
I don't know what Dominions 3 is but am curious. I'll lurk and perhaps write up some stats this weekend. :))

Dominions 3 is a computer strategy game. The first of the series was called Dominions Pretenders, Priests and Prophets. It's a game about becoming the one god to rule them all, and using armies and a few hundreds of spells to achieve that goal. It's absolutely not needed to know the game to participate. I will be using it to simulate battles, mostly because I can make some snapshots and it helps me avoid bias when deciding battle outcomes. But then again, I'll tweak units stats so the game can't be gamed. And actual tactics that aren't limited to what the game can render will also be taken into account when I mod.
The Fall of the Pancreator sent tremors of emotion into the world, reverberating through the dreams of Mortal and Immortal alike. A feeling of Loss permeating fitful sleep and sleepless nights, corrupting so many. Night after night, this emotion built up, swilling through the streets and rivers of the world like sewage. Until finally something snapped.

Some say that it is a weapon of Chaos. Others whisper that it is punishment for allowing the death of the Pancreator. Some even believe it to be the personification of death. All are wrong. It is simply the Collective Nightmare of all Life in the world, concentrated in the body of a Ten Year Old.

(More to come, I'll flesh this out, but I just wanted to get this idea in before someone else comes along to take it.)
I envision something like Sauromatia/Patala or the Yuan-ti from D&D if you ever played that.
I know its probably not as original as you might be hoping for but I like the idea and I was hoping to use it.

What do you think?

Yes, I know yuan-ti. Basically nagas with mind powers. And I don't need everyone to be extra original.
The Pavitra Baccē looks good.
Thanks. i do the pretender submission thing to you dominions gmail address.

EDIT: submitted.
The world of Ulm
The Ulm. I remember the Ulm. They always called it 'the Ulm.' I think it was called the Ulmfirand. But Ulm will do. I remember the Ulm.


I remember the temperature. I do.
I remember the cold nights. The frostbitten hands. I remember shepards bounding lakes with hammers, to make holes into ice, so their herds could drink. And that was just the summer. Cold summer. But my fires were warm. Fires were always warm. The Firewood gave incredible heat and grew fast. Most of my Iron was smelted in Firewood. The summer was nice. At nights, it dropped down to -10 C during days, it was +20. Warm.


I remember the Herds. The fields growing food. I remember.
I remember large herds. Herds of pigs, sheep and other animals. I remember how they pushed against each other in the cold and how herders were always awake, to fend off wild wolves attacks. The herders had many belts. Many bows. And they had shelter for the winter. But they spent the warm season outside, down of the hills - animals got good food from there. And their families worked up in the mountains, cutted wheat and grew food for themselves and the animals. Herders return in late autumn. They put their large herds in stables and fed them. Stables were large. They were warm. There was food. Animals were happy there. And shepards were happy to see their families. I remember that. I remember children walking down the hills twice a week, in a large group to protect from predators. Oldest had a sword or bardiche or bow and arrows. The next year, the Oldest would have been full grown shepards and new oldest would have chosen. The children returned the same night, with backpacks full of their families products - the milk, the cheese, sometimes even meat. It was a hard packbag to carry up the hill. But straps that I made for the bags were superior quality - straps we made for the bags. The Cloth around the bag broke, but never the straps.

I remember the hunts in the winter - people from the village, both women and men, went on hunts. They hunted the wild animals - the rabbits, the elk, the wolves and even the slumbering bears. They went away from their homes for week or two. Mostly they returned with a lot of valuable fur and meat being towed behind them on sleds. Hunts meant that shepards families required to kill less of their herd, making them richer. Besides, it gave them warm fur to inline my - our - made armors. And fur gave warmth.

The wheat they grew did not produce much food. But it could stand against the cold winter. And animals also hate the straw part of the wheat. And then there were beet - sugar beet and honey. A lot of honey. They made mead out of it. They made candy out of it. Candy was not only for kids, but to survive the hunts and for cold nights down in the plain lands. I remember that youngsters, women and men who could not walk very well tended the fields. I remember the men taking care of the herds. I remember the hunts. I remember the animal fat dripping onto myself, when my master ate a warm chunk of elk. Elk which he had killed. I remember. I still do.

I remember the marshes and swamps downhill. I do. Unlike small rivers and lakes, swamps rarely froze - they generated heat. I remember the smell of the swamp. I do. Most of the ore was brought from the swamps. Most the metal came from the swamps. Because men had no time to mine the land properly. Because we lived up in the mountains, were it was warmer. And to dig into mountain is a tough job.

I remember the bog peat. I remember it being used in furnace to smelt the iron. I remember it being used in winter together with Firewood trees, to warm the place. I remember the heat it gave. I remember it. I remember smiths and their helpers going down into swamps - into buildings and staying there days. Then one of the came back up hill and said, "it is time" and most of the village went, they carried bog peat inside of the bags and beasts of burden towed carts full of Bog Iron ore uphill. It was a good a life. The carts often broke, but rarely did our smithwork brake - it was the wood around it that broke. Our handwork rarely broke. I still remember that.

And the smith with his or her helpers had always work. There was always something to do. The rocky hills. They were only places suitable for wheat, beacuse down in the plains, animals would get the wheat, cold would have froze it and hinder its growth and land was not as fertile. But hills were rocky. And often we had to make repairs or resmelt broken tools of warming. And often we made nails, many nails, for houses - for new carts.

And when we were not making house tools, we made tools of war. Because we were rich - we had leather, we had iron, we had food and we had heat. People behind the hills that protected the plains, they did not have that. They often attacked us. Especially during winter. They wanted food. They wanted our women. They wanted our fur. Often our hunters met them in the forests, looking for us. Often they went into combat.'

Often corpses of our hunters were returned on sledges by their brothers in arm. But often there were plenty of goods stripped from enemy soldiers on board of that sledge as well. Our hunters knew the hills and the forests. They knew how to stay invisible. They had to - to hunt. But the enemy did not know that. Often we managed to land a surprise attacks. I felt how my - our - made arrows pierced through the skulls and bodies of enemy. I saw how the enemy looked around, looking for source of that Arrow and rarely finding him. And then another arrow would come. Practice of shooting arrows at agile wolves trying to kill your herd, made Ulmers good archers.

Our hunters wore chain mail armor. I - we - made many of those rings. Very many. These rings were light weight. There were often two or three layers of them, and leather in between of those layers. It was bulky, but our women knew how to make leather flexible enough to allow hiding and movement, while protecting the body. I remember every youngster, before becoming a herder, spent a year for making himself a armor - they went down hill, into the bogs, and learned the art of mining the bogs for bog metal and for bog peat. And when they had enough ore, they carried it to my masters house and then helped him in making the rings for chain-mail armor. They knew how the armor was made. That meant they knew how to quickly repair it. We fixed many armors, because quick repairs were still repairs - a masterful armor could only be properly repaired by a smith. And families which were poorer or who could not allow chain mail armor took the armor of enemies, resmelted it or simply used leather armor. Even women and children wore leather armor. Because you'll never know when the cold hits or when enemy decides to attack. And every woman and man knew to how to aim an arrow, how to hold up the shield and how stab with a spear or an axe.


I remember the bloody one handed axes. Made specifically for attacking someone, be it a bear, an angry elk or enemy soldier. I remember the daggers. Every child older than 6 had a dagger. Their mother thought them, how to use the dagger. The dagger was used in cutting the kill. For defending oneself. Even for cutting the meat for the dinner. Every village had several sharpening stones. They were the village property. And eldery women and men, who could not do else, sat there and sharpened the dull blades. And when the blades broke, we fix them. Many of them.

During the hunts - in the winter - most hunters carried the axe, the dagger and a shield with them. The design of shield was simple - there was the iron ring, it was strong. Then there were two iron bars, crossing the ring, forming an X shape. They were slightly bent, to strenghten the shield. Then the shield was covered with leather - with good and strong leather. And then the hand parts and leather part to carry the shield on back were added. Then the leather was painted with whatever insigna that the family had. One could carry a specially designed backpack on top of that shield. And if attacked, wielding the shield - dropping the backpack would loosen the straps that held the shield on wearers back, from there it was only the matter of opening the metal straps and shield would be ready to be carried. That move took maximum 10 seconds. Usually less. Depended of desing of the straps.

The axe usually hung on the belt or was attached to the backpack. A single simple move would have released the iron latches. The dagger was attached to the belt. A special scabbard made of mostly leather - it was usually buttoned, that even if man would have fallen into strong streams, who would have lost everything - the shield, the axe, the backpack, the dagger would still be attached to his belt - and unless the man lost his belt, they would still have the dagger. The daggers were beautiful. We made so many of them. So beautiful was our handwork. Oh how I miss it.

The bow. I do not know much about the bow. It was not the long bow that our enemies used. It was shorter. They carried bow on the on side of the backpack and arrows in quiver on other. In case of battle, the backpack would be dropped. And again, releasing both the quiver and the bow was the matter of simply pushing on the straps. Oh we made so many straps and so many arrow heads. Designed to stay in the enemy.

The faith

The smelthing of the dead
Ulmers had no faith. We believed that burning our deads in the fire of smelter would pass that persons soul onwards to the tool next made. The dead were usually burned in the fires and smelted into arrow heads or sharpening stone iron. That way, the dead could have still aided the Living in their fight. And that was honorbale. The sharpening iron was all used up, the dead would have passed onwards. To the realm of death. Having served the Ulm and their family in both Life and Death. And when their tools would finally broke and serve their family, then these tools would be smelted in the fire and made part of the smelter. Then the soul could escape the realm of death. And live in The Realm. And Live a Happy, peaceful and Simple life with their family.

But my master was never offered this honor. His soul is stuck in the realm of death. He has not been honored. He did not serve his family. His family was not offered the same honor. THOSE DIRTY MONGRELS. EVERY WEAPON I SMITH SHALL BE IN HONOR OF MY MASTER. I WILL RETURN MY MASTER TO THIS REALM. The doors of death are strong. I know that much. I do not know where they are. I do not know where death has hidden himself. But I WILL FIND THESE DOORS. Come out, come out wherever you are. Death. You took what was mine. You think you can hold every last Ancient Ulmer, who were not smelted in tools to serve in death. You think you can do that. You think WRONG. I shall conquer you. I shall not leave my master in your vile clutches. To suffer in the death. In dis honor. I SHALL POUND EVERY DOOR WITH EVERY LAST TOOL OF WAR I CAN MAKE AND I SHALL FIND YOUR DOOR. I WILL CONQUER YOU. The DEATH. I AM IMMORTAL, I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU. The Realm of death shall echo when my swords smash whatever trickery and defenders your realm may have. I will return those who were not honored. I will give them chance to join their families in The Realm. MY MASTER SHALL BE RETURNED TO ME. HE SHALL LIVE HIS LIFE AGAIN AND WHEN HE DIES, HIS CORPSE SHALL BE HONORED. HE SHALL BE SMITHED INTO STATUE AND INTO WEAPONS AND EVERY NEXT TOOL OR WEAPON I CREATE, IT SHALL BE EMPOWERED WITH HIS STRENGTH. HIS STATUE WOULD BE LIKE ME. IMMORTAL. AND WE WOULD SMITH FOREVER.

But this my realm. I shall make an altar of Anvil and hammer in every town center. In every village center. And People shall pray. And people shall talk of conquering the death. And People shall tell tales in the cold winter nights, while viewing this anvil, of my master. And I shall speak through that anvil. And when I have the strength, I shall smith through those anvils. They shall forge the weapons of war or tools of peace. These anvils shall aid the villagers, if their faith is strong enough.

I remember the Ancient Ulm. It was a cold land. We lived up in the mountains. During summers women and children grew ulm wheat - this wheat had incredible resistance to cold and it stalks fed the herds. During summer the herders herded their herds down in the plains. And when winter became too cold for plains, they herded their herds up into their villages. Everyone hunted in winter. They were tough. Hunting was hard, but it spared the cattle, the pigs and beast of burden. And it gave good warm fur.

The Ancient ulmer wore either leather armor or mixture of leather and chain. They battled the wild animals, the wild men beyond the mountains. They used their shortbows, their axes, their daggers to fight. They knew the land - the forest.

Their axes were made out of Bog ore. Most of the metal came from marshes and swamps. But it was good metal. The fires burned thanks to Firewood plant together with swamp peat. And the smithing was held in honor.

The dead were burned, their souls would be stuck in the realm of death until tools smithed out of the iron would broke. And these tools would be smelted entirely in the fires of smelter. And souls would be free to join their deceased family in the Realm. The paradise of Ulmers.

The life of Ulmers were tough. The winter was tough, even in summer the lakes often froze. The was not too much food to go fat. There was not enough firewood to make houses boil in heat. But there were tough Ulmers. Much love and many kids. And good smiths.

I still remember. And I shall reshape the Ulm in the image of Old. I still remember. And I will find the DEATH. And I will slay the Death, imprison him in the realm of Death. And make sure that the unhonored ones could be honored. I WILL FIND MY MASTER, RETURN HIM TO ME AND WE SHALL SMITH NEW TOOLS FOREVER. FOREVER. Oh my master, how I miss you. I still remember you. I shall smith this world in YOUR NAME. In Your VISION. I am the Anvil. The Smith of this world. I - We - Shall be honored in this world. I shall find the gates of Death. And I shall defeat anyone who comes in my way. For I am THE ANVIL. and I still remember my master, his world and our life. I still remember.

I shall find your warriors, your creatures, I shall pound their heads into pieces. I SHALL HAVE MY MASTER RETURNED TO ME. FEAR ME DEATH. EXPECT ME.
I still remember.

I am the anvil.

I still remember.

The Anvil


My master.


I will take him back.

Oh, how I miss him.


Master, Master, oh master, where are you? Where has death hidden you? Where have those dirty mongrels who killed you hidden themselves. I will find you. I will torture those mongrels. We will become one again.

I do not want to be alone.

I miss you.


I still remember.

Edit: good enough for world setup?
Alifat is a small kingdom on the border of chaos. It isn't a place for anything out of the ordinary. A single king, king Surangular, sits on the throne and rules the kingdoms with the god's blessing. The capital Naoot is a medium sized city, walled, and bumbling with life. Two more small cities, Nooth and Tooth exist south of the capital, closer to chaos. Small cities, mostly just artisans and a market for the farmers whole live in the villages of the kingdom.

The kingdom have existed for several centuries, safe from outsiders because it was so unimportant. Only sometimes chaos creatures would cross the borders and cause damage, but these will soon pass through deeper into the world.

Yet now, under king Surangular, something strange begun. The king have spoken that he hears voices in his head. A great god of love wishes to make Alifat greater, its people happier and love to spread everywhere. This god commanded him to build a temple in the capital, a temple for the god of love, where people could flock to have their wishes answered.

The temple is not awfully large. But its main deal is a great door right at the center, a door into a small darkened room. Before this door people are told to stand and make a wish to the god of love. If their faith is strong enough and their sacrifice is good enough in the eye's of the god the door would open and their wish will come true.

This is a new god apparently. The people are still not trusting. But the king, the king gives all to this new god. More and more of his highest ranking officers join him in prayer at the temple. If the god of love for real?

Outside Tooth a child cries next to a burning farmhouse. An old man, covered with black rugs comes near him. "Child, why would you cry? So much life is still ahead of you." The child looks up to the old man, and speaks with tears. "I played with the lamp! The fire caught on and my parents died! I killed my parents!!!!! I burned my house!!!" The old man put his hand, covered with leather gloves, on the child's head. "Do not worry child. A god of love has shown himself at Naoot. The king himself builds a temple that grants wishes. How much would you like your parents back?" The child stopped weeping. "I want it more than anything in the world! I would give anything for my parents to return!" The old man laughed. "Well than my child. Go to the temple and have faith in the god of love. Then you must offer a sacrifice." The child pressed his nose one last time. "What kind of sacrifice do I need to give to ask for my parents?" "What kind of sacrifice you think you need to give? To return life from dead would require an amazing amount of sacrifice and faith." "I will even surrender my own life!" the child yelled and ran away from the old man. He ran to the main road, on the way to Naoot. The Old man stayed behind. His head covered in rugs followed the child. A small laughter could be heard. "They will surrender their faith and minds to me. They will sacrifice all for their own little greed. The god of love. Now that was a good one." The old man then vanished into thin air.
It almost Makes me want to be the Gatekeeper of the Realm of Death and pick Ermor, Northen.
Ooh, I want in. I'm working on a Pretender now. Should be ready by tomorrow. :p
Taurus was once a near-man like the near-men he rules over today. In his time he was a great hero, feared by many and loved by all. He was a Minotaur, though his kind heart and keen intelligence bested his wild heart. He traveled all ends of the world and made the men-kings know that not all of his beastly kind were stupid, violent beasts. In fact, the only trait Taurus shared with his kin was their short lives, and at the end of a mere forty years his life seemed near done.

But the Pancreator intervened.

Little had Taurus known that the greatest god of all things that were, are, and will be watched over Taurus and saw the Minotaur's successes as itself own—or at least that is what Taurus thinks. Upon taking his last breath the Pancreator manifested itself in the form of a young maiden with burning red eyes and skin black as ash. The She-Pancreator told Taurus that he had proved himself not just worthy of near-godhood, but that he had proved his whole peoples worthy of civilization. It was at that moment that Taurus became Taurus.

Not long after the divinely empowered Taurus single-handedly conquered his quarrelsome peoples and established the small Kingdom of Bœuf.

Spoiler Taurus Demi-God Schematics :
Physical Form: A large Minotaur whose visage is considered beautiful by even those not of his beastly race

Start: Taurus begins in the World
Innate Magical Powers: Taurus' 'beauty' is mesmerizing and looking upon his form for a prolonged period of time causes all but the strongest in willpower to be overcome by infatuation with him. So far as Taurus understands this is the Pancreator's gift to him in order to let the World know that the Minotaur are ugly beasts no more.

Prophet: First-Son is Taurus' prophet and first son (as indicated by his name). First-Son was whelped upon a noble human princess of a small realm that Taurus conquered in the early years of his reign. First-Son is just as mesmerizing in appearance as his father, but unlike (and at times to the chagrin of) his father First-Son wields actual magics due to his mother
Realm: The Kingdom of Bœuf began with the Minotaur tribes that Taurus conquered and raised to sentience, but truly came into its own after a series of conquests of nearby human realms.

Realm Inhabitants: Minotaur & Humans; the Minotaur lord over the humans and make up the nobility, but considerable power lie in the hands of humans due to the Minotaur-nobility's inability to produce offspring without a female human partner and their small number because of this.

Armies: The Kingdom of Bœuf fields a mix of incredibly strong Minotaur warriors with all human soldiers thrown in between. Those Minotaur of enough intelligence form the Bœf 'knighthood', while the rest are the kind of mad berserkers that hark back to the Minotaur's wild past. Human warriors tend to be peasant levies and are fielded in large numbers, although the Bœf 'knights' tend to keep a retinue of trained human footmen to aid them in battle.

Religion: Taurus' faith, which is named after him, can be best described as a cult of personality to the extreme. Worship centers around him and his beauteous image, and even his human subjects are to harbor a rapacious love for him if they are truly devout. The Minotaur nobility are seen as an extension of Taurus, and are seen as near-gods themselves. The Cult of Taurus is split into two functional branches, the Sons of Taurus—the Minotaur-ran priesthood—and the Wives of Taurus—the branch dominated by young, virginal priestesses.

Domain Effects: It is not entirely known why, but the lands under the sway of Taurus and Bœf enjoy a higher-than-normal natural increase. Fertility is rarely a problem.

Realm Environment: The Kingdom of Bœf sits in the middle of a vast grassland that is well suited to farming. A few major cities dot the lands, but it is still a wild and untamed place.

I will be expanding on the information in the schematics spoiler.
The Legend of Ezio, the Unseen Pretender.

Spoiler :
Many years ago, the land of Falaxon was ruled over by a haughty tyrant of a king, who spent his days brutalizing the peasants under his rule for his own selfish gains. Preparing for a massive banquet, he ordered one poor farmer to raise a month's worth of crops in ten days. The farmer tried his hardest, but an untimely drought destroyed what little crops he had, leaving him destitute. Unmoved by his pleas, the king ordered he and the rest of his family slain. Rather than face death, the farmer fled and took his wife, sister, parents and two sons into the dark woods to escape the king's thugs. The first night, his aged father dropped dead of exhaustion and was left behind. The second night, his mother sank into a bog and drowned. The third night came, and his wife fell behind and was slain. On the fourth night, the man's eldest son stayed behind in a futile effort to hold of the king's men. The fifth night, his sister slipped on a bluff and broke her neck from the fall. The sixth came, and the youngest son was devoured by wolves after finding himself in the wrong cave.

Under a bright full moon, the farmer stumbled through the cold, dark woods on the seventh night. Starving to death in the midst of the woods, even the king's men had given up on him, assuming him dead. Deciding to rest for the night, the farmer gathered twigs and started a small fire. The little warmth it gave comforted him as he tried to ignore the stabbing pains of hunger and go to sleep.

Suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Something was there in the woods with him. Getting wearily to his feet, he raised his fists, preparing to go down with a fight. The dancing light cast by the fire revealed not a bear or wolf, but merely a small figure on four legs. It was a fox with a brilliant orange coat streaked with white. It walked to him almost casually, a strange bundle clutched in its mouth. Bowing down, the fox set the bundle at the man's feet and backed down, sitting by the fire. Curious, the man opened the bundle. To his surprise and delight, it contained a large loaf of bread. The man turned back to the fox, who rested its head on its paws.

"Take it," the fox spoke in a soft voice. "Payment for using your fire."

Ravenous with hunger, the farmer ate the bread, not questioning how the creature could speak. After he ate, he noticed that his meager fire had grown brighter and more radiant since the fox had appeared. Sitting down slowly, he studied the fox with caution.

"Yes, I can talk," the fox chided, as though he were a teacher instructing an ignorant student. "You are certainly not mad, although after what you've been through, I would not blame you if you were."

The farmer jumped to his feet with a start upon hearing the fox speak again. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The fox lazily rested his head on his paws. "I never saw fit to use my name. But I suppose, if you want, you can call me Ezio." The fox stirred and the fire seem to swell stronger. "Some would call me a Pretender. Personally, I was never fond of the title. I was blessed with powers like my brothers, but I never saw fit to use them. I prefer my anonymous existence over the existence of others. It lends to vanity and excessive pride."

"But there is so little I know of you, friend," Ezio said nonchalantly. "Nothing outside of you seem to be in a great hurry to escape someone. Why don't you tell me your story?"

The farmer relayed all he knew of the wicked king, his misdeeds, and the impossible demand he imposed on him. Tears in his eyes, he recalled the six nights previous and how one by one his family was taken from him. As the farmer finished his story, Ezio got to his feet.

"Wait," he requested, and vanished into the woods. Moments later, he returned with another bundle clutched in his mouth and set it at the farmer's feet. Picking it up, the farmer unwrapped the bundle to reveal a crudely fashioned dagger. Ezio sat back down at the fire, which surged with life again.

"Your story moves me, friend," Ezio said softly. "It seems as though you would make a better ruler than your king."

The farmer was aghast. "No, I couldn't kill him! His guards would kill me if I even..."

"The guards will not harm you, I promise you that. You must make like a dog at his knees, than strike when he lowers his guard. Flatter him, then slay him."

The sky brightened as dawn approached. Ezio got to his feet and looked at the farmer one last time. "If you indeed take his place, I promise you will find your happiness once again. Tell others of my existence and how I helped free them from the tyrant, and they will believe you. I much prefer to remain here, so I will grant you the use of my powers as you rule the land should you succeed. My only request is that you tell no one of your encounter with me save my name and form. Good luck, my friend."

With those words, the fox turned and departed, the fire dying away as he left. Determination in his heart, the farmer hid the dagger in his shirt and left for his home.

After three days, he found himself at the castle of the tyrant, who was accompanied by his men as he bullied the townsfolk. The farmer approached the king and bowed down to his knees in false reverence.

"My lord, my most honorable lord!" he cried in a loud voice as he fell to his knees. "I was wrong to deny you what you rightly deserve!" The king looked startled, but became amused as the farmer groveled before him. "Give me ten days time, and I shall raise enough crops to feed you and your men for a year!"

The king was impressed at the boast, and approached the farmer, placing his hands on his shoulders.

"An impressive gesture!" the king declared. "I resolve you of your crimes. I shall look forward to..."

Acting quickly, the farmer jumped to his feet and pulled out the battered knife. The king's eyes widened in shock as the blade was plunged into his chest. The farmer released his hand and the tyrant fell to the ground, dead. There was dead silence for a moment, broken by a cry as the king's guards charged at the farmer with their swords drawn.


One of the guards stepped between his fellows and the farmer, extending his hands. "No more blood will be shed on the tyrant's behalf!"

The guards stopped in their tracks, puzzled by the actions of their fellow. The lone guard removed his helmet, and the farmer's heart filled with joy. It was in fact his eldest son, presumed dead after remaining behind to fend off the pursuing soldiers.

"Death to the tyrant!" screamed one of the onlookers. The gathered crowd seemed to explode at these words into cheers and praises for the brave farmer. Even the guards seemed moved at the display, throwing down their swords in disgust.

"We thought you both dead," one of the guards said in awe. "Truly you have been blessed by a divine power."

"He was!" cried the captain of the guard. "Look at the wicked dagger!"

The farmer looked back to the lifeless body, and backed away as he saw the blade moving of its own accord, writhing and twisting as though it were alive. When the moving stopped, the blade resembled nothing more than a gnarled old branch freshly plucked from a tree.

"This is truly Pretender magic!" the captain exclaimed to the farmer. "A Pretender has chosen you to take the tyrant's stead!"

The lowly farmer recalled the words of the fox in the woods, and retrieved the gnarled branch from the king's chest. To his surprise, it changed form in his hands, taking the form of a blade, forged in gleaming steel and set with gold.

"Truly, you are destined to be our king," the captain said reverently. "I swear to serve you faithfully for the rest of my days, my king." The captain kneeled before him, the remainder of the guards and the townsfolk doing likewise.

As the farmer looked around at his new subjects, he saw the fox Ezio perched upon the roof of a nearby hut, unseen by all but him. Slowly, Ezio nodded his head in approval, and vanished.

Thus began the reign of the Alcron family over the kingdom of Falaxon. The farmer-turned king never broke his promise to Ezio, and told his subjects only his name. The Pretender still lives in the Black Wood to this day, secluded from the world and granting his powers to the Alcron family to rule as they see fit. To this day, only the royal family and Ezio's pilgrims have seen him in the flesh. and The Falaxon kingdom lives on to this day, fighting like the fox that won them their freedom from tyranny.

More to come later.
The Phoenix
Spoiler :
Born of the chaos,the phoenix is the only one of it's kind. Many have stated that the phoenix can not truly be killed. It is true chaos. It has no side, it has no force pushing it one way or another for a long period of time, an untrustworthy ally and an unpredictable enemy. The phoenix has never met true peace and it's life has always been a war since the day of it's birth.
Spoiler Phoenix Stuff :
Current Reincarnation: A male human knight((late 20's)). Fights for order currently.
Start: The Phoenix starts on the fringes of the world.
Innate Powers:
1. Reincarnation - As the phoenix dies, it bursts into a bright white flame. This flame burns everything within ten feet and permanently blinds everyone looking at it for another 40 feet after that. Each transformation is pure pain and the phoenix never knows what it would turn into in more than just physical shape of an intelligent species. The new form you see, has a fully new personality that fits to the form it ends up with. Allegiance changes on random - a Dragon reincarnation could fight for order and an angel one could fight for chaos. The Phoenix also gains the powers of the race it turns into and loses the powers of it's previous race. Powerful but a curse at the same time. Also reincarnates when it reaches it's races' general death age.
2. Fire Resistance - to the point that fire heals it's wounds.
3. Always visible - Walks the world like any mortal creature.
Realm Beginning: The kingdom of Firland began when the phoenix hid after his first reincarnation. It ran to the most comfortable place to could find. The firelands. It ran into some fire elves and challenged their chieftain. The chieftain accepted and the phoenix - that time a female half-ogre, quickly dispatched the fire elf in a couple of hits. She fought for chaos. The fire elves followed this half-ogre until she was stabbed by her last challenge. She told them all to run away as fast as they could. All the fire elves did so and the half-ogre exploded into flames and consumed the last chief of the fire elves. There wasn't a single scream from his lips as he just disappeared. A male dwarf walked out and started to order the fire elves around. The fire elves were absolutely confused and the dwarf asked if one would challenge order. The biggest brute stepped forward and the dwarf hobbled up, took out his knee caps and then smashed his face in. "Anyone else against aiding the war against chaos?" There was no reply and he knew they were his.
Realm Inhabitants: Fire Elves, Magma and Fire Mephits, Fire Giants, Fire Elementals, Minor Dragons, Dwarves, humans etc.
Spoiler Details :
Fire Elves - fire-colored Skin((From red to yellow)), black hair, a good resistance to fire, pointy ears, amazing dexterity.
Humans - brown skin, silver hair, other than that, normal humans.
Dwarves - Short, stocky, stronger than they look, great smiths.
Giants: Big, burly, fire-haired, not fully intelligent but still somewhat, mostly barbarians with no governing system.
Minor Dragon: Many MANY different colors, scales, leather-like wings, long jagged teeth, breathe fire by will, like seclusion or eating human livestock.
Fire and Magma Mephits - non-intelligent animal/monster. The Magma mephit spits a fireball from it's mouth while the Fire mephit can breathe a stream of fire by will. Blackened imps with wings.
Fire Elemental - Big moving flame. Deadly to non-fire resistant creatures and still somewhat-deadly to fire resistant creatures. Highly allusive and hard to control. Many wizards have died in attempting to control them.

Armies: The army mostly consists of Fire Elves unless the certain Fire Elf is a magician specializing in psionics((mind control of lesser creatures)). These magicians can control everything in the Firland minus lesser dragons, fire giants, other fire elves, and the phoenix though fire elementals tend to be quite hard to control. The fire giants and lesser dragons will only help if the Phoenix is fighting for chaos. Armies also contain mountain-dwelling Dwarves. Humans are mostly a levy from the farmlands between the mountains of chaos and the circle of fire.
Spoiler Details :
Humans form a militia sort of unit. They carry spears and bows. Dwarves form the heavy infantry part and are generally short and burly killing machines using any weapon made of steel.
The Fire Elves, form many different units. The types of units are; longbowmen, bodyguards, reserve((they fill the line where others fail)) are among the different units the Fire Elves form.
The Fire Giants would mostly be used as formation breakers. They would charge with their brethren at the strongest point and take it out. The minor dragons would fly around burning the ranged troops.

Religion: The Order of the Phoenix, A religious Order that is not race or gender specific. Religion centers on fire and the controllable chaotic nature of it. Changes somewhat with each reincarnation.
Domain Effects: The land defends itself. If an army enters the circle of fire, the lava flows can be redirected to slay the entire hostile army in one spectacular blurp. Do not attack me! :devil: Otherwise: The phoenix can control anything hot and/or burning.
Realm Stuff: The kingdom of Firland sits right in the middle of the circle of fire((volcanoes)). In an extinct volcano in the middle is the Capital city of Firland called Firuum. The population is mostly Elven but there are also Giants, humans, and Dwarves mixed into the throngs. There are two other cities. One for the humans and one for the Dwarves. The Dwarves carved their city out of rock and is called Darkmine. The humans built theirs in the middle of the plains at a fork in the Boa river and named it Heren's Ford.
Spoiler comment :
Think about it. A 3 foot guy walking beside a 5 foot guy walking beside a 6 foot guy walking beside a 10 foot guy.

There are small towns spread all over the domain of the Phoenix, also called Firland. Extremely spread out and chaos is wherever there is no settlement. The humans are kept out of chaos when the phoenix joins chaos.
Current Prophet: High Priestess Flamer. She is a human that was brought up through the ranks quickly. She is in her 30's. Note: High Priest/Priestess get a new name when they get raised. Her powers deal with fire and psionics. She can easily control fire elementals and can distract one fully-intelligent being for a second.
Spoiler Non-essential :
I deleted it before I got a warning or a banning. :)

That is an abuse of spoilers, no matter how meta it may be. >:C
Samael, the Bringer of the End, the Watcher of Ermor, The Gate, the Key, and the Keeper, and the Haunter in Darkness

Spoiler :
They all had prayed and prayed and prayed for her return. Their belief in her absolute, they refused to accept that she could be dead. A true god's power was absolute and omnipotent, and she was a True God. How could an omnipotent being die?

But when the hundreds of thousands of souls reached out towards her and the Pontifex thrust open the Gates of Death, what emerged from it was more horrific than anyone could have ever imagined.


It wasn't a small secret that the city of Eldergates was placed on top of the gates to the Underworld, where all the souls of the dead descended to. Erebus, Hel, Hades, Tartarus, it was all called differently by different cultures, but there was only ever one Underworld. Perhaps there were other gates similiar to Eldergate around the world, but Eldergate was the first one, placed when the Pantocrator just began to create the world out of the Chaos.

It was thusly considered sacred by the first Humans that were born to this earth. They revered the Great Gate, the promise that there were indeed, life after death. In time, around a temple that the earliest humans built under the Pantocrator's watchful eyes, a small town grew. The small town grew into a city under the Goddess's directions and soon it became the most populous city in the world.

And now, the entire population of the greatest city in the world was kneeling down in prayer.

Senator Ganus looked down on the scene with discomfort. There were heads everywhere as far as the eyes could see. Senators and the priesthood of Ermor was standing right next to the gate, eagerly awaiting the Goddess's return. Ganus had his doubts.

"Are you sure that this will work?" Ganus whispered to the senator next to him. "We have been praying to her for months. She has not yet responded. More and more I feel as if she had given..."

"Do not finish that thought," Senator Salvius said. "It smells of heresy. The ritual must work. The Goddess must return."

"If you say so," Ganus said. He sulked as he saw the ceremony continue. It had been the same routine for the last couple of months. Come to prayer, watch the ceremony, pray, dance the dance, swing a few incense sticks and...

"Hang on," Ganus said, suddenly observing something. "Who is that?"

"You mean you do not know yet?"

"That's the Pontifex's parents. They can barely move anymore. What are they doing here?"

"Do not ask questions, Ganus, simply pray and be silent."

Ganus watched wide-eyed as he saw the two aged couple lie down in front of the gates. They had an oddly serene expression upon their face as they lay there, holding hands with each other and staring up into the ceiling. The Pontifex drew a dagger.

"Stop!" Ganus cried out, standing from his seat. Several other senators and priests gasped and stood from their position as well. Normal civilians, too far away to notice the details of what was going on in the temple, simply continued on praying in their blind devotion.

The temple guards moved to seize or restrain any senators or priests that had shown objection towards the Pontifex's method. "Stop!" Ganus cried out desperately. "Offering one's elders as sacrifice was forbidden by the Goddess herself! What are you doing?"

The core of the priesthood around the Pontifex continued on, oblivious to his cries. If anything, they seemed to be hastening their pace, reaching a climax. Around them, the temple guards struggled to restrain some of the more eager priests attempting to break apart the ceremony. Ganus himself watched helplessly as the Pontifex raised his knife over his head. The core priesthood seemed to dance around him as the torches cast eerie shadows. Clouds were beginning to move in outside the window, as if the Goddess herself was expressing her indignance at the affair.

He felt the knife plunge into the Pontifex's mother as if it was his own. The Pontifex had broken one of the Goddess's commendments. He had broken his oath and sacrificed his faith.

Then the Pontifex raised the knife the second time. This was so stupid. How could the Pontifex even believe that going against the Goddess will return her to him? Why didn't they just accept her death? Why did anyone agree to do this?

Then the Pontifex plunged the knife into his father.

Then the Gates opened and then there was the brightest light that he had ever seen...


Pontifex fell away from the Gates as it opened. This was wrong. This wasn't the Pantocrator. This wasn't what he had bragained for. The being was immense. Perhaps as immense as the Pantocrator had been. It... he hesitated to give the angelic figure a gender as it had effectively covered its entire body with wings of dark feathers.

The entire city grew silent. The citizens of Ermor outside the temple had all stood up, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening inside the temple.

Then the angelic figure unfurled its wings. Then there were screams everywhere. Senators, priests, temple guards, whoever still had the sense to flee did so. The panic easily transferred down to the citizen standing outside, starting a stampede of people as everyone surged away from the temple.

Those who could not flee simply stood, staring into the angel in fear, or were trampled under their peers feet.

The angelic figure was a woman, beautiful but also somehow horrible. She held an immense scythe in one hand and was clad from head to toe with a black armor had many eyes. She exhibited an aura of fear that was impossible to ignore.

"Insolent Cretin," she glowered down at the Pontifex. "What did you seek to accomplish by this?"


"Call back the Goddess? She no longer exists. She must have told you so as well. Why did you go through with this act?"

"I... I don't know..." Pontifex admitted. "The people need her. What could I..."

"You could have honored her memories directed your people to move on. Do you not realize that the Pantocrator's sacrifice would have been meaningless if she could simply be called back to life in such a simple ritual? No. You do not understand. That is why you have done this."

The Pontifex's head fell. The angelic figure looked down upon him sternly before continuing.

"Nevertheless, your summons come at an opportune time. A war brews upon the horizon."

"War?" The Pontifex blurted out. "Who would conduct warfare in such a time of mourning?"

"Without the Goddess, many a Pretender rose to claim her throne. Soon, the entire world will be awash in mortal blood, fighting in the names of different Gods." She smirked. It was the most terrible thing that the Pontifex had ever seen. "I've even heard that some people were worshipping an anvil out for my blood."

Pontifex blinked. That was actually kind of funny. The atmosphere seemed slightly less fearful now.

"Who are you?" he blurted out. "What do you want?"

"I am Samael, the Watcher," she said. "I seek only to guard the race that I have watched over for so many years from harm. The plains will be awash with blood, the lake may turn red. and the cities will always be filled to the brim with cries of mothers, but even when the world turns rotten, I shall never abandon humanity, Her favourite children and my favored people. Even if there are hardships, those fortunate to survive will face a life of prosperity under my Watch.

And one day, I shall fully reveal the Gates of Death and then the living shall be dead and the dead shall be the living and there will be no difference between the two.

You shall be the Messenger of My Will to the rest of your people."

The Pontifex blinked rapidly. Was she saying what he thought she was saying?

Nevertheless... she was standing there. He couldn't simply refuse such a powerful being...

"I accept," the Pontifex said.

"Good," Samael replied. The Pontifex felt a surge of pain rush thoughout his body and felt something within him change fundamentally.

"Go forth, my servant," his new Goddess said. "Spread my word."

Pretender Form: 6 winged angel wielding scythe and donning a blackened armor with many eyes.

Start: Ermor. DUH.

Innate Powers: Incredibly powerful. The Reaper's Scythe that she holds is rumored to be able to carve an entire army apart with a single stroke. She can fly (duh) and her very presence brings the dead around her back to life to serve her. She exhibits an aura of fear and numbing cold that affects all enemies.

Armies: General Roman Army stuff (Legionaires, Javelin throwers, auxillaries, cataphracts, combat engineers... centurions... standard bearers... battle deacons... blah blah blah) mixed in with plenty of UNDEAD ROMAN ARMY STUFF.

Religion: The New Order of the Guardian

Pantocrator has fallen and the New Order arose from its ashes. Serving a new horrible Goddess, this religion is very similiar to the old, with its use of temples and an army of missionaries, but serves Death Incarnate instead of the All-Creator and seeks to bring the Promised Land onto Earth.

Domain Effect: Kills stuff very quickly. Brings unnatural cold and disorder to the land. Dead rise back up to serve Samael (free units) and those who survive the harsh conditions tend to be very fortunate individuals.
The crown and the crone

Spoiler :


When she first came to Hohenschwertenau, Laurenz the court inquisitor, marked her a witch, a woman of the wild, an abomination, and even worse. He rallied a mob of bloodthirsty courtiers and adepts and dragged her up the wailing hill with torches ablaze.
She didn’t wail thou, maybe she was to stubborn, maybe she was giving into her fate. At least that was Laurenz thinking. He had seen all types of behavior from women which where about to be put the torch, so he did not give it mind. Even thou he knew the crowd would have found a bit more show pleasing.
If he would have been more aware, at least a bit more clever, he maybe could have realized that she actually was holding powers beyond his imagination, far beyond those of an average town crone. She had ideas about things to come, so there was no need for wailing. And she certainly did not intend to please some mock inquisitor and his pack of dogs.
One of Laurenzs adepts, a boy called Gottlieb, came towards his master, asking if it would not be wiser to bring her to the “confession hut” for some questioning first, while making an obvious gesture toward his groins.
The “confession hut” was not much more than some wooden planks with the symbols of the pancreator painted sloppily at the door. Such a small effort to make rape look ligit, Laurenz thought while pondering the suggestion.
Surely he would have been into it, but happens he just visited one of the residents in the churches dungeon some hours ago, so all he wanted was to see that crone go into flames. Also it was important to deny the wishes of underlings from time to time, just to remind them that there was order to behold, an hierarchy to accept.

While his dogs where setting up the pyre some of the townsfolk was gathering, so Laurenz knew it was about time to put on his stern inquisitor face and to start the show.
The wind blew some ash of other occasions into his eyes making him weep. If he wouldn’t have known the pancreator to be dead he would have thanked him for this gift of deceit.

“See woman of the wild,
this is what you do with pious men like me,
you make me cry, you hurt me most.
Women like you, they kill, they hurt, they mutilate
for pleasure.
I find nothing but sorrow in hurting any living being,
yet you force this on me.
Believe me, it hurts me more than it hurts you.
If I could I would love to pardon you, to spare your live.
But we men must protect our families.
On the loose you would return to your life of poison, of curses and blasphemy.
Oh I can see it in your wicked eyes, you would just love
to steal the millers girls and raise them one of your own,
to deceit the smiths son from his betrothed,
to eat the lieutenants baby,
The list went on and on. Laurenz tried to include all the townsfolk present, just to remind them it was all for their very personal protection.

Just, when the pyre has been set up and Laurenz came to his conclusion an unexpected visitor came along. Happens the young king was passing by while he returned from a bird hunt with gorgeous betrothed. Shame she couldn’t been marked a witch, be dragged to the hut and be ****** real good, Laurenz thought to himself.
It took him a moment. A moment of shocked silence and dismayed stares to make him realize that he actually did say that. It felled like the gate of hell where opening beneath him. Suddenly he knew this to be his last day.
He knew no one would help him now, even thou he looked around for his underlings. But his mob was no more, they where turning their faces away. They knew to survive they would need to be the first to condemn him.
His eyes fell on the crone, the was smiling faintly.
“It was her! She put those words into my mouth! She actually is an witch! Your Grace, I would never say something like that! I would never even think something so evil! It was her please believe me... Good Pancreator help us!... Dear Grace look at her, don’t you see that she must be the source of such blasphemy. She is one of those women of the wilds, one of them claiming the pancreator to be dead! She took control over my tongue. She did! Please!”, Laurenz cried out in panic and felt to his knees.

His Grace actually did ride up to the pyre and have a look on the crone. But happens he saw something else in her. When their eyes first met a smile was settling onto his face, a smile he had reserved for his betrothed that far.
He unmounted an was talking to her in a lowered voice, she answered with a whisper. They exchanged word for no one to hear for quite a while.

When finally they where done talking, his Grace turned around and declared that crone to be freed and to be put poor honest Laurenz to flames instead.
Pale as a dove, Laurenz was crying out. He knew it, that evil witch had bewitched his Grace. Trying to explain that to his loved king, to the men which used to follow his word every time, his own word felt strange and hollow to him. He did not sound believable anymore.
When the hag was stepping down from the pyre, she stopped to look into his eyes. Suddenly she didn’t look that evil anymore. There was actually something to her. Something soothing his pained soul.
With a coy whisper she asked his Grace to spare him from the flames and to put him into the dungeons for his wrongs instead.

Down in the dungeons there was little talk reaching his ears. All he got to know was that the strange lady accompanied his Grace to the court. And that the betrothed left the town on the morrow, with a smile on her face, telling her father it was all good.

Pretender Form: An old human lady. A crone, but yet with the beauty of eternal youth.

Start: Fertile lands lots of rivers, birch trees

Innate Powers: She can seduce any man and woman with one smile. She can give the Bliss to whole town, armies, countries... She can turn brother against brother if she demands them to fight for her. Men would do anything to please her.

There is a standing army of chivalrous knights and a standing "army" of circles of witches. The first are bound by honor and title to the king, and a eager to please the queen and her lovely sisters. The second are under direct control of the queen, and are the "priests" of her religion.

Religion: The maiden, the mother and the crone

1. Be chivalrous!
2. Protect your family!
3. Respect the elders!

Also there be religious secrets, not known to anyone but the witches of the circle. Like:

1. Men need to feel loved.
2. Men need feel strong.
3. Men need guidance!

Domain Effect: Blissful peace or sheepish obedience, depending on the point of view.
Contemplations on Theology

As she slithered through the thick jungle, occasionally slashing at a vine with one of her falchion, Madhavali couldn’t help but be troubled. She had been the first consort of Pavitra Baccē, and both the nāga and lōga referred to her as his prophet but that did not mean she did not feel doubt.

Her tail propelled her quickly through the thick underbrush with a dry sort of silence, her scales protecting her from thorns and biting insects. Even her slitted yellow eyes were protected by a clear eyelid that protected her from the jungle’s grasp. She was at home here, in these jungles that shifted and changed with the will of her master. Indeed, such was her link to him, that she felt the jungle too, a sort of continuation of her self, an awareness that extended beyond her. Those thoughts turned her back to her doubt. She knew there was a link between this land and Pavitra Baccē, for she was of him and she shared that link. But amongst the lands of man, when she visited Lōgapur (the city of man), she did not feel that link. The steles said that one land was as the other but that the jungle, the ancient ruins of Nāgapur (city of nāga), and even the holiest site, Lake Manosarowar, were all one, created by the Pantocrator, an expression of her love for all of creation. And yet, Madhavali knew they were different. Her lord, indeed even she, was strong in the lands of the jungle; their rule was absolute. The hooded and venomed slithering cousins were everywhere, their flickering tongues praising Pavitra Baccē each time they tasted the air. Amongst the lands of man, it was different. She could feel the faith of man driving the jungle to new fertility, pushing up the shoots and bringing rain and she knew that their faith brought the cobras. But that was it- it was the faith of man, and of those few nāga who made their home beyond the shadowed forests- that shaped the lands, not the will of her master. So why was it different? And why did she worry?

It was these thoughts that had driven her to seek the solitude and quiet splendor of Lake Manosarowar. As far as she knew she was the first and only mortal name-giving creature to visit the lake. She liked that. The stele alluded to but did not state that it had been the birthplace of her lord, that it was here that the ancient Pantocrator had smiled upon a simple water flower and with a breath given it life and form and thereby opening a new chapter in the perfection of creation. The thought made her smile again; she was an integral part of the perfection of creation also. By their patience and hard-work they would continue and finish the project the pantokrator had begun.

Finally she arrived at the lake. It was vast but its boundaries were shallow for many miles and millions of small islands dotted its rims, each home to many trees, their branches and the vines that grew upon them intertwining to form a continuous canopy over the broken waters. The air was thicker here, warmer too perhaps and the raucous sounds of the jungle just a bit more hushed. No doubt the monkeys, birds and others sensed the holiness of the place and couldn’t help but quiet their chatter in solemn deference. She slid herself into the waters, parting lilies and lotuses quietly as her form returned to the element that all nāga were born to. The waters were cooler than the jungle and immediately she felt the heat bleeding out of her. A sense of comfort and serenity slowly blossomed insider her. She slid between the islands and finding a wide patch of deeper water upon which the sun broke through the canopy to shine, she took a moment to study her reflection. From the waist down she was snake, her tail nearly fifty feet long, thick and strong, capable of squeezing the life from man or boar in seconds, its length covered in shimmering blue-white scales patterned in gold and a darker blue. From the waist up she was both snake and woman and something else. Though much larger than any mortal woman, she, like them, had stomach and breasts, shoulders and arms. Unlike woman, her arms numbered four, much like her lord and many of the more senior nāganin (female nāga). Her face and neck were like those of a cobra, complete with hood and fangs and shining yellow eyes, though no cobra had ever grown so large as she. She, like most nāga, wore a breastplate of copper and gold, inset with jewels. Combined with their rhythmic, snake-like motion, the minor mangicks of the jeweled armor might hypnotize a would-be attacker and save her scales from having to turn an opponent’s blade. But here she had no need for the armor and she quickly discarded it, taking note to remember where she laid it. With a single strong push of her tail she took to the deeper waters, turning on her back that she might stare at the sun and feel its warmth upon her face and breasts even as the water’s coolness tempered its heat. Overhead dragonflies buzzed and darted, lazy from the sun's heat reflected on the waters

Here she did not feel fear or anxiety and felt she could better turn to the theological questions that had been troubling her. Taking a clay jug from her belt, she sipped slowly from it, savoring the cow’s milk that the lōga had left as a holy offering to her. And that brought her back to the issue with which she grappled- the lōga- man- woman- those who walked on two-legs. The nāga had brought them faith and worship, had saved them from fear and ignorance. They had visited nāgapur, sometimes in search of its jewels, sometimes in search of the wisdom of the stele, sometimes, for the more enlightened, as acolytes of the faith eager to serve their masters but they had all returned with the wisdom of Pavitra Baccē, the one who had been born here. They, like she, had read and reread the shifting steles, had drunk thirstily at the wisdom they offered. Some had gone back to their homes to live the wisdom. Others had stayed and served the nāga priests more directly. Others had returned to their people to share with them the wisdom and to form the priesthood that would organize the lōga. And so it had been.. for as long as most lōga, and even many nāga, could remember.

But there were whispers. There were doubts regarding the way it was. The lōga were ruled by the nāga- it was simple. But many of the lōga did not see it that way. They preached that there were different roles for each but that in the eyes of lord Pavitra Baccē, there was no real hierarchy. Indeed, some of the lōga had obtained such proficiency in the rituals and adulations that the nāga had taken such pride in mastering, that it was difficult to argue otherwise. And yet many did, though not publicly and never the nāganin; they left such passions for their male counterparts. But the issue had stayed with Madhavali and she had spent the better part of the day studying the steles, seeking the wisdom of her lord. She had focused on the teachings of reincarnation and finally, realizing that there would be no association between ‘perfection’ and reincarnation as a nāga or imperfection and reincarnation as a lōga, had given up, seeking instead the quiet solitude of the sacred waters.

Now, thinking more and more on the issue, she realized there was nothing in the wisdom of her lord that suggested that lōga must serve nāga. It was the way it had always been and certainly it was the way the nāga would like it to always be… but would it last? And if it didn’t, what would happen?

Suddenly her thoughts were broken by a movement below the surface. There was something else in the water with her- something large.
The Eternal Pyre

Spoiler :
The Pyre knows not when it was first sparked but it does know that it was for the benefit of the Angels that it was made. During the reign of Pancreator the Angels would gather around the Pyre for warmth an companionship while the Pancreator forged the world out of Chaos. The Pyre was happy for it had constant companions and a sense or purpose. But then the Pancreator sacrificed herself for the sake of the world and one by one the angels left to pursue their own paths and left the Pyre all alone. The Pyre felt betrayed by this abandonment but could do little as it was bound by its hearth.
But luck was on the Pyre side as one day a poor downtrodden man wandered into the Pyre's hearth and began to warm himself by the Pyre. The Pyre's spirit soared this man would be the solution to its loneliness, while one man could not equal a host of angels in terms of companionship if enough humans warmed themselves by it the pyre could regain its purpose. Then a more sinister thought arose from the Pyre if it could gather enough power from the humans it could bring its vengeance to those that left it. The Pyre reached out to the poor man and offered him power beyond his imagination if he would bring the Pyre's warmth to the world.
The man panicked as flames spread across his body but despite the burns spreading across his body he felt no pain instead a gentle warmth and a surge of power. he accepted the boon that was offered to him and became the first disciple of the Pyre.

Form: A massive fire, while it can't move on its own if something is caught on fire from it its presence spreads with the fire. The Pyre is capable of gifting power to those it chooses, those with the power are often covered in burns, the more burns the more power they have. The flames of the Pyre can temporarily bring the dead back to life but this is not often done.

Start: Somewhere in The World

Armies: Medieval in nature, Paladins are quite common, Martial orders like the Templars are the core of the army while supported by general levy troops. There are some Orders of Pyromancers that can be found on the battlefield but rarely in large numbers.

Religion: The Disciples of the Pyre
There are many holy orders that make up the Disciples each one has different practices and preaches different values. Common values are of family, loyalty, strength, fervor, and passion.

Dominion: To those that worship the Pyre in its dominion they fell a gentle warmth and a feeling of strength like when one warms themselves by the fire after being in the cold. To those that don't follow the Pyre its realm feels oppressively hot and they constantly feel exhausted.

Prophet: He is the first man to discover the Pyre, his name has sense been forgotten and he is only known as the Burned Man. His entire body is covered in burns granting him great power and is often considered a living conduit to the Pyre's power. To prevent panic from spreading from the sight of his body he wears hooded robes and a mask at all times.
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