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TSG27 Game in Progress

lost Orleans (Gold city) to Arab onslaught of Trebs, swords, xbows.
Germany swarming now too with rifles and cannons (plus CS support), and I'm still 11 turns away from Gunpowder.
Time to resign, but I don't see how to retire/resign in Civ5.
Is there a way to do that?
T150 and I have made some progress, but I am confident that things will go horribly wrong soon.

F9 still shows me last in most areas, but at least I have built some wonders to keep me in the race (for now). Since my last post, I have finished Hagia S, PT courtesy of a saved GS and GE, Notre Dame and Sistine, courtesy of another GS & GE.

I have a 3rd and probably last city SW of Paris near the silver and am surrounded by Hiawatha with whom I must stay friends at all cost. Still at war with Germany, but they are no threat thanks to Hiawatha. Peace with China and we are now friends. In fact I am friends with everyone except Germany. The saving grace is that apart from me, everyone hates everyone else and there are constant wars between the AI's. That is good and keeps me alive, but I am under no illusions that the backstabbing will start before to long. Pessimist or realist?.....onlt time will tell.

I think I have timed opera houses in all cities to coincide with availability of museums and I have saved taking legalism for that specific purpose. After that, military needs some work if I am not to be cannon fodder for the AI.

But SP's are slow. Liberty is finished with Tradition and Piety started but not much more, so an actual cultural victory seems unlikely. At least money is still good and RA's are plentiful.

Incidentally, I was cursing the terrain in the early stages for slowing down exploration, but it is helping considerable with slowing any approaching enemy units and they make easy pickings. Woo hoo!
I'm currently at turn 154 and will lose Lyons to the Germans when I end this turn. Once Lyons falls I'm sure that horde will move to Paris and it'll be game over within the next 10 turns.

Deity is hard enough. Surrounding us with the most aggressive civs and having Germany start on our doorstep is downright cruel. From now on, when the GOTM is Immortal or Deity only include Germany if that's the civ we're playing. It's bad enough that the AI can spam countless units, but with Germany's UA adding even more units the game become impossible to survive.
Deity is hard enough. Surrounding us with the most aggressive civs and having Germany start on our doorstep is downright cruel. From now on, when the GOTM is Immortal or Deity only include Germany if that's the civ we're playing. It's bad enough that the AI can spam countless units, but with Germany's UA adding even more units the game become impossible to survive.
I know, but this was better than some of the other saves I tested.

The game creation process for Civ5 is not as simple as it was for Civ4. The creator doesn't have as much control nor are edits as straightforward. We can discuss this further in the After Action thread.

In one of the tests, a very aggressive Montie and a very aggressive Siam were next door neighbors. I canned that one after I failed to make it to turn 50. I had hoped the rough terrain between Bismarck and the start would slow him down enough to give players a chance to prepare for him. In testing, the Arabs were my friends the whole game, along with Hiawatha, and they shielded me from Siam. This shows the other issue with Deity, the AI acts rather randomly from game to game, making it hard to predict when setting up a game. :crazyeye:

edit - in one of the tests, I saw an aggressive Gandhi. :rolleyes:
Turn 225: Germany and India eliminated.

The people joyously celebrate while Siam's planes destroy any unit wandering from the capital.
Our scientist feverishly work on a solution, but with no oil or aluminum, the best defense is to hide our military far from the front. I can no longer afford to ignore the provocations of Warsaw and Singapore. Removing these allies of our implacable foe should weaken him, but I fear that our desparation will be taken for aggression instead.

The artillery should reduce these cities quicklyand this will provide valuable training for the few green troops in our vetern filled armies. I can try to placate the Ottomans with an offering, but I fear he is only looking for a sign of weakness. Our mighty armies still give him pause, but look feeble next to my biggest foe. My scientists inform me that I can use these enemy cities to build a mighty fleet of Ironclads, but a fleet seems of little use when mighty war machines regularly trample our fields and planes darken the sky.

I try to support my friend Hiawatha in his battles with the evil tyrant of Siam, but I can only destroy a few flanking forces and he has lost all of his previous war gains on the eastern front.

Over halfway there on policies...
Military is a close 4th. 7k cash on hand if I can find something to spend it on.
Lost GL to Bismarck and Stonehenge to Harun by 5 turns each, got oracle and HS from liberty GE, then Education from HS GS, now trying to hard build PT while fending off German hordes, mostly catapults and landsknechts, wave after wave, have not lost a unit yet to him, or suffered a loss of single point of city hp, even though when he declared I had A scout and one warrior as my home defense forces. Other warri was south on Arab border. Bimarck beat me to the pearl location and now Munich is on a convenient choke point and his hordes have free access to my lands.

At least his DoW made me militarize quickly, even though it cost me most of 1.5k I had saved up so far. Just upgraded my 2 wariors to SM, once I get 2 or 3 catapults I should be able to take Munich. Once Bismarck DoWed no one wanted to help me, even though he fought Hiawatha before and everyone is my friend. Wu was as well until she backstabbed around t50 but never saw any of her units as I was able to bribe Iroquis to attack her.

It's my 2nd serious try at deity after just finishing an old gauntlet with Siam science win. I hope I can hang in in this one as well as I did in that one where the score difference between leaders and me was 3500 1st, 2500 2nd, and me 700 and dead last until the very end when few civs got knocked out. I am doing much better here;)
3 cities in a tight defensive triangle (all inland, which may be an issue if I progress much further). Germany D0W at turn 30:- no serious threat at present, just archer fodder. Other AI are friendly (although 2 as yet unmet). Have 3 RA in place. Building NC in Paris, 3rd temple nearly complete and will start HS in Orleans when have finished Theology research in 7 turns. Lots of aggression between AI and Hiawatha is already down to one city. Wu and Harun are also at war with Germany so that should help me to hold him off for the moment.

Please make the next Deity game VC anything but culture!
Just tried this for kicks and thought I was doing ok around turn60, but Germany just kept sending wave after wave after wave of superior units and wore me down.

Does anyone actually enjoy Civ5 deity? All I see is one nonsense war after another against a terrible AI with bonus production...and no way to avoid early wars via diplomacy.

Managed to complete HS (for PT) and, remarkably, the Oracle on turn 98. Now have a World Wonder in all 3 cities and have completed Piety. Still at war with Germany but have reasonable defensive strength for now. Managing to scrape sufficient cash to keep 4 RA in place:- should complete chivalry in 7 turns and have a GS to bulb Acoustics. Will all be for nothing if a second AI turns nasty. At present I have DOF with Siam and Arabia (my major neighbours) and am friendly with others, even Hiawatha who has managed to stabilize with 2 cities (and Great Wall) to my North.

I now reach the stage where I have less experience and confidence at this level. Instinct tells me I should be more aggressive towards Germany but my warmongering is generally poor without tech advantage and might deflect from the overall goal of a culture VC.
not doing so well anymore, lost a SM, and two chariots plus a 3 tile visibility scout i actually used to scout german positions and instead of taking Munich now i have to contend with another german city on the narrow land strip next to southern pearls.

Bismarck beat me to ND by 1 turn or rather completed it same turn mine would have been built (does anyone know how this is resolved?? would more production help, or is it in predetermined order?) and I lost Macchu P. with few turns left to go :( at least Himeji went so fast i only wasted a tiurn on it.

To make bad situation worse Siam Dowed me with 1 turn remaining in our RA, i kind of expected that since he has done it before to me and have fed him luxes, resources and GPT deals to keep him invested. Also got him to DoW Arabia as soon as our DoF expired to keep him occupied but he declared on me anyway. So now his horsemen are pouring in from the north and i am dreading the coming of the elephants. If he trickles them in i should be ok, if he swarms me i am dead meat.

Gemans are using cannons already, I really could have used that extra RA, i had my tree ready to exploit the median. Now i had to use a saved GS to buld Acoustics and i am hard building Sistine and trying to get some operas in time to pop museums when i finally get to them. I am dependent on AI to fight themselves, i keep trying to bribe whomever i can but i need them to warmonger more among themselves (especially the Otomans who are friends) if i am to survive much longer. Not that my existence has been threatened so far, its just that i know a massive wave on either side will wipe me out. And I dont trust the Arabs who have been my DoFs repeatedly but i know would B-Stab as soon as they get a chance. At least its been a wild ride so far:D I am one of those who enjoy Deity.
hmm, I'm wondering if too many people are trying for the 'peaceful' culture game and not considering the Mass puppet empire culture game.

Wonders to get- Oracle, HS/PT, Sistine. then shift to Gunpowder/Chemistry and mass pump Muskets/cannons to puppet everything. Muskets will likely face off against Rifles, but the cannons should help you along that front.

The later wonders should be 'easier' to pick up if various AIs are trimmed down. (everyone fighting does slow wonder production)

Germany would be the most like target for Musket ownage, given his mass spam of LKs won't get upgraded. (20 cs muskets vs 10 cs LKs)

vexings (and others, but I remember him saying it most) SP path (Tradition opener, Liberty, Settler, Representation, then Piety) is the most likely 'best' path to start. Get your lands secured (mountain chokes with archer defenses and a spear/pike) then ensure Representation and Piety are finished before you hit renaissance. At that point, hard focus finishing Freedom.

GS-GE combos are best before Archaeology, at which point shift to all Artist spam. (hoping to finish Freedom soon after for the double landmark culture)

At which point, if you're 'crazy' enough to do it, flip to Rationalism and use Sci. Rev. to boost your way up the top of the tech tree.

Otherwise, mixing in Honour (right side first) is a solid plan given the +happy and +culture boosts.
Probably because most of us getting overrun far too quickly from the hordes of units Germany throws at us. Plus a DoW from at least 2 other civs.
At which point, if you're 'crazy' enough to do it, flip to Rationalism and use Sci. Rev. to boost your way up the top of the tech tree.

I ran Rationalism until the last 6 policies, and never got a tech lead. But I did get the key wonders and enough tech to defend myself.

Now I'm battling YouTube to get the 14GB video uploaded. Almost harder than fighting Deity AIs...
Turn 69

Settled Paris on the coast for esthetic reasons. Settling 1 tile inland on the river hill looks optimal but it hurts the eyes.

Later: bleh, small inland sea, not the big blue ocean... :rolleyes:

Come turn 23, China declare on us for no reason at all (we aren't even neighbours). They march a force of six Warriors through the forests past Iroquois land and then declare on them as well, thus blocking their own route to reinforcements.

When they arrive at the gates of Paris, we have a single Warrior there which is posted on the river hill, and a Scout upgraded to Archer is hurrying back home. Four of their Warriors run themselves dead on the city or our fortified defender, and the remaining two flee, never to be heard from again. Ages after this humiliating defeat, China still want no peace. :mad:

On turn 40, China attack Germany as well, but that only lasts a few turns and then they double up against the Iroquois. China capture Osininka, thereby destroying all hope for us to have a buffer in the north. :sad:

Germany declare on us as well on turn 52, but later they start fighting with China again and with Siam. No new Chinese units have shown up and we are surviving against Germany, so far. Our Trireme has started drowning embarked units, one after the other, a danger that apparently escapes the AI. :crazyeye:

However, the initial German force walked right past our civilians and are now laying siege to the capital with Landsknechts and Archers. We still have one Warrior on the river hill and one Archer, but that should suffice. :)

Meanwhile, there is a game to be played and a victory to plan.

We just settled our 7th city, according to plan. Went for an early World Wonder. The choice was difficult, I would prefer the Pyramids in this game with so much land to develop but that would take us off the intended science path, and no tech popped up from a ruins. Second pick was Stonehenge for the culture, but again Calendar was not needed for anything else while Writing gave early gold.

France celebrated the opening of the Great Library on turn 43. After careful deliberation, we took Philosophy over Horseback Riding as there was no time for a Stable yet: we had Settlers to send out. Meanwhile, the AI completed the Pyramids, but oddly enough Stonehenge is still available, as is the Colossus.

Our exploring Warrior and our second Scout (the first got upgraded and now defends the home, after finding a bunch of ruins nearby) met all the rivals and most of the City States: it's a single landmass. A good thing, since we have lots of Silver and Pearls to trade. :)

Ruins gave us two survivors (one on turn 2, with no tiles to help us grow, and one later that made the empire unhappy...), as well as some gold, the one upgrade, and 1x culture (but not early). Popped quite a few of them, but got nothing spectacular.

To summarize:

- the good: seven cities with lots of economic potential;
- the bad: at war with both China and Germany;
- the ugly: wide open in the north.

Scorewise, Siam is in the lead but they are not running away from the pack. The Iroquois are last and likely doomed. We are fifth, thanks to having a lot of tiles.

1 Paris (coast - horses, silver, furs)
27 Orleans (in the mountains - silver, gems)
51 Lyon (coast - gold, gems)
57 Troyes (coast of west inland sea - 2 pearls, silver)
63 Tours (among the sheep - gems)
65 Marseille (tiny island in west inland sea - 3 Pearls)
69 Chartres (south coast at Mt. Fuji - silver)

Iron is still an unknown, but with all those hills there must be a motherload, right?
Note to self: hills on lakes can be farmed.

9 Tradition (silver and furs are 3 tiles away...)
13 Liberty
20 Collective Rule
30 Citizenship
44 Republic
62 Piety

53 Kuala Lumpur (cultural, Sugar)

23 China
53 Germany

9 Abandoned Husbandry
16 Pottery
28 Writing
32 Mining
38 Trapping
43 The Wheel; Philosophy (GL)
47 Sailing
50 Calendar
56 Optics
60 Horseback Riding
69 Civil Service

8 Monument
12 Scout#1
15 Worker#1 310g
16 Scout#2
20 Settler#2 (collective rule)
24 Granary
28 Warrior#2
30 Worker#3 (citizenship)
43 THE GREAT LIBRARY, Worker#4 310g
48 Settler#3
50 Worker#5 310g
52 Settler#4
56 Settler#5
59 Worker#6 - rescued a Genoa Worker that was captured by barbarians and had wandered in unprotected :mischief:
60 Settler#6
64 Settler#7
69 Water Mill

27 Worker#2 310g
35 Monument
46 Granary
54 Water Mill
69 (Oracle in 4)

59 Monument
68 Granary

57 Workboat 240g
58 Workboat 240g
59 Trireme 260g
61 Monument
63 Workboat 240g


65 Workboat 240g

question. not playing a lot of military style sessions, this has me curious.

i lost Orleans to Siam for 4 turns while taking it back. when i lost it, it had 6 citizens, a library, workshop, barracks, granary and monument. when i took it back it had 1 citizen a granary and monument. is this normal, as in the game calculates losses or did Siam actually raze and sell my stuff? can they raze faster than 1 citizen a turn?

i never knew the setbacks to losing a city for a couple turns would be so huge. it kept me in -20+ gold for 10+ turns while pop was growing back. lost any science advantage for those turns which was really huge in setting me back (pretty much for good).
If a city is taken, it loses half its population and a random selection of its buildings.
If you take it back, the same happens again.

World Wonders will always remain.
I ran Rationalism until the last 6 policies, and never got a tech lead. But I did get the key wonders and enough tech to defend myself.

Now I'm battling YouTube to get the 14GB video uploaded. Almost harder than fighting Deity AIs...

yeah, I figured you'd use it, since you know when to manage it.

for Youtube: that's likely a far too large single video. Cutting it down to (at least) 1.5 Gb/video is likely safest.
All was going well until turn 60.
4 cities, 2 wars 4 spearmens (didn't research archery...)

Germany DoW... (maybe I traded too much with Iroquois)

Turn 63 Chinees DoW followed on turn 64 by Arabia... :(

I'm surprised I lasted up 'till turn 100...
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