingly brutal. The hopes remain that eventually, with prosperity, the Irish dissent will subside, but for the time being, it seems as though Ireland remains locked in a vicious war between two equally brutal factions. (-1 Manpower, -1 Infantry Brigade)

SPAIN ATTACKS SICILY. Palermo, Sicily. In order to support the Emperor's brother King Carlos V, the Spanish army has attacked the new government of Sicily to restore him to his appointed throne on the island. Aware of the impending attack, the Sicilians rapidly prepared themselves for war, sending their navy to safe shelter in Milan, and building up support their for an Italian war on Spain. The Milanese government is said to have provided enormous amounts of financing for the Sicilian cause, as well as rallying the Brothers of Italy to support them. A brigade of Milanese volunteers were assembled, providing even greater strength to the Sicilian defenders. The initial hammer blow of the Spanish army came at the city of Palermo, as the Spanish Mediterranean Fleet and its expeditionary force besieged the city. The fleet bombarded the city's defenses in the north, though the guns of the city and defending army managed to inflict their own toll upon Spain's ships, particularly the less maneuverable sailing vessels. The Spanish army landed south of the city and soon ran into the whole of the Sicilian army. The Sicilians, situated on the heights south of Palermo were able to use the positioning of their heavy guns and infantry to inflict a costly price upon the Spanish advance. Defeated, but not destroyed, the Spanish returned to their ships after withdrawing from battle. Unable to defeat the Sicilians decisively, the Spanish admiral determined to take a more long-term strategy. Using their naval mobility, the Spanish were able to capture Messina in the northeast, the other major port for Sicilian trade. A naval blockade was instituted around the rest of the island, in order to cut off any further military support from the rest of Italy. The Sicilians attempted to retake Messina from the Spanish, and managed to do so, using superior numbers to ultimately overwhelm and defeat the Spanish on the battlefield, though it was a costly victory. The Sicilians continue to maintain control of their island, but have paid a hefty price in the process.
Casualty List
Empire of Holy Spain: 4 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades, 6 Second Rate Warships
Sicily: 6 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades

SPAIN COMPENSATES BRITAIN FOR HAWAII GUN LOSS. Plymouth, United Kingdom of Great Britain. The Spanish navy has acted to compensate the British for the loss of guns seized in the Hawaiian islands last year, turning over an old third rate warship to the British Royal Navy. The British have seen this as a paltry compensation for their lost guns and influence in Hawaii, some even believing the gesture to be an insult from Spain. The Spanish view it much in the same way, a pittance to the British, despite their interference in Spain's obvious sphere of influence. Regardless, the issue has been seen abroad as a continued worsening of relations between Spain and Britain in Europe and across the world.

AUSTRIA DEVELOPS NEW ORDER OF COMBAT. Vienna, Austria. The Austrians have developed a new style of combat and a series of new doctrines, which many view to be superior to standard European doctrines. The new organization of the Austrian army has come on the heels of the development of Hungary's own styles, and a cursory comparison of the two armies have led observers to state that clearly the Austrians have an advantage on the battlefield. While the Austrians have equal firepower to most European armies, they are slightly superior at maneuver on the battlefield as well as their discipline. In fact, many have made the statement that the Austrians could easily possess the most disciplined and capable army in the world, including those of the great colonial powers. (+1 Stability)

AUSTRIA BEGINS PORT MODERNIZATION. Venice, Austria. With the world catching the glimpse of shipping potential as demonstrated in Rio de Janeiro and Plymouth, the Austrians are following suit by attempting a modernization of the ancient port of Venice. Unfortunately, the structure of the city and the surrounding areas are making this a costly experience, as the marshes and structure of the city prevent an easy introduction of the steam engine. Many fear irrevocable damage to the city's base and structure, and extensive efforts have had to be taken so far. Many believe that this could be easily the most difficult and expensive such project that has yet been launched by any nation.

HUNGARY ESTABLISHES NEW ACADEMIES. Budapest, Hungary. The Hungarian monarchy has provided financing for the establishment of the nation's first two proper military academies. The first of these is the new Army Academy established in Budapest, acting as a place for the training of a new officer corps. The Second has been the establishment of a Naval Academy in Dubrovnik, to providing training for the rapidly growing Hungarian Imperial Navy. The great surge in the size of the navy has been one of the driving motivators behind the establishment of this academy, hoping to provide a competent officer corps for the new fleet. The army's new center has been spearheaded thanks to the recent reform of the army last year. Both efforts are rather underfunded, but the recruits and would-be officers are enthusiastic nonetheless.

COSSACK REBELLION ERUPTS IN MOSCOWY. Tsaritsyn, Don Cossacks. Tensions grew early in the year between the Cossacks and the government in Moscow, as the Cossacks, who have long and loyally served the king, have found themselves betrayed. The Moscovites, reneging on hundreds of years of service and treaties, have attempted to disarm the Cossacks and force them to declare an oath of loyalty to the king. The Cossacks have unanimously refused, and massive uprising has occurred as a large army is assembled. Many refugee Cossacks from Kiev have also joined the uprising, which has resulted in much of the southern portions of Moscowy being overrun by the rebels. Many of Moscowy's best leaders and soldiers were Cossacks, and they now fight against Moscowy itself. Attempts to quell the rebellion have met with disaster as defeat after defeat has been handed to the Moscovites on the battlefield. They have been utterly smashed and Moscowy's army is horribly disorganized as it retreats to the north.
Casualty List
Don Cossacks: 3 Infantry Brigades
Moscowy: 4 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade

BRANDENBURG-SWEDEN AGREEMENT SPARKS REBELLION. Hanover, Hanover. A new trade agreement was established between Sweden and Brandenburg this year, reducing tariffs on Sweden and causing Brandenburg to agree that all overseas trade must go through the port of Stettin. This has outraged many merchants and members of the middle class, threatening to cause economic collapse in much of western Brandenburg, where most of the towns have been built upon overseas trade going through Denmark or the Netherlands. This has made the eastern towns wealthier at the expense of the rest of the nation. In order to preserve their own status and abilities, the western community leaders, led by Hanover, declared their independence from Brandenburg, establishing their own monarch from the local nobility, to gain the upper class' support in the region. They have managed to gain the support of members of the military, building up their own force to fight the Brandenburger army. The first Brandenburger attempt to restore control of the region was met by the fresh Hanover army, and was ably defeated. The Hanoverians have done well holding them back, winning the battle in the field. They have even managed to win support from Denmark, which has recognized Hanover's independence officially and vowed to protect them. While Sweden and the Republic of the Netherlands have not officially recognized Hanover, they have instead sent diplomatic missions to the capital, providing them with an overt sign of support for their cause.
Casualty List
Brandenburg: 3 Infantry Brigades
Hanover: 2 Infantry Brigades

KIEV BEGINS UNPOPULAR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AGAIN. Kiev, Kiev. Despite the rebellions and unrest sparked by attempts to shift the balance of agriculture in Kiev over the past ten years, King Mikhail II is trying once again to reform the method of farming in the Ukraine. The least popular elements of this has been the introduction of western methods of crop rotation and farming, which have been seen as alien and irregular to the Kievan peasants and too expensive to the upper class. Introduction of foreign farming implements have also been unpopular, as they are also unfamiliar to the peasantry, and once again, too expensive for the nobility's tastes. The middle class, as before has supported the reforms, but they remain a tiny minority throughout most of the nation. There has been some good emerging from the program though, as new irrigation systems are being planned, in order to provide the already fertile land with even more support. (-1 Stability)

BRANDENBURG BEGINS DEVELOPING INFRASTRUCTURE. Berlin, Brandenburg. The government of Brandenburg has begun efforts to develop the nation's infrastructure, surveying plans for the expansion of current systems of transportation. The effort is planned to pave new roads across the nation, as well as to develop canals in various parts of the nations to improve overall trade. Unfortunately the outbreak of rebellion in Hanover has caused the threat of war to prevent any major investment into the program, as no one is quite sure how much territory will remain to improve upon the conclusion of the current crisis. Many expect King Charles II to temporarily cease their efforts into this program until Hanover has either been allowed to return to the fold or lost to independence.

NORTHERN LEAGUE ESTABLISHED. Amsterdam, Republic of the Netherlands. Four major nations of the north have established a new trading and military agreement which has dramatically altered the balance in Northern Europe. The Northern League consists of a reduced area of tariffs for trade and prosperity among four of the most powerful nations in continental Europe. Furthermore, they offer a military defense pact for all members, establishing themselves as a barrier against the ambitions of various nations. The new League has been seen as a direct threat to the power of Britain and Brandenburg, with the latter nearly surrounded by the Northern League nations, and the former losing a good portion of its European trade ports and last openings to Central Europe.

SWISS ADOPT NEW CONSTITUTION. Zurich, Switzerland. The Swiss have approved a new constitution this year, establishing a two-part legislative branch and central head of state modeled upon the United States of America and the Republic of the Netherlands. The office of President has been created to lead the nation, while an upper house has been established for the rulers of the Cantons, known as the Council. Finally, a populist lower house has been established known as the National Assembly for the general populace to elect. The first elections for all positions of government are scheduled for next year, as Switzerland prepares for a year of politicking and the establishment of a new government. (+1 Stability)

DAUPHINE COMPLETES PAVING PROGRAM. Grenoble, Dauphine. The roads of Grenoble and the other towns and cities of Dauphine have at last been paved to modern standards. The new roads are tough and durable, dramatically aiding in the ease of transport and travel along the paths of this particular French nation. The end of the war between Orleans and Burgundy last year also provided some aid to the growth of this program, enabling regular trade from the north. These roads have been also connected to similar networks along the borders of Switzerland and Provence.

DENMARK REVITALIZES NAVY. Copenhagen, Denmark. To many in Europe, Denmark is a decaying empire. After selling its most prosperous colonies to the Republic of the Netherlands and facing political defeats and fear at the hands of Britain and Sweden, some are beginning to believe that the Danes can no longer pose any threat to a modern power. As Denmark attempts to reestablish some relevance in European politics over the Hanover Crisis, the Danes have undergone a major refitting of its navy. Many older Danish ships have been scrapped or refitted with steam screws, modeled mostly upon Sweden's new warships. The hope is that by establishing a new steam-powered navy, the Danish Empire can once more rise and be reborn. Though the Danes possess a small fleet, it has quickly become one of the stronger ones in northern Europe.

SERBIA FOLLOWS IN HUNGARY'S FOOTSTEPS. Belgrade, Serbia. The Balkan kingdom of Serbia, considered by many to be a puppet of Hungary's agenda in Eastern Europe, further reinforced this opinion this year. The Serbians, with limited expense, adopted the 1837 order of the Hungarian army for their own forces. The Hungarian style, considered by many to be inferior to most modern doctrines, is still considered by Serbia to be ideal for their own situation. The hope remains that this will help build new ties and cooperation between Serbia and Hungary, perhaps making it easier for both armies to fight alongside each other on the battlefield.

BRANDENBURG ESTABLISHES NEW INSTITUTE. Berlin, Brandenburg. Even as rebellion threatens the Germanic nation of Brandenburg, the King has announced the creation of the new Royal Institute of Science and Agriculture. The new institute is dedicated to the improvement of farming and industrial technology in the nation. The king has announced that he will be keeping a personal eye upon the progress of the new university, hoping that it will help better educate the people who will continue to lead the nation. Opposition has of course declared it a waste of government funds, particularly in the growing of rebellion. Furthermore, some claim that the amount of funds provided to the project is a pittance anyways, particularly when compared to other universities and academies established in Europe.
News from the Americas​

FOOD SHORTFALL IN PARAGUAY. Asunción, Paraguay. Farmers in Paraguay this year have unfortunately fallen short of the amount of food needed to feed the nation's population this year, causing a minor famine to emerge. The causes appear to be a random shift in weather patterns as well as apparent farming problems with management of the soil. While few have died as a result of the growing famine, the nation has been forced to pay exorbitant fees for import of food supplies from Argentina and Brazil, and taxes have been risen to pay for it. The people have begun to grow unruly due to this development, accusing the wealthy and leadership of arranging the famine to restore authoritarianism to the government. (-1 Stability)

URUGUAY ELECTIONS. Montevideo, Uruguay. The South American nation of Uruguay held new elections this year to determine the control of the government. The debates were bitter and frequent violence emerged between the Colorados and Blancos during political gatherings. The Colorados used their control of the army and government to reduce the effectiveness of Blanco political rallies through intimidation and selective enforcement of various laws. The result has been a very tense atmosphere among both sides, though ultimately, when the voting result came in, it appears that the Colorados were effective enough to retain their control of the government. The Blancos have contested the election results, and the nation seethes with dissent, possibility towards a civil war. (-1 Stability)

CALLS FOR END OF MONARCHY IN ECUADOR. Quito, Ecuador. The Ecuadorian people rose in protest against the rule of King Simon, believing the monarchy to be against the very ideals they rose up against Spain for. The response from the king and the army have been a series of arrests and executions. Any calls for government reform have been declared to be acts of treason in of themselves, and will be enforced by the harshest punishment available, death. The army continues to remain in support of the monarchy, but the people have grown increasingly disillusioned with their new government, and resistance has continues to grow ever faster. (-1 Stability)

RESISTANCE CONTINUES TO GROW AGAINST VENEZUELAN INTEGRATION. Caracas, Venezuela. Resistance continues to mount against Caracas as rural landlords and caudillos resist the growth of a centralized government in Venezuela. They fear that the projects will reduce their own authority and power throughout the nation, and they have continued to amass their own personal armies and fiefdoms throughout the nation. They have also begun to fight politically in Caracas itself, openly denouncing the Soublette government, claiming that he wishes to set himself up as a new Spanish Emperor like the one the nation once revolted against. They have managed to rally further support for their cause, as the army weakens as the soldiers are bribed away or desert to the other cause. (-1 Stability, -1 Infantry Brigade)

AMERICAN EXPANSION FACES NATIVE ATTACKS. St. Francis, United States of America. American settlers heading west have faced numerous new attacks by various native tribes along the whole of the western frontier. Wagon trains headed to Jacksonia have met with constant warfare with the native tribes of the Great Plains, and several military units and forts along the Missouri River have been burned by the natives. The fighting has been brutal, as American homesteads are constantly set aflame and the army has failed to corral the attacks to any degree. The Americans have hoped to contain the fight, sending more troops to the frontier, but the native tribes have proven more than capable of eluding their attackers. (-2 Cavalry Brigades)

TREATY OF HALIFAX. Halifax, United States of America. A new treaty of alliance and support has emerged between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The Treaty of Halifax calls for the United States to join Britain in any defensive war involving another European power with possessions in the Americas, and vice versa. The treaty also lowers tariffs between the two Anglo powers, encouraging further immigration to the United States from Britain. The treaty also expressly forbids the British from being involved with the internal politics and working of the American government, easing concerns among the American population. The move has been mostly approved of by both sides, as the American government once again normalizes relations with the mother country.

UNITED STATES FINISHES FLORIDA PAYMENTS TO SPAIN. Washington D.C., United States of America. The American government completed reparation payments to the Empire of Holy Spain this year, officially concluding the Treaty of Saint Augustine which led to the end of the Spanish-American War. The payments were to cover the exchange of Florida to the United States, and the following admittance of those states to the Union. The treaty has done much to foster Spain's ongoing industrial growth, as well as to rebuild relations between Spain and the United States. Though the recent Treaty of Halifax has soured relations to an extent, the demand for American cotton keeps Spanish business coming to a large degree.

HARRISON-BRANCO PACT. Rio de Janeiro, Empire of Brazil. The two governments of Brazil and the United States of America have concluded a landmark agreement which has alienated much of Europe from the two largest American powers. The Americans and Brazilians have agreed to this new pact which calls for the mutual protection of both nations, as well as the protection of any legitimate American government from European invasion and imperialism. The pact also expressly hopes for European withdrawal from the Americas, and though Spain is not specifically mentioned, remains the most angered by the treaty. The Spanish, who control most of the Caribbean and a large portion of South America, are easily the most threatened by the treaty. They have issued vociferous protests, and tensions have grown as the Spanish view the Americans and Brazilians as a growing threat.

BRAZIL BEGINS CLEARING LANDS FOR COFFEE. Sao Paulo, Empire of Brazil. The Emperor of Brazil has begun financing the clearing of lands around Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro for the benefit of the coffee plantations in the region. Surveying was completed this year to determine the cost and territories for the deforestation, in hopes of making the process significantly more efficient. The Brazilians even managed to begin cutting this year, and have establishing several thriving lumber companies, bringing in more wealth for the nation. The effort is believed to be scheduled to take several more years, as the plantation owners throw their full political weight behind the project.

AZTEC EMPIRE REDUCES RELIGIOUS FUNDING. Tenochtitlan, Aztec Empire. Emperor Ahuitzotl II made a surprising move this year, with the reduction of imperial funding for the nation's religious police. Meanwhile, operations against Christians have been dramatically reduced, part of what many believe to be a deal with the Christian underclass of the Aztec Empire. Last year's defeat of the British invasion has seemingly allowed new ties to be formed between the classes of Aztec society. Unfortunately, the emperor remains a well known reactionary, and most doubt that any reforms may go much further than it already has. It is still illegal to practice Christianity in public, but this could still be the platform for future change.

NEW SPAIN BEGINS BUILDING NAVAL CAPACITY. Tegucigalpa, New Spain. The government of New Spain has begun a program to safeguard the coast of the nation, with the ongoing construction of naval facilities on the coastlines. Experts have been hired away from various European shipyards in order to oversee the construction and production of a new naval infrastructure for New Spain. The president has stated that, while expensive, the cost of naval security for New Spain cannot be set too high for their own protection. The New Spanish government has been doing fairly well in these efforts, but the production is being warily watched by the Empire of Holy Spain and other naval powers in the region.

News from Africa and the Middle East​

MUTINY IN PERSIAN ARMY. Tehran, Persia. The Persian army, on its way to campaign throughout the wastelands of the Khazak provinces, suffered from the eruption of a mutiny against the new methods of combat. The many new recruits found this year have found the practices of the British to be rigorous and alien to them, and they rose in revolt against them. Fortunately, the disorganized mass of soldiers was easily destroyed by the remaining loyal elements of the army, proving at least the efficiency of British methods. Regardless, morale remains low among the surviving soldiers of the army, most less than enthusiastic about their new practices and doctrines. (-5 Infantry Brigades, -1 Cavalry Brigade)

SWEDEN ESTABLISHES NEW AFRICAN HARBOR. Tadjoura, Sweden. The Swedes have begun a new incursion into Africa this year, with the establishment of a trading port near the African nation of Abyssinia. The new colony has been named Tadjoura, after a local discovered ancient trading port in the area. Massive expense has been put into making the colony at least able to pay for itself, sponsoring the construction of modern port facilities, including a coaling station among other improvements. The hope has been to use the new colony to introduce European trade to Abyssinia as well as to provide the Swedish navy with a new refuge on the Indian Ocean. The Abyssinians have viewed the arrival of the Swedes with some anxiety, believing that the Europeans could well be a threat to them and their way of life.

PERSIA LAUNCHES FRESH KHAZAK PROVINCIAL CAMPAIGN. Ashgabat, Persia. The Persian army, fresh off its reformation into a new style of combat, has launched a unified campaign into the Khazak provinces. The army's objective was to crush any rebel tribes and establish Persian authority for good over the area. The march proved wildly successful, as the Persians managed to draw numerous rebels into open battle, where they would be torn apart by the Persians' superior firepower. The remaining tribal leaders have been mostly cowed by the experience, pledging their fealty once more to the Persian leadership. This campaign has proven as a successful trial run for the new Persian styles of combat, even after the disaster of the mutiny earlier in the year. (+1 Stability, -1 Infantry Brigade, -1 Cavalry Brigade)

MAMLUKES DEPLOY NEW STEAM WARSHIP. Beirut, Mamluk Caliphate. The Mamluk Caliphate, in the hopes of extending their power to the seas and competing with Europe, has deployed the new Alexandria-class steam paddle warship. The new warship is a marginal improvement over an old First Rate sailing vessel, and has the added advantage of being significantly more maneuverable. The Mamlukes have lauded the new warship as a marvel of engineering, developing the Caliphate into a major naval power as well as a powerful land army. The new design still palls in comparison to the latest British and Spanish models, but is a dramatic leap over most older style warships.

YEMEN BEGINS CENTRALIZING GOVERNMENT. Sana'a, Yemen. The king of Yemen has begun a very controversial process of reorganizing the structure of his government, fighting considerable opposition in the process. The Yemeni army is being bound to the king himself, while a central government is being erected to administer the navy and army. The hopes are that the construction of the new system will allow Yemen to compete as a modern power, particularly with the Caliphate and Oman. The king has constantly preached against the Caliphate, vowing that Yemen will be able to stand on its own against any other nation, and has claimed that the reforms are for this end, and not just for increasing his own personal power. (-1 Stability)

News from the Far East​

SMALLPOX RAMPAGES THROUGH CHINA. Dalian, China. As war erupts throughout China, another threat erupts in greater heights than has ever been previously seen. Smallpox, having recently ravaged Europe and the Americas, has arrived through the growing numbers of European traders. Though China has had smallpox outbreaks in the past, the growing numbers of war refugees, banditry, and other travelers, have caused a full epidemic to break out. Furthermore, the various armies have been known to use smallpox as a weapon, attempting to infect besieged cities and towns with the dreaded disease. The amount of casualties has been costly, as many hundreds of thousands are afflicted with the plague, dying in large numbers. The outbreak of civil war has made the disease even harder to contain and most of the eastern coast has been afflicted. European trading ports have had to limit trade to a degree to prevent infection of their crews and merchants.
Disease Death Toll[/b]
China: -30 Manpower
Fuzhou Empire: -35 Manpower
Nian Realm: -40 Manpower

BLOODY REVOLT IN KOREAN ARMY AFTER REFORMS. Seoul, Korea. Over the past few years, the Koreans have taken guidance from Europe in order to restructure its armed forces. This has been rather amusingly watched by European advisors, who have been educated them in ways of combat obsolete by European standards. Furthermore, the Korean army is doing its best to resist the changes being impressed upon them by the monarchy. Believing the king to be under unfortunate European influences, the Korean army's leaders has taken it upon themselves to restore the status of the armed forces before the current "reforms." The result has been a series of violent battles across the nation as army units fight among themselves. Fortunately, no organized rebel army ever emerged and the revolts within the army were ultimately contained by loyalist forces. The main agitators among the army officer corps have been arrested and executed for their treason against the monarchy. The hope is the current success may well allow Korea to preserve its status as an independent nation. (+1 Stability, -6 Infantry Brigades)

UNREST EXPOSES SWEDISH SYMPATHIZERS IN SIAM. Bangkok, Siam. Diplomatic relations have dramatically cooled between Siam and Sweden this year, as a group of Siamese officers attempted to revolt against King Rama. The officers led an organized army using Swedish weapons which was ultimately engaged in an open battle. Unfortunately, the officers' plan was exposed by a loyal servant to the king, and the king's army managed to crush the upstarts. Sweden's involvement was very plan to the monarchy, and most of their weapons have been seized, as the Siamese king announces that Sweden's merchants are hereby forbidden to trade within Siam. Furthermore, the attempt at a coup has deteriorated Sweden's standing among the other free nations of the Far East. (-1 Infantry Brigade, -4 Manpower, +1 Stability)

FUJIAN EMPEROR GRANTS EUROPEAN TREATY PORTS. Fujian, Fuzhou Empire. In order to build support abroad and at home, the Fujian Emperor in the province of Fuzhou has opened China to a variety of European nations. Approaching the major colonial powers in the Far East, the Fujian Emperor has offered treaty ports to Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands. The Swedes were granted the port of Xiamen, a small city along the coast. The Swedish imperial authority has since entered the city, establishing their first official trading route into China. The Dutch were given the town of Taizhou and the surrounding area. Though the area is fairly inaccessible by land, it has been established as a trading staging point for Dutch merchants. The island of Zhoushan was the port granted to the Empire of Holy Spain, hoping to use the island's good port as a base for Spanish merchants. Furthermore, the island rests in the northernmost section of the Fuzhou Empire, which is currently the most threatened by the Ming armies. It is believed by observers that the Fujian Emperor's hope is that the Spanish presence will prevent Ming incursions in the region.

CHINESE CIVIL WAR Peking, China. The civil war and rebellions in China continue to engulf the region in flames, as the various factions vie for independence or victory over the rest. The imperial government in Peking continues to lose strength, despite massive British financial support. Most of this financial support went to the legendary General Kong, who has been given the funds of the empire to form a new army to fight the rebels and restore authority. Throughout his recruiting campaign, General Kong grew ever more disillusioned with the celestial throne, and ultimately, declared his own bid for power. The general has called upon the Chinese people to remember their roots and to honor their ancestors, claiming that the divine mandate has been lost. He has managed to rally significant support from the people of China's interior, preaching against the excesses of the coast and the corruption cause by the Europeans. Most of those he's recruited have become fanatical in their beliefs and hatred against Europeans and everything they represent. His new army has grown greatly in strength, though they have yet to challenge the imperial or any other army in open battle. The war further escalated in the south, as the governor of Guangzhou, Lin Zexu has declared his sovereignty and opened total support for the British. He has denounced both the emperor in Peking and the one in Fuzhou, as well as the opium trade, though he has also declared that the ends will justify the means to preserve order in southern China. Observers believe that Zexu's hope is to use British funds to restore order in China and rebuild the stability of the nation. Otherwise, the wars have continued and risen throughout the lands, as the various factions continue their fights for supremacy. In the southwest, Yunnan has built up more control over more territories, relying on Islamic support for build its base of power. They have easily trounced the local imperial garrisons, smashing them with little organized resistance and no major battles. Also in the south, the Guangzhou governor began a war against the Fuzhou Empire, calling the Fujian Emperor a pretender to the throne. The Fuzhou Empire more than capably repulsed the attack, also defeating a small imperial army and securing more territory to the northwest. Further north, two other wars have continued to be brutal and vicious. The bulk of the imperial army has been deployed to deal with the Nian Realm, and has managed to win several victories, driving them away from the coast. Meanwhile the Mongols continue to fight in the north, as they once more attack and ambush the Chinese armies. The Chinese were once again heartily defeated, and driven back out of the territory o the Khanate.
Casualty List
Ascendant Kingdom of Holy China: 2 Infantry Brigades
Fuzhou Empire: 3 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades
Guangzhou: 4 Infantry Brigades, Cavalry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
Imperial China: 13 Infantry Brigades, 10 Cavalry Brigades
Nian Realm: 5 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades
Yunnan: 2 Infantry Brigades
Zunghar Khanate: 6 Cavalry Brigades

BRITISH CONSULATE IN JAPAN ESTABLISHED AND DESTROYED. Kyoto, Japan. The British established a consulate in Kyoto this year, meeting with immense anger from the Japanese samurai and conservatives. The presence of the Europeans in Kyoto has outraged the anti-European bloc among the Japanese daiymos and the shogun's family. The result has been an outright attack upon the British consulate days after the building was occupied. The British were massacred in the night, as they were expunged by the Japanese. The British public was outraged by the atrocity, denouncing Japan as backward savages. The Japanese have done their best to forestall any overreaction by the British, apologizing for the actions, further deteriorating their position at home. (-2 Stability)

JAPAN BEGINS MAJOR IMPORT OF TELEGRAPH WIRE. Tokyo, Japan. The Japanese have begun importing a large amount of telegraph wire to fulfill plans to create a national telegraph network. This has been seen as the shogun's first attempt to westernize the nation to develop it to compete with the major powers. Most of the telegraph wires have come from the largest providers, namely Portugal and the Empire of Holy Spain. The amount of trade with these two nations continues to rise as the wires are frequently accompanied by other goods and products. The project has been opposed by anti-westernization elements, but telegraphs prove to be fairly unobtrusive and there's not much resistance overall against them.

SIAM IMPROVES THE ARMY. Bangkok, Siam. After the defeat of the pro-European coup lead by Swedish sympathizers, the Siamese government continued its efforts to form at least a better style of combat of their own. Modeling the reforms on the Maratha Confederacy before their unfortunate defeat at the hands of Spain, the Siamese have taken the chance to eliminate officers who may sympathize with other European nations. The reforms have gone well, and the Siamese have managed to establish a considerably more cohesively organized force. The army hopes that the future will bring them further developments of their own accord, not dictated by some European empire.

Financial Section​

SPANISH GOVERNMENT FAILS TO COVER EXPENSES IN EMPIRE. Madrid, Empire of Holy Spain. The Spanish government failed to provide financing for the costs of administration across the empire this year, placing hiring priority on other projects and objectives. The result has been a lack of funding for both the ruling of the colonies of the empire and even education at home. Corruption has grown in order to compensate for the lost costs and unrest has begun surging as well. Many people have taken this as a sign of weakness or abandonment from Madrid, making some consider revolt or rebellion against the Spanish crown, when they might otherwise not have. (-1 Stability in Spain, -1 Stability in all colonies)

MILANESE FAIL TO PAY FOR EDUCATION. Milan, Milan. The Milanese triumvirate has failed to pay government costs for education this year, as other projects and plans take precedence. The failure has lost the triumvirate some support in the Senate, as people view this as a sign of weakness of the government. This has led some to doubt the cause, which seems to have blinded Milan's leadership. Many are concerned that failure to pay for education could well mean that the leaders of the nation could neglect even more expenses afterwards. (-1 Stability)

ECONOMIC CHANGE REPORT. Madrid, Empire of Holy Spain.
Spoiler :

Argentina: +1 EP
Austria: -1 EP
Aztec Empire: +2 EP
Bavaria: -1 EP
Brandenburg: +2 EP
Brittany: +1 EP
Dauphine: +2 EP
Denmark: -2 EP
Ecuador: +1 EP
Empire of Brazil: +3 EP
Empire of Holy Spain: +23 EP
-Algeria: +1 EP
-Guinea: -1 EP
-Morocco: +1 EP
-Philippines: -2 EP
-Spanish India: +3 EP
-Yucatan: +2 EP
Flanders: -1 EP
Fuzhou Empire: +3 EP
Hungary: +1 EP
Japan: +2 EP
Kiev: -1 EP
Kingdoms of Paris-Burgundy: +2 EP
Korea: +1 EP
Mamluk Caliphate: +2 EP
Milan: -1 EP
New Spain: +2 EP
Normandy: +5 EP
Novgorod: -1 EP
Oman: +1 EP
Panama: +1 EP
Papal States: -2 EP
Paraguay: -2 EP
Persia: +2 EP
Poland: +3 EP
Portugal: -1 EP
-Portuguese India: -3 EP
-Portuguese West Indies: -3 EP
Provence: +3 EP
Republic of the Netherlands: +2 EP
-Ceylon: +1 EP
-Dutch East Indies: +3 EP
-Dutch West Indies: -1 EP
-Fort Nassau: -1 EP
-Seychelles Islands: +1 EP
Republic of New Granada: +1 EP
Roman Empire: -1 EP
Sardinia: +1 EP
Savoy: +2 EP
Serbia: +1 EP
Siam: -2 EP
Sicily: -2 EP
Sweden: +3 EP
-Adolphus Island: -1 EP
-Ivory Coast: -1 EP
-Swedish India: +1 EP
-Vinland: +1 EP
Switzerland: +2 EP
Tibet: +1 EP
Tunis: +1 EP
Tuscany: +1 EP
United Kingdom of Great Britain: +3 EP
-British China: -2 EP
-British India: +3 EP
-Malaysia: +2 EP
-Prince Edward Island: +2 EP
-South Africa: +1 EP
-Vietnam: +1 EP
United States of America: +7 EP
Zunghar Khanate: +2 EP

Random Stat Changes and Fluctuations

Steam Screws arrive in Eastern Europe and Middle East. +2 Navy Quality to all following nations:
Spoiler :

Mamluk Caliphate

Army Improvement in China: +1 Army Quality

Diplomatic Pouch

To: Brandenburg
CC: Europe
From: Denmark

We hereby recognize the independence and sovereignty of the Kingdom of Hanover. We pledge our forces against any threat that may wish to extinguish this new power.

To: United Kingdom of Great Britain, Sweden, Empire of Holy Spain
From: New Spain

We are looking to purchase a number of steam warships to complement the defenses of our shoreline. We look forward to hear what offers you can make for the pricing on your latest warships.


The current level of railroads is COMPLETELY 100% NOT fit for connecting cities and revolutionizes transportation. They are not reliable for more than maybe a mile at a time, and even then only in completely flat terrain. Furthermore, railroad bridges have not ever been constructed, and no one is quite sure how to make one that won't just fall apart. There are so very many technical advances that are being ignored, and I'm just telling you this isn't civ3. Building railroads right now will be costly and likely a waste of money which is inexcusable for a government. There is 0 benefit except for in small-scale areas, like ports we've seen so far in Plymouth and Rio de Janiero. Any orders involving building a rail network have been ignored.

Polish Ghetto has been booted due to inactivity. Denmark is now available.

For those unaware, Crezth has switched from Imperial China to Ascendant's Kingdom of Holy China.

World Map


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Daaaaamn... I forgot to make the payments. I hope that next turn will help to get through that bad step. At least I got that EP raise from the Zaragoza Power Loom.

To: United States of America
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We thank you for finally ending the payments, and we hope that this is the start of a better relationship between our nations.

To: New Spain
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We are willing to sell you several Granada and Santiago Warships for 15 EP each 2 ships. We hope that, in spite of the bad start of our relationship, we can still be good neighbours.
Thanks to DarthNader, I just discovered that the manpower stats were not completed for all nations. This is being fixed, and the new stats will be posted within the next 24 hours. Other than that, all stats are updated and correct.
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