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Randomness of Civ

Ich was delayed! Ich will play tomorrow, ich sweare!
So I was playing this, and I ran into a quandry - well, for me. Hopefully a more experienced player will be able to tell me what's the best course of action.

So after Capitulating Washington, I see that we don't have Liberalism yet - but our vassal does. He won't give it up in tribute, but he WILL give it up... for 1690 of our 2030 gold. That's... a LOT of gold. And that's after WAITING a turn.

So my answer is, is that trade good? Or no?
No, that's an awful trade! Spend that gold on deficit research, preferrably on something not or scarcely known by the AIs. That would open up the possibility of getting many more techs through trade than just lib. A much better way to spend your buck. In general unless there's a dire urgency it's nearly always a bad idea to buy techs with only gold.
All right. As a possible alternative, what if I deficit-spent Military Science? Only Boudica has it, and I can get it within 5 turns if I go 100% (yes, we'd have enough money to do that. Barely.) It seems to be one of the only techs that we can actually trade to everyone if we get it... THE only tech, actually.
I think you should tech communism as pointed out by Sengir. Please take his post-set comments to heart! We can really use state property. And get a navy out.
Communism requires Liberalism. We don't have liberalism. So should I just deficit spend for Lib?
Ah, right. Yes, better self tech if you can't get it in a reasonable trade. Reasonable being for a non-critical tech and throwing little money in.
Okay, I played 4 turns. Reason I didn't play more is because I'm not as used to this as you guys, and I want to make sure I don't screw up any more than I almost did! (That tech trade would have been murder apparently! And I believe it, considering how fast we're draining money) Lib is in, Commu is due in 8 turns, although we're gonna have to slow down our research before then. I don't really have that many pics, just one of Washington capitulating. I'll post a save too, and then all y'all smart people can tell me what I did wrong. (Cause I know me, and I did SOMETHING wrong)

Randomness AD 1853
Ok, things to talk about

Research: Finish Comm and revolt to SP, then onto MT or RP. Let's get Washington to research Demo
War: Boudica has a naval stack in Evora that can become a problem, who's next to fall?
Builds: All coastal switch to naval once the current builds are done. We have a lot of cannons now, just need some more units to go with them.
The units can be drafted mostly, I'd keep some inland cities producing cannons, you can never have enough of those. I'd go MT over RP personally.
ok, i'm up...i played through Comm but haven't revolted yet.

we have a HUGE stack up north, and a smaller one in the capital. Wash is research MS, I set ours to MT.

most citties are building gold, still need more galleons/frigates.


  • Randomness AD-1865.CivBeyondSwordSave
    374.3 KB · Views: 60
I'm not completely sure why we're building wealth in a couple of coastal cities instead of Galleons? We aren't bleeding money that badly.

Anyway, city MM needs to be looked at, we're running a bunch of useless spies, better to have merchants; we need to whip a bunch of galleons & frigates, then we can declare. Also, we can ferry the troops in the cap the Thaenae, that way we don't have to worry about Frigates too much in that region.
@cripp, No reason to replay, it's not that bad :) I didn't mean to be harsh on you, though reading back it was a lot of critique and not a lot of positive feedback....
Anyway, there's not much lost, so next set we can just whip more navy, start shipping troops our cities on the other continent for as a staging point and declare war.
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