Capto Iugulum: Building the 20th Century

This is Spain's kick-ass new flag.
Spoiler :

The flag itself is the RL one.

The coat of arms is the one of the Catholic kings, but with several changes.
  • First quarter: a castle that represents the Kingdom of Castilla.
  • Second quarter: a rampant lion that represents the Kingdom of Leon.
  • Third quarter: four red lines over yellow, representing the Crown of Aragón.
  • Fourth quarter: chains over red, representing the Crown of Navarra.
  • Point: a pomegranate over red and green, representing the Crown of Granada.
  • Center: a Tartesic star with the Cross of Don Pelayo over blue, representing both the pre-Roman Kingdom of Tartessos and the old Kingdom of Asturias.
  • St John's Eagle: one of the symbols of the Catholic Kings.
  • Yoke and Arrows: the same.
  • At the sides, the Columns of Hercules with two caravels on top, and the words PLUS ULTRA ("Further Beyond") in them. This represents Spain's control over the Strait of Gibraltar, the role the sea has played in the formation of the Empire and its willingness to take risks.
  • Over the Eagle, a red band with "Spain" written in Arabic, Latin and Hebrew: it represents Spain's past as a land of Romans and the Jewish and Muslim people that lived and still live in Spain.
  • Below the Eagle, a green band with five silver Tartesic stars. This represents the five regions where Spain's flag flies: Homeland, Africa, Caribbean, Asia and Pacific.

EDIT: Holy hell, TerrisH, you really need to spell check that.
This is (provided Normandy is happy!) the flag of the Franco-Burgundian Confederation. The colours represent the founding kingdoms (Normandy, red; Paris, white; Burgundy, blue and yellow stripes). When Orleans's republicans revolted to join the Confederation, they had no national flag other than the old Royalist one, and as the plan all along was to join the Confederation, the rebels simply adopted this flag. When Poitou, Dauphiné and Piedmont joined, there seemed little point to any of them in changing this very fine flag, especially given the fact that it was already famous and well-loved and given that Orleans was happy not to be explicitly represented on it; so it remained as it is today.



  • simple confederate flag.png
    simple confederate flag.png
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Nitpick: Orleans', not Orleans's. Not to be an spoilsport, but it looks a lot like the French republican flag. You just added a few yellow stripes to the blue third. Also, your statements of how beloved the flag is are, frankly, very surreal.
Yes, Spain will allow pilgrims of either Christian, Jewish or Muslim religion to travel to Jerusalem. (Though, I don't know if I got the Holy Land in the end...)

Like I said, if you do gain it. you plan to, so it's a possibility, which I had to plan a possibility for. you just defused said possibility, so it's not valid no, and EQ can ignore it. or such-such. meh. to much double think.
Nitpick: Orleans', not Orleans's.

That's rubbish. In England many people do it the latter way, which in my informed opinion is the right way. It is different elsewhere in the world and in different circles.

Not to be an spoilsport, but it looks a lot like the French republican flag.

So what? This was my second try; I made another flag that looked nothing like the French republican flag, but I decided that this one was the best one. It happens to be mildly ironic; what's wrong with that?

You just added a few yellow stripes to the blue third.

No, I actually reached this flag from first principles; I thought, "How can I make a flag that represents all the founding nations of the Confederation equally and in a clear, heraldically proper, manner?" and I reached this conclusion. I could reasonably have used no other colour for Paris or Normandy, and no other pattern for Burgundy.

Also, your statements of how beloved the flag is are, frankly, very surreal.

No they aren't; we've just presumably gone through many years of revolution and conflict so this flag can be flown with pride throughout northern France and Burgundy.

Nitpicking my flag is just bad-natured. Have you decided you don't like me, or something? I really can't see what your problem is that causes you to do down a perfectly good flag and correct my grammar, which is generally considered rather rude.
Nitpicking my flag is just bad-natured. Have you decided you don't like me, or something? I really can't see what your problem is that causes you to do down a perfectly good flag and correct my grammar, which is generally considered rather rude.

No, I do not dislike you. Sorry if I was rude, I just got in a discussion with Nuke about his roleplaying a really, really pitiful bunch of Filipino diplomats, and it made me feel very angry.

Though, the thing about Orleans'/Orleans's is just because all my English professors always said that words ending with s did not add the 's, just the '.
That's cool. :)

The grammatical rule in question isn't a hard and fast one in England. Plurals always have the possessive apostrophe after the s and no extra s, but singulars ending in s can add an extra s, or not add an extra s, more or less as you like.
Though, the thing about Orleans'/Orleans's is just because all my English professors always said that words ending with s did not add the 's, just the '.
Same here even though I am most likely living in a different country.
Though, the thing about Orleans'/Orleans's is just because all my English professors always said that words ending with s did not add the 's, just the '.

I think most native English speakers have absolutely no idea which it is. I'm suspecting that your professor is correct, but I'm just as clueless as all the others who speak the language natively... and therefore have the right to ignore the rules. :p (being facetious and sarcastic, of course).

Speaking of ignoring the rules, here's what you all can expect from the US army:

The flag of Flanders:

Spoiler :

Took Flanders' regular coat of arms, with the red claws off to symbolize our commitment to peace, and added the two black bars to make it more of a "national" flag than a royal standard. Plus IMHO it looks good, though the yellow bar may be a bit off center...I'm not sure...
I really like that flag, spry, although I'd prefer that the Cross of Normandy is preserved rather than the color. ;).
Scandinavia. Blood and glory!
Spoiler :
@Terrance: Do you prefer this? The cross represents Normandy, the colours of the cross and the border represent Burgundy, and the white background represents Paris. This can be our naval ensign instead. :)

@LoE: Your picture isn't showing.

Spoiler Confederate Naval Ensign :


  • Normandy_flag_large.png
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YES! Both are acceptable. So it really depends if you want to lean an Ironic Franco-Burgundy "In the footsteps of Charlemagne" for which you go with #1 or try to strike out as something unique in western Europe "There is no France, only Non-Iberian Spain, and Burgundy" for which #2 would seem better, and establish a stronger disconnect.
Good luck. Do Normandy Proud. :D

I wonder what sweet, helpless nation I shall take over and manipulate this time. Since it is the main NES, I should either pick something hopefully long term, or I should have a series of nations I will "develope" and work through it and get some world history research under my belt as well.

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