Influx of New Info


Benelovent Chieftain of the Ursu Kingdom
Dec 27, 2006
Inside a Ziggurat
Somebody needs to make a complete list of known changes, additions etc, since I do not wanna read every single artcile if 60% of it is already known.

Spoiler :
Constabulary - Counterintelligence Building - Unlocked by Banking - Deters / Prevents Stealing of Technology
Police Station - Counterintelligence Building


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Zurich - Mercantile
Valetta (sp?) - Military
Milan - Commercial (?)


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Aztec, Spanish, Arabia, Spain, France UAs unchanged from Civ selection screen.


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UA: Nobel Prize - Gain +90 Influence (Note: Auto-Ally threshold from Neutral) with CS if gifting GP. When you DoF someone, both Civs get +10% GP generation.

Here, Morningcalm. :) The peace music for Sweden.

Another link.

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UA: East India Company - Retain 50% of happiness from luxuries traded to other civilizations.

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UA: Druidic Lore - +1 Faith for each City next to an unworked Forest tile. +2 Faith (total) if City is next to 3+ unworked Forest tiles.
Pictish Warrior - Replaces Spearmen, Gains Combat Bonus in Foreign Lands (like the Foreign Legion), Pillages without movement cost (like the Norse), Generates half the strength of a killed unit in Faith (before any strength changes, this is half the generation of the Aztecs' Culture generation).
Ceilidh Hall - Apparently replaces Opera House. Additionally produces Happiness.

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UA: Diplomatic Marriage - Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State (details unclear).
UU: Hussar - Replaces ??, no other information known
UB: Coffeehouse - Replaces ?? (Theater?!?), no other information known

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UA: Long Count Calendar - Apparently works with changing their calendar to the Mayan Long Count after Calendar is Researched. Theorized that every baktun (or so) will give you a new GP. Perhaps other bonuses.
UU: Atlatl - Replaces ??, no other information (An atlatl, IIRC, was an item that you could slot a javelin into to create a lever action to increase its range. Therefore, this should be a ranged unit.)
UB: Pyramid - Available early, no other information

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UB: Stele - Details Unknown


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Research Agreement moved to Education

Embassies show other capitals. Classical Era.


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Limited number of 'spreads' available. Consumed after last one.

Conversion occurs through 'pressure'. Exact mechanic unknown. Great Prophets eliminate other religions when used as Missionaries.


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Papal Primacy (Founder Belief) - Shifts the neutral point of CSs that follow your religion, similar to the Patronage policy. Without other changes, with both active, the CS is automatically Friendly.

Pagodas (Follower Belief) - Allows the purchase of Pagodas with Faith. +2 Faith/Culture/Happiness

Enhancer Beliefs:

Spoiler :
Defender of the Faith: +20% Combat near friendly Cities that follow this Religion
Holy Order: Missionaries and Inquisitors cost 30% less Faith
Itinerant Preachers: Religion spreads to cities 30% further away
Just War: +20% Combat near enemy Cities that follow this Religion
Messiah: Prophets 25% stronger and earned with 25% less Faith
Missionary Zeal: Missionary conversion strength +25%
Religious Texts: Religion spreads 34% faster (68% with Printing Press)
Religious Unity: Religion spreads to friendly city-states at double rate
Reliquary: Gain 50 Faith each time a Great Person is expended
(h/t: Arioch)


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Opener: Shrines and Temples constructed in half the normal time.
Finisher: Everything purchased with Faith costs 20% less. +3 Gold/Culture from Holy Site


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Finisher: Able to purchase Great Scientists with Faith.


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Tech Changes:

Classical Era now two tiers long.
Shrine added to Pottery
Composite Bowman and Terracotta Army added to Construction

New Tech:

Drama and Poetry: Unlocks Great Epic and Amphitheater (replacing Temple as 2nd Culture building)


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Truffles (boars/pigs on map) - Luxury Resource - Improved with Camps
Crabs - Luxury Resource - Improved with Fishing Boats (presumably)
Salt - Luxury Resource - Improved with... Mine?
Copper Resource - Unknown


Spoiler :
Catapults don't require Iron.

Spearman Strength: 10
Horseman Strength: 12

(Note: This means that Celtica produces 5 Faith from a Spearman kill, whereas the Aztecs used to produce 7 Culture. Perhaps Aztecs change the numbers to match?)

Privateer unlocked with Navigation.

New Ship under Navigation (Galleass?)


Spoiler :
Alhambra confirmed.
Many Wonders moves later in the tech tree, apparently.

Petra unlocked by Currency. Machu Picchu and Treasury not unlocked by Currency.

Neuschwantein gives you +3 Gold , +2 Culture and +1 Happiness for every castle

Great Lighthouse moved to Optics.

Stonehenge produces 5 faith per turn rather than 6 culture per turn.

Himeji Castle not under Bushi^H^H^H^H^H Chivalry. (Seriously, Himezi Shiro would be much nicer.)

Notre Dame unlocked by Physics.

Education no longer unlocks Porcelain Tower.

Thank you, cuc, for your summary.

Formatting.... easier to read and find information?
And it would be good to have the discussion more centralized, because it is difficult te remember in which thread which new info is being talked about.
Could you also include the city states in your list?
Absinthe: I certainly could, but as I focus more on the effects of the various game systems, and not their flavor, I have not paid a lot of attention to the names. I'll work on that now.
I really like that catapults won't need iron. Knights never did, and they are all about teh irons.
My summary:



Steampunk scenario screenshots:


The Celts
Druidic Lore: City generates more faith near unimproved forests.
UU: Pictish Warrior: combat bonus outside of friendly terriotory, pillaging costs no movement, receive faith equal to half enemy strength upon eliminating enemy unit.
UB: Ceilidh Hall: unlocked by Acoustics (likely replacing Opera House), culture, happiness, artist slot.

Diplomatic Marriage: Using gold to annex or puppet allied city states
UU: Hussar
UB: Coffee House

The Maya
The UA seems to involve receiving "Maya Long Count Bonus" at certain intervals. The bonus may include great people.
Also, likely after discovering Calendar, the game year display switches from CE to Maya Long Count.
UB: Pyramid

Techs and Buildings

New wonder: Alhambra
New tech: Drama and Poetry
New building: Pagoda (faith, culture, happiness), Police Station (counter-intelligence)
New improvement: Holy Site (built by Great Prophet)

New resource: Truffles (forest, Trapping, the boar resource previously seen)
New natural wonder: Uluru
Commercial CS: Zurich
Militaristic CS: Valletta
Other CS: Jakarta, Manila, Mombassa

Drama and Poetry unlocks National Epic and Amphitheatre.
Currency unlocks Petra, no longer unlocks National Treasury and Machu Pichu.
Chivalry unlocks Alhambra, no longer unlocks Himeji Castle.
Navigation unlocks Privateer.

Education no longer unlocks Notre Dame and Porcelain Tower.
Colossus moved to Iron Working, Great Lighthouse to Optics, Great Wall to Engineering.

Stonehenge now generates +5 faith in addition to the +1 Great Engineer Point.

Diplomacy and Espionage

Early diplomatic option:
Establishing embassies with each other. Allows you to see the location of each other's capital. Required for Defensive Pact, Open Borders and so on (the other options still need to be unlocked by techs).

Research Agreement unlocked by Education.

The longer your spy does survellance, the higher chance of success and lower cost.
Spies can know what wonders other civs are building.
The true intention of AI can be known as early as 15 turns in advance.


Spearman: 10 strength
Horseman: 12 strength
Catapult: 7 strength, +200% vs cities, no longer requires Iron

Religion and Policy

The first Great Prophet is probably now born at 200 faith, rather than randomly.
Any religion can buy Missionary and Inquisitor using faith. Both can be used for limited times, and are consumed after last use.
Great Prophets can also be used to spread religion, and probably can do it 4 times with 2000 strength of faith (Missionary: 2 times, 1000 strength of faith). They also remove influence of other religions when spreading your religion.

Some Enhancer Beliefs have been revealed. See them at AriochIV's site:

Starter: Shrine and Temple build time halved
Finisher: all religious units and buildings purchased with faith 20% discount, Holy Site provides +3 gold, +3 culture

Finisher now allows purchasing Great Scientist with faith.


Empires of Smoky Skies:
Designed by Anton Strenger

Random map, 5 empires in a fictional universe.
Starts at discovery of Steam Engine, wholly new tech tree, Steam Era and Airship Era.
Compete for 5 titles: most landships and airships, most world and national wonders, owning the city of highest production in the world, highest gross gold income, most social policies.
Hold 3 titles for 5 years to win.
No religion, no religious and militaristic City States, Barbarians are now Luddites who has no advanced units.

Moderator Action: Notes by The_J for further editing:
  • Monuments produce faith
  • Great Prophets don't have a name
  • Maya capital: Palenque, 2. city Tikal
  • Spies can also rig elections, bleed an enemy of resources via the art of sabotage
  • There are two types of "Landship", and two types of Airship
  • Stockholm + Helsinki are on Sweden's city list
  • new tech tree analysis
  • What happened to trading posts
  • No more male titles for female leaders

Spoiler :








The_J: Just to make sure, please note that the work I've done on this is edited in the second post, upthread.
UU: Atlatl - Replaces ??, no other information (An atlatl, IIRC, was an item that you could slot a javelin into to create a level action to increase its range. Therefore, this should be a ranged unit.)
You are correct. This may, however, still be a speamen/pikeman replacement, as it was capable of piercing metal armor (due to the same slot that increases range, combined with the sheer size of it.) , so its strength should be quite a bit more than any archer/bowmen/x-bow unit. (I'm thinking it could be kinda like what they did with Camel Archers and Keshiks as knight UU's.)
Pax: Oh, I agree. I was not saying it should replace a ranged unit, but that it itself should be a ranged unit. :)

Of course, as a fan of Total War, I keep wondering when my Roman Legions will have their pila. ;) (Though I would guess Rome in CiV represents the Empire and not the Republic?)

Ack, spelling error! Fixing!
Great work, thanks for that. There are a lot of changes in there that I'm really happy about. Breaking up HS - PT - ND especially. It's basically a new game as far as strategy goes. I'm excited! Can't wait to get my mits into this.
For all this new info, the most impactful change yet spoiled is... no iron cost on Catapults.
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