Update 4: 2203
North America
Railroad Expansion
Vancouver, Canada
The Alaskan government, seeking to increase not only trade and industry, but cooperation with it's neighbor Canada, has signed a deal allowing for the expansion of railroads connecting Juneau to Vancouver in the south, then the Canadian capital at Toronto. Canadian and Alaskan workers were used in the project, creating a multitude of jobs for both nations. Small taxes on the railroads in Alaska gave more funds for the company to expand both jobs and pay for the workers, allowing increased production.
Farther south, the very hyped Californian high-speed monorail was given clearance to expand from Los Angeles to Mexico City. Similar to the new Alaskan railways, Mexican and Californian workers were used in the construction of the monorail, though it was obvious from the get-go that it was a primarily Californian project, that utilized joint Mexican-Californian funds.
(+50 Californian IP, ++3 Californian IP, +1 Californian EP, +50 Mexican IP, ++3 Mexican IP, +1 Mexican EP, +70 Alaskan IP, ++4 Alaskan IP, +1 Alaskan EP, +60 Canadian IP, ++4 Canadian IP, +1 Canadian EP)
Alaskan Population Growth
Anchorage, Alaska
Lower education costs and a surplus of jobs have led to a large number of immigrants to look towards the Final Frontier as a final chance. Refugees, specifically from the Mexican Civil War have been offered transportation on behalf of the Alaskan government to fill out the Alaskan work force. While some native Alaskans aren't necessarily happy all these immigrants are taking away jobs the extra amount of industry has given the Alaskan economy quite the 'bump'.
(+1 Alaskan EP, ++3 Alaskan IP)
Military Coup In Yucatan
Progreso, Yucatan
Ignoring the protests by it's large Mestizo population, the Yucatan government was overthrown this year by a large army amassed by General Augusto Oclloun. Oclloun quickly established himself as President of the new republic, promising elections within the next 2 to 3 years, pending on 'the situation at the time.'
(+Yucatan Stability)
Cal-Industries Established
Sacramento, The Californian Union
A corporation, if it can be called that, was established outside of Sacramento this year, in an attempt by the Californian government to better trade relations with capitalist nations. The corporation named, at least for now, Cal-Industries has largely been staffed with Hawaiian entrepreneurs, who the Hudsonist government chose for their expertise on capitalistic ventures. The first steps of C-I has been to buy up several quite large Mexican businesses in varying business sectors.
(+1 Banked Californian EP)
Terrorism On The High-Seas?
San Francisco, The Californian Union
Two Californian ships have been blown up outside of San Francisco harbor, after apparently running into undersea mines. During an ad hoc rescue attempt on behalf of another ship, this one from the Ezo Republic, a torpedo struck the rescuing ship, sinking it along with most of it's crew. The death toll from these attacks have been listed as being upwards of one hundred dead, and many more injured. The Californian government has had little choice but to do some random sweeps of the bay, to check for more mines, and to find where the torpedo came from, which has hampered trade, if only by a bit.
(-5 Californian IP, -2 Ezo IP)
The Sagamie-Nord Métamorphose
Kuujjuaq, Quebec
A growing population has greatly increased Quebec's industry and economy the past several months. Refugees from the fighting in France have been finding a new home in their old colony, after being given passage across the Atlantic with the help of the Quebecois navy. Several thousand of these refugees moved to colder locations in the north of Quebec, rather then the large cities in the south, in the hopes of starting anew. New jobs, and resource harvesting programs being funded by the Quebecois government has been a key attraction, and the government is hoping to have the Northern part of the nation be far more economically viable then it currently is.
(+2 Quebecois EP, ++11 Quebecois IP)
Mexican Elections Disputed
Mexico City, Mexico
The crisis with involving Californian, Texas and the Mexican Republics has yet to find a conclusive ending. Back-door deals with the Mexican government has seen Mexican Emperor Juan Bosé I step down from his absolute monarch status, and take on a much less significant role in the Mexican government, in exchange for the promise that California will end all association with the Hudsonist rebel groups that have been running rampant in the north of the nation. Instead, a new parliament was to be elected by the citizenry of Mexico this year, and both the Socialist, Obrero del Partido party and reactionary Hidalgo de Partido claimed a victory, with Hidalgo citing Obrero activists intimidating voters into voting for them. Regardless, the Mexican justice system legally declared the Obrero del Partido the election's winner after months of lengthy debate. Divisions have continued, as many are claiming that the Californian Union essentially bought the election for the Socialists, though the Hudsonists have refuted all direct claims.
(-Mexican Stability)
Mexican Civil War Continues
Torreón, The People's Revolutionary Republic of Mexico
Despite the wheeling and dealing between Emperor Juan and Comrade Hudson, the issue of the Mexican Civil War remained very potent, with the Hudsonists in the north refusing to lay down their arms, even though Californian support to their cause was non-existent. The Hudsonists managed to either convert, or expel most of the Northern Mexican army, in the chaotic days after the first elections in the Mexican government. As soldiers moved north from Mexico City, they began to find themselves in hostile territory closer and closer to the capitol. Part of an entire Imperial Mexican army was destroy in fighting outside of city of Torreón, with PRRM general Alexander Arellano maneuvering his rag-tag forces in a manner that allowed for him to almost completely surround the Imperial forces.
The victory has allowed for the interim government stationed in Chihuahua to request international recognition, or aid, though the requests have as of yet fallen on deaf ears. Only token aid has been given from Panama.
(-4 Mexican Regiments, -4 Mexican Fighter Squadrons)
Tensions With California
San Diego, California
Tensions between the nations the Californian Union, and other nations in North America have continued to deteriorate this year, as the Mexican elections came under foreign criticism, and the Civil War continued to escalate. Alaska took a bold move early in the year, declaring an embargo on Californian goods, and the move was set with silent approval from Cascadia. Texas has continued to be the most vocal opponent of California, with Don Wyatt giving a series of rousing speeches against the Californians on the Texan State Radio and Television networks. War fever is certainly sweeping Texas, though cooler heads have managed to maintain a more diplomatic stance against California, despite what Wyatt views as Californian war mongering. The Mexican 'sham' elections are what really seemed to throw him over edge. Deseret has thrown it's two cents as well, albeit if reluctantly behind the Texans, in the hopes of maintaining an even, peaceful North America. President Zachary Josef of Deseret declared Hudsonism, and it's forceful spread into Central America and Mexico, the most obvious threat to North American peace, and has vowed to act in accordance with Texas if need should arise.
Texan Withdraws From The Rio Grande Republic
Monterey, Rio Grande Republic
Several weeks of more intensive fighting broke out, between the Texan and Rio Grandean soldiers, Hudsonist rebels, and anti-Texan rebels. The joint military force managed to kill and capture several hundred Hudsonists, including some of the rebels that were supposedly involved in the murder of Texans, and the destruction of property. An agreement was reached between Wyatt and the Rio Grandean government, in which Texan forces would withdraw from the nation, so long as the internal situation in the Rio Grande Republic remains stable. At the slightest hint of upheaval, the Texan military is promised to sweep in and 'set things right'.
Population Movements in Canada
Thunder Bay, Canada
The Mormon population around Yellowknife has continued to grow, with smaller Mormon communities being set up around the rest of the Northwest Territories, with some even extending into Alberta. Mormon missionaries have been fairly successful in converting some of the local populations into God loving, and generously donating members of the New Church of the Latter Day Saints.
Quite a large number of Quebecois have managed to move into parts of the Prairie Provinces, though a large amount have taken up residency in western Ontario.
(+10 Canadian IP, ++1 Canadian IP, +Influence of NCLDS)
Jamaican Independence
Kingston, Jamaica
Last years rebellion against the light hold the Antillean Confederation had on Jamaica was ended this year, as the island gained it's independence. Bruce Hall, previous leader of the Jamaican Secession Party was chosen to be the island nation's first leader after independence. Vowing to see that Jamaica be economically successful after the secession, trade deals with New England were made immediately. New England has become not only Jamaica's largest trading partner, but also a major investor in the island nation. This economic relationship has led to critics of Hall to decry him for swapping 'one foreign ruler for another', yet the relationship has thus far been only beneficial to both nations.
(++2 Jamaican IP, ++2 New Englander IP)
The People's Cup
Los Angeles, The Californian Union
The San Diego Storm managed to secure a victory over the Richmond Eagles in the People's Cup this year, 31 to 27. San Diego Storm running back and star player Victor Ebaniez had a truly epic game, as he managed to get 101 yards rushing, and 43 yards receiving, scoring 2 of the Storm's 3 touchdowns against the Eagles. Ebaniez had the honor of being the games 'Most Valuable-Player', receiving a trophy from Comrade Hudson herself, and a 'victory kiss' on the cheek.
Great Russian War 'Ends'
4 years of fighting from Finland down to the Causcaus states have finally officially ended, with Chernorussiya completely annexing what had been the Russian Republic of Russia. Massive protests spread throughout the region, with Chernorussiyan forces aided by Californian forces in trying to maintain order. The agreement was reached by representatives from the Chernorussiyan government, and the government from the RRR, which by that point had effectively lost all control over the military and people it was supposed to be governing.
News of the peace meant nothing to General Kustodiev who had essentially ruled the Russian military with a free hand the past two years. His armies fought on, though increased and more focused pressure from the Chernorussiyan military forced him to split the remnants of the Russian army into guerilla groups, and with the aid of partisan resistance groups have continued to carry on the fight. Special operations attacks have hampered the major organization process of the Russian guerillas, with many major insurgent leaders being killed in daring raids, with less qualified replacements attempting to continue in their place.
Despite it's advance technology and skill of it's soldiers, Chernorussiya has struggled with maintaining control of such a massive amount of land and people. Chernorussiyan efforts have been noble, however, with pro-government propaganda highlighting the medical advances and technological advances being annexed by Chernorussiya brings. A common cultural heritage has also been cited, though the citizenry has yet to subscribe whole-heartedly to the Technocracy.
As a side-effect, the nation of Transcaucasia claimed independence, after its calls for some sort of recognition were ignored in the peace talks.
(-The Russian Republic of Russia, +Transcaucasia, -3 Chernorussiyan Regiments, -1 Chernorussiyan Fighter Squadron, +50 Chernorussiyan IP, ++4 Chernorussiyan IP, +1 Chernorussiyan EP, -Chernorussiyan Stability, -1 Californian Regiment)
British Unionism
Glasgow, Scotland
The whispers could be heard throughout the Scottish parliament. British Unionism, once again, became a major topic of debate between political parties, with the previously small, and often ignored Unionist party gaining some more public support. The war has certainly brought Scotland and England closer together, in terms of economics and industry. The concept of a Unified Britain (save for the Norse cultured Northumbria) is certainly an attractive one. With election's taking place next year, the Scottish Unionist party is looking to secure some seats in parliament.
French Nationalism
Marseille, Occitania
Years of what has essentially been considered German military rule, and the expansion of German culture has led to the growth of what can best be described as a new French Nationalistic movement. The fighting in what had been Northern France, had been enough for a few hundred French nationals to cease the initiative, and begin attempting to secure their freedom from an otherwise distracted Franco-Germanic Empire. Partisan groups began showing up around the North Sea lines, and received more than a little help from North Sea forces, through actual supplies and direct funding. Paris itself has become a major battleground for the French National forces.
Regiments have been dispatched from various Coalition countries to help put down the revolution, and more loyal French citizens have condemned the actions of their ex-countrymen. The government of the Reich, led by a Frenchman, Pierre Breland has issued many notices to it's citizenry about the importance of unity in the conflict, though it's effects are questionable.
French citizens seem caught in the crossfire, with large amounts of them heading north, to be picked up by routinely sent Quebecois ships, or have attempted to head to the south into Occitania, who have actively been protecting and taking in refugees. War spirit has taken a grasp on Occitania, who's soldiers stand at the ready on the border. Tensions have been growing increasingly, as the wish for a unified France is becoming more and more possible.
(-1 Padanian Regiment, -1 Franco-German Regiment, -30 Franco-German IP, --3 Franco German IP, -1 Franco-German EP, -Franco-German Stability, +10 Occitanian IP, +5 Quebecois IP)
Spanish Industrialism Grows
Madrid, The Kingdom of Spain
Years of encouragement, and subsidies, from the Spanish government has finally seen a small economic boom take place in Spain. Production has increased by a noticeable margin, as Spanish factory owners are reaping the benefits of the war with Morocco, and the North Sea powers.
(++4 Spanish IP)
Peace in the Mediterranean
Palermo, Naples
War between the Tripolitan States, and the alliance of Naples and the Hellenistic Empire ended this year, with representatives from the 3 nations meeting in Palermo. The Treaty of Palermo gave back the entirety of Sardinia and Sicily to the Kingdom of Naples, along with the southern portion of the Italian peninsula, allowed for King Luigi to claim himself as 'King of Southern Italy', a rather hasty claim from the perspective of the Franco-Germanic Empire, but a slightly valid one nonetheless.
Luigi wasted no time touring his new lands, and found that even after years of African rule, the people and culture present were still thoroughly Italian.
(++3 Neapolitan IP, +Neapolitan Stability)
Scandinavian Integration
Uppsala, The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia
The Norse Imperium, wanting to unify Scandinavia quickly as possible, wasted no time in passing forth a series of laws that expedited the process of integration between the Norse Imperium, Finland, the Sapmi Republic and Norway. Dubbing itself the United Commonwealth of Scandinavia, the process was instituted first in the old Sapmi Republic, where resistance has been all but eradicated. Not only given the opportunity at reconciliation with the new ruling government, but also the opportunity to elect officials in the new Scandinavian parliament, support for the union was surprisingly high in the battered old Sapmi Republic, with many veterans of the fighting from just a year or so ago, actively becoming a part of the new UCS regime. King Henric himself visited the northern region on a good-will tour, that helped foster better relations with the newly conquered nation.
With the recent conquest of Norway, and rebellion in Finland, the USC government hasn't been quite able to direct their efforts at complete Scandinavian intergration yet, though if things go as well as they have in the Sapmi Republic, it should be an easier process then expected.
Scandinavian industry has also received a large boost, after a few years of government war-time encouragement. People seem to be willing to work more, for less, so long as it goes towards guaranteeing a Scandinavian win in the war. Fanatical volunteers have joined the military as well, for no pay. While the turnout was far less than Henric III had hoped, it's still better than nothing.
(+20 Scandinavian IP, ++4 Scandinavian IP, +1 Scandinavian EP, +2 Scandinavian Volunteer Regiments)
The Conquest of Norway
Trondheim, The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia
The Trondheim perimeter was broken this year, with most of the Scandinavian military able to pound the Norwegian resistance into submission. Massive funds were given to what remained of Norway, allowing for them to recruit citizens en masse. Men, from the age of 18 to 70 were given a rifle, and pointed in the direction of the oncoming Scandinavian attackers, who, ended up, attacking from all sides, consistently, and more brutally each time. Between assault waves, and bombing runs, the USC military offered surrender to Norwegian soldiers willing to give up. And while at first, this had little effect, by the 3rd and 4th week of fighting, many of the Norwegians simply had enough. A mass retreat towards Franco-Germany was ordered, with most of the Norwegian navy and airforce attempting to make it to occupied Reich-Jutland, with Scandinavian forces in hot pursuit.
The Norwegian army soldiers that stayed behind initially attempted to take to the mountains in a guerilla style campaign, but quickly found the brutality of the Scandinavians, along with the seclusion and hopelessness of the situation rather hard to handle. The ships and planes that manage to avoid Scandinavian attack en route to Jutland delivered the Reich all the money and resources they could, in the hopes of continuing the fight against the Scandinavians elsewhere.
(-Norway, +3 Franco-Germanic Gun-boats, +5 Franco-Germanic Fighter Squadrons, +1 Franco-Germanic Bomber Squadron, +1 Banked Franco-Germanic EP, +1 Banked Padanian EP, -7 Scandinavian Regiments, -1 Scandinavian Armored Brigade, -5 Scandinavian Fighter Squadrons)
Rebellion In Finland
Helsinki, The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia
Finnish rebels have continued to tie up previously Norse, and now Scandinavian arms, with mass insurrection occurring this year, as the window of opportunity seems to be closing for the rebels. Supplies from dozens of Coalition countries made it into the region, with those still able and willing to take the fight to the USC doing so. Numbers however have dropped, whether it be from defeatism behind the lines, or defeat on the lines. The USC has proven itself to be a particularly difficult enemy to fight, with ruthless resolve, and questionable tactics used against dissenters. Finnish soldiers that managed to put statements out to their Coalition allies compared the USC to a barbarian horde posing as an army. Polish ships managed to break through Scandinavian naval defenses and deliver some soldiers to the Finnish rebellion, though supply lines are thin, and the overall effect has been negligible.
Though the resistance may be faltering, the Finnish independence rebels are still draining valuable resources from the Scandinavian military.
(-2 Scandinavian Regiments, -1 Scandinavian Militia, -10 Scandinavian IP)
Bombs Over Jutland
Arhus, The Franco-Germanic Empire
Jutland has been named the 'peaceful' front over the winter, though the Franco-Germanic soldiers serving there have noticed it to be anything but. Constant assaults by the Scandinavian airforce, and the Reich's interest elsewhere has cut up occupying soldiers and equipment to a very large degree. Attempts at Scandinavian uprising have been largely unsuccessful, however, with only moderately small groups having any type of major effect on occupying forces. Still though, the Reich has not had it easy occupying the peninsula.
(-1 Franco-Germanic Regiment, -Franco-Germanic Stability, -3 Scandinavian Fighter Squadrons, -1 Franco-Germanic Fighter Squadron, -1 Polish Fighter Squadron)
The Fighting In Northern France
Brussels, England
North Sea forces steadily retreated early in the year, giving way to a massive, joint Breton-Reich assault. Flanking move, after flanking moved caused some English regiments to be completely surrounded in the retreat, leading to what seemed to be an absolute victory for the Coalition. However, once the front reached within a few miles of the coast, a North Sea Fleet, coupled with almost 50 fighter squadrons, along with bomber support began striking at the assaulting Coalition forces, who had little chance but to dig in, as naval forces from Spain met up with the Breton and Reich navy in an attempt to counter the move. Yet it was to little avail. North Sea airpower was just too strong, and their ground numbers were too large. The North Sea army started advancing along the Rhine, after receiving some help from the Dutch Republican army.
French partisans also aided in the advance, as Coalition forces soon found themselves under attack from multiple sides, by different nationalities. North Sea air power continued to give them a major advantage, while a joint Coalition naval group could only pick off smaller amounts of North Sea ships, still unable to deliver a crushing blow to the combined navys. Reserves from Padania were called up, to help bolster the Reich's army, and by the end of the year the North Sea advance down the Rhine had reached a standstill. Meanwhile, in what had been the Lowlands Union, the Dutch revolt continued in full swing, with more support from England. Republican forces managed to take over most of what had been classically Dutch, with English forces destroying much of what was left of the Lowland's Union. What hadn't been destroyed by advancing North Sea and Dutch forces retreated into Germany, and were taken over by the Franco-Germanic Empire.
(-4 Breton Regiments, -1 Breton Armored Brigade, -3 Breton Gun-boats, -1 Breton Destroyer, -3 Breton Fighter Squadrons, -7 Franco-Germanic Regiments, -1 Franco-Germanic Armored Brigade, -2 Franco-Germanic Gun-boat, -1 Franco-Germanic Destroyer, -1 Franco-Germanic Submarine, -6 Franco-Germanic Fighter Squadrons, -40 Franco-Germanic IP, --3 Franco Germanic IP, -1 Franco Germanic EP, +1 Franco-Germanic Fighter Squadron, +1 Franco-Germanic Bomber Squadron, -3 Padanian Regiments, -4 Padanian Fighter Squadrons, -2 Spanish Gun-boats, -1 Spanish Destroyer, -2 Northumbrian Regiments, -2 Northumbrian Gun-boats, -2 Northumbrian Fighter Squadrons, -5 Scottish Regiments, -1 Scottish Armored Brigade, -2 Scottish Gun-boats, -1 Scottish Destroyer, -2 Scottish Fighter Squadrons, -5 English Regiments, -1 English Armored Brigade, -4 English Gun-boats, -1 English Destroyer, -1 English Submarine, -3 English Fighter Squadrons, -1 English Bomber Squadron, -2 Scandinavian Fighter Squadrons)