Civ Ideas & Suggestions Not-Worth-Their-Own-Thread

- Culture should enable borders to "move". As in, not be fixed. It worked great in Civ 4 that you could take over tiles and cities with culture.

There's a little but not less interesting mod out there that does just that. Don't know if it allows city flipping though.

As for me, it wouldn't be a dream update, but a dream expansion:

Add more type of factions, possibly mixing them up, so that all factions start the same but can differenciate with time. (with Social Policies or what not)

Example :

All civilizations starts City States, which double the food, production, gold, science and culture produced by the capital.

* Expansionism Policy : Allow the building of settlers. Nullify the City-State capital bonuses.
* Barbarian Policy : No cost for units. (+ another kind of bonus, say your idea here) Forces the barbarian civilization to tech essentially on tech diffusion (need a sharper one in the game, may work like research agreements work in Civ5), except for militaristic techs. [EDIT: ?]
* Put your ideas here. (Nomadism ?)

Those remind of course the nowadays Unique Ability of each civilization of Civ5. One could inspire thyself of them I guess.
Differing eras should affect the personalities of the leaders of each civs, Industrial revolution should make the Imperial Powers and leaders aggressive/even more demanding/expansive. Such as Russia, England, France etc. Renaissance should possibly make say France, Rome etc push for more Culture, Piety influence.

Give City States personalities, they were suppose to change/affect the play style of the game yet they don't.
i think some of these ideas could be implemented into civ updates but others are to drastic and should be moved to civ 6.

1. I think like we have Babylon getting extra great scientists a race that had a boost for engineers might be a good idea.

2. espionage such vital part in human history and spys have and still do steal tecnology secrets so having them in civ makes sense of course would have to limit there effectiveness as to not be to big a part.

3. religion bring it back there is direct evidence that religion in society holds back science and stunts technological progress thus I think a viable game play feature should be to be able to make missionaries and send them into another players citys to reduce the science rate.

4 Why don't we have the Galapagos islands in the game as a natural wonder they seem pretty appropriate for the game.

5. since everyone is calling for it i think there should be an option to expand into space if people choose it at game start.

6. I think there should be the possibility to become economically co dependent on/ with other civs. this is highly realistic and influences real world events. Eg fictional scenario Russia declares war on either China or America. THis would result in the one they did not declare on declaring on Russia. the two countries are economically dependent and thus could not afford to see the collapse of the other. I am not saying Russia would declare on America or China just an example to make the point.

7. trade embargos again realistic
I think revolts should occur when a civ is unhappy - leasing to rebellions under long periods or certain political (social) policy choices

I think that disasters should be included, and i don't just mean tsunamis, earthquakes blah blah... I mean the plague, terrorism that sort of thing.

There should be crime, contributing to unhappiness and modified by social policy, religion and maybe even some other crazy factors. It should also affect productivity (and it would require police stations and prisons to be built to sort out)

I think that there should always be an unemployed percentage that you should trade off against inflation (devaluing your currency ie less gold) unemployed citizens should have a detrimental affect on your production of hammers, food, science etc, and should increase crime.

I think there should be consideration taken toward refugees after wars, adding to nearby city populations but significantly increasing unemployment.

I think unit strength should be modifiable. There should be two scalable bars, one being draftable age, and one being training. Draftable age would decrease happiness, productivity and population growth if expanded, but increase a units strength by adding greater numbers, and training would add to the units build time, but give it greater strength.

I think that there should be as much effort as possible made to make the game realistic in terms of terrain, resources and environment. The more the better, and make some rarer than others to make exploration a more satisfying and rewarding affair.

I reserve the right to add to this list in time.
Barbarians should be able to capture cities (thus forming new city-states). They should try to capture cities instead of wandering aimlessly around allowing themselves to be used for target practice. (If you play Civ4 with a mod that makes the base movement rate equal to 2, then the barbarians are a real terror in the early game.)

I strongly second the suggestion that cities can/should revolt when unhappy. In fact, I think that puppet-ruled cities should have a chance to revolt (forming a new city-state) that increases slowly with the length of time they have been under a puppet ruler. This might be mitigated by martial law (by keeping a garrison in place).

Razing a city should lead to a diplomatic penalty for "genocide" (that gradually wears away over time).

Customizable player civilizations as in Master of Orion 2. (Select a UA from one civ, a UB from another. But with trade-offs. Each unique thing you add costs some points, but there is a limit. You can go over the limit you are willing to accept some deficits -- things that your civ cannot do well. More rapid science might require lower production or slower cultural expansion.)

Diplomacy should make more sense.... In general, I would support diplomatic interactions that change slowly over time. For example, right now there is a modifier for "you traded with them recently", which has a simple yes-or-no value. This could be changed to 30 positive points the turn a trade takes place, decreasing by one point every turn thereafter. Additional trades when this modifier is in place might carry less weight (or more, depending on policy choices?). The "you denounced a friend of mine" penalty could also vary based on the time since the denouncement (and would matter less when the AI becomes friends with someone 100 years after you denounced them...).
Why do you guyz think about this:

when a deal end up and the pop-up icon appear on the right side, it should be clickable with left mouse button to just open the trade with the same leader and put the previous items on the table. Or even better adjust some changes to the previous offer. There are a lot of retrading same deals in the game, so I think is would be a nice feature. Of course the icon will still stay clickable with right mouse button to discard it. :)
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. It's a bit annoying having to open up the diplomacy menu then click on the leader, go to the trade screen, click in the deal, when it could be streamlined with one click.
I would prefer if it happened the turn before the deal ended, say for Open Borders, so that your units don't get kicked out. Eg,

Your deal with Oda Nobunaga for Open Borders will expire in one turn. Do you want to negotiate an extension?
I think you've got a good point there, Pouakai, It's strange that with two parties in for an extended agreement there's still this boot up your arse. And a unit might end up right in front of a hostile unit and get a kick in the balls to add.

The pop-up icon could also make a link incase of City States. Sometimes there's a message like "Genoa has declared war on you" and I'm thinking "So where might Genoa be?"
Errm... there's a problem with that, I just checked in-game, and even City States you haven't met yet can declare. That seems like a bug to me.
My view is that you should only get this CS message when you actually meet the CS. A declaration between parties that haven't even met each other is absurd.
Remember when you died in Civ 1 it would show your civilizations ruins being excavated and then at the end play your civ theme song and display the awesome words Montezuma will RETURN!!!

Seems to me it would be cool to add this into the game. Another feature was when a civ lost its capital it had a chance to be plunged into civil war and one of the dead AI civs would be brought back into the game.

In CIV 5 the game seems to be hell bent on winning or die trying. I think it would be fun if you did die the AI would continue to play out the game (you could watch or just have the turns calculate) and then if a capital fell you could come back into the game just as a civ in Civ 1 could. Either chance based or just give you the option. I would also like the AI to play to survive and look for chances to gang up on the most powerful with the intent of taking his capital to weaken him significantly. Naturally some like Napoleon, Caeser, Ghengis would be more inclined to gang up and others like maybe Ghandi, Siam, Hiawatha not as much.

I don't think this can be easily modded into a game but the devs could do it.

Moderator Action: Merged into the compilation thread. :)
I would like a Casus Belli system where under certain circumstances it was more legitimate to declare war on someone.

Most clear situation is when one of your City State allies gets attacked. You should be able to defend your ally, or at least suffer much less of a diplo hit when you did.

You could also think of making a distinction between attacking this aggressor on friendly territory - the territory of the CS - and attacking him on his own ground. Obviously attacking a civ on his own ground is much more aggressive, so that could still result in a diplo hit if you want to curb the human player from warmongering in this kind of way.
But protecting your CS ally should be made easier in my opinion. It would also make the CS quest of killing X units from the aggressor's army a more interesting quest.
New Promotions?

+25% strength when defending against melee (available after drill 1 and ranged counterpart)
+25% strength when attacking against melee (available after shock 1 and ranged counterpart)
2 HP after kill, identical to Jaguars promotion (available after shock 2, drill 2 and ranged counterpart)
I was thinking about Civ V and let me say this...i like the game. It is VERY different from Civ IV (or any of the other versions). I think that one unit per hex isa great thing, way better than 100 units on a tile.

What I'm talking about here are things that can be brought back into the game. I'm sue the Civ developer folks look at these forums. the game has been out for a while now, and maybe we can sort of"inspire" them in one direction or another? so, here is my 2 cents:

1) Something in between GDR and modern armor....80 to 150 strength is a bit too much.
2) a bigger tech tree and some more wonders.
3) The internet...not sure what it should do, but something would be nice.
4) Spies, really, honestly
5) Radar stations...i loved these in Civ III
6) Airbases and airports. This is pretty serious. Getting your planes to the front line is necessary.
7) Space ship travel tiome, with the ability to make the ship faster.
8) Better endings for each. right now they are something that was just thrown on. Do you remember in Civ I when they used to show all the ones you killed...that always made me feel good :)
9) Religion or corporations in some iteration......
10) Civil War.....honestly, when you are -10 on the happiness for a might have a split.
11) Stats...i loved reading the stats on how may units i killed during the game...loved it :)
12) Graphs during the game :)
13) More than one leader per civ :)
14) cottages :)

I think that is about it for me. I am glad the slider is gone and i like global happiness.

What do you guys think?
With the exception of 13, I would agree with your assessment.

I also think there should be more national wonders, especially lategame ones.

There should also be better lategame buildings and bonuses for for late techs.
Honestly, electronics only gets you ME?
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